White House lashes out at Newsweek
The White House has urged Newsweek to take the lead in repairing the US' image among Muslims after its retracted report about desecration of the Koran.
The White House doesn't seem t...
Scott Leffler
Only on Fox ...
During Fox News' coverage of the Capitol and White House evacuations on May 11, the channel's "Fox News Alert" banner twice read "RNC headquarters evacuated," referring to the Republican National Committee. Ot...
Scott Leffler
GWB - Not a dud ...
Alright, so maybe the president is (a dud), but according to this news story, the grenade near the president in Georgia, was.
From the story:
A hand grenade found close to George W Bush during his visit to the ex-Sovi...
Scott Leffler
Anorexic student denied Valedictorian Title
KINGWOOD, Texas - Karen Scherr is the top academic student in her class at Kingwood High School in the Houston area, and she has been for the past four years.
But when the 18-year-old receives her diploma this month, she’ll do so without the title just about everyone expected her to have: valedict...
Scott Leffler
Was WWII Worth It?
I was dumbfounded, too when I saw the headline to this column by Pat Buchanan, but that's exactly what he asks.
I find it a bit strange that a Bush cronie - a supporter of the war against Iraq would wonder in WWII w...
Scott Leffler
Bush touts economy's strength
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Capitalizing on recent positive news about the economy, President Bush says Congress should support his agenda on trade, Social Security and energy or risk endange...
Scott Leffler
Olberman's take on the Newsweek Story
Olbermann Rocks
Keith Olbermann tells the Newsweek story in a way only Keith Olbermann could.
Scott Leffler
On the Filibuster
Scott Leffler
Toxic releases decline, but worst soups persist
US base closings could add to cleanup tasks despite EPA report of pollution declines.
The good news about toxic pollutants in the air, soil, and water is that overall levels are coming down. But according to the Environmental Protection Agency some of the most toxic substan...
Scott Leffler
US 'ignored Iraq oil smuggling'
The US turned a blind eye to the former Iraq regime's $8bn trade in smuggled oil, a new US Senate report says.
The report says the US was well aware of both the smuggling and the kickbacks Iraq solicited from players in the UN's oil-for-food programme.
So if we're ignoring it ... doesn't tha...
Scott Leffler
Freedom of the press?
New Survey Finds Huge Gap Between Press and Public on Many Issues
By Joe Strupp
Published: May 15, 2005 9:30 PM ET
NEW YORK A survey to be released Monday reveals a wide gap on many media issues be...
Scott Leffler
Fillibuster Poll ...
Our ability to save the Supreme Court from President Bush could hang in the balance...
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) is hatching a plan to allow President Bush to pack the courts with extremist judges. Frist wants to take...
Scott Leffler
Democrat plans Social Security bill
Rep. Wexler of Florida to propose payroll tax boost for high-income Americans, maintaining benefits.
WASHINGTON (CNN) - To the consternation of his Democratic leadersh...
Scott Leffler
Shill Your Television
Mustn't See TV
The Buffalo Beast, one of my favorite rags, explores why the media ignores atrocities while reporting on stupid stuff like "Runaway Bride" in [url=http://www.buffal...
Scott Leffler