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Presidential IQ
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OK, I'm probably going to take a lot of flak for this, but....

George W. Bush is stupid.

That having been said, let me iterate a few talking points before continuing. I'm not concerned with Bush's policies, his opinions, his politics, his party, his re-election, his family, his faith, or his wealth. I'm not comparing him to Kerry, nor am I referring to the lies he perpetuates or the propoganda he spews. I am concerned primarily with the mental competancy of our President, arguably the most powerful office in the world.

I am watching a press conference right now. Bush is being asked simple, forward questions by the press. I then listen and watch his behavior. And all I can do is shake my head.

He can't answer questions. He can't explain his programs. He stutters, fumbles, stares blankly and faulters all over the place. He changes subjects when he can't think of what to say. He resorts to common phrases rather than answering queries like "It's a tough situation" or "Now is the time to get this solved." He sounds like an average 4th grader trying to explain cellular mitosis. His favorite words are "um' and "uh" and he uses those words in every single sentence. (I just counted, during a random portion of the p.c., and in one minute he used them 19 times.) He's clueless, confused and obtuse. He seems incapable of putting two coherent sentences together without dangling participles or inventing a new word. He's certainly good at memorization. It shows when he starts to give an intelligible answer and then veers into his good 'ol boy empathy act, then right back to his canned response.

Is he dislexic? Did he have a stroke? Seriously, is there some viable reason why he acts like a moron?  (And why must he bob his head whenever he tries to illustrate a topics' simplicity? You've seen him do it...does he think it helps him relate to us?)

This man has simply failed to display the intelligence proportionate to a person in his position.

Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes... If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.


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All politicians have to take a manditory class to learn this behavior. Just like Doctors and the hand writing deal.

-- Edited by alwayswatching at 21:18, 2005-03-16


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He's had years to learn how to speak in public, understand the issues, etc.  This guy's just an idiot, and I'm surprised the powers behind the throne even considered putting him into the spotlight.



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It could be worse we could have ketchup boy in the white house.

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein

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Mindcrime says--

"I'm sick to death of these "Swiftboat Veterans for Truth" poking their nose in politics."


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Does anyone know the IQ's? This issue seems to be running several threads right now.


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There should be an I.Q. posting limit set here on the board. I've seen some posts that should be graffittied on rubber walls.


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Start a poll--

I think that GWB's I.Q. can't be more than 100 at most.


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Here's another sad truth. There are a lot of people that are agressive with low I.Q.s. That's a very dangerous situation. When will we ever try and educate instead of hate. Opps. Almost got off topic there and over to those other ones. Sorry.


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No more than 89 - 95. Not a notch higher. I've had conversation with smarter corn stalks!


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Mindcrime, it is good to see you still have it in you. I had to dig pretty deep in this forum to find anything worth responding to.
Ahh...where to begin? First I believe we need to define IQ because no one here seem so to possess one that is high enough to have learned what it means.
Intelligence quotient: Function: noun: a number used to express the apparent relative intelligence of a person that is the ratio multiplied by 100 of the mental age as reported on a standardized test to the chronological age.
Do you really believe that your ability to communicate effectively, under enormous scrutiny, 100% of the time defines your intelligence? I have met many people that are far smarter than I that lack the propensity for profound conversation. I believe that he is an extremely competent individual. He did manage to get elected to the greatest office in the entire world. TWICE.
Now I suppose the conspiracy theorist will come out of the virtual woodwork, espousing that the great and powerful Karl Rove orchestrated the Bush Presidency and he is merely a puppet. And then we can all start in on Condi and how she is a puppet for Bush. How about an intelligent debate over Supreme Court nominee John Roberts?
Just a couple of seeds for thought to spawn some intellectual debate. I know you have it in you Mindcrime. Come on Mindcrime. You can't really believe that Bush is stupid. It equates to picking on your buddies on the playground by calling their mother fat. A simple statement, albeit eloquently posed, to create a reaction that generates no real dialogue but sustains the fast food for thought that has become the foundation of this forum.

I suppose we would be better off with Kerry. I mean he was smart enough to get away with the following:

"Secret FBI Documents Reveal Kerry Accepted Laundered Contributions
Senator Also May Have Set Up Meetings Between Chinese Firms, U.S. Officials

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released recently declassified documents showing that Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John Kerry accepted laundered contributions for his 1996 re-election campaign from the Communist Chinese government and that, in exchange, he may have arranged meetings between Chinese aerospace executives and U.S. government officials.

Obtained from the FBI through Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act requests, the documents are related to the FBI’s “Chinagate” investigation into the Clinton campaign’s acceptance of contributions from Communist Chinese government sources. Among the documents released is an investigative outline dated March 27, 1998, that details the FBI’s “proposed areas of inquiry” into the actions of Democratic fund-raiser Johnny Chung, including questioning him about meetings Sen. Kerry set up with China Aerospace executives and about a fund-raising event for the senator in Los Angeles. The other document, dated Aug. 24, 1998, requests a polygraph of Chung, mentioning that he laundered contributions for the Clinton/Gore ’96 election campaign and for Sen. Kerry. The documents are heavily redacted, and Judicial Watch is appealing the FBI’s decision to keep secret portions of the documents.

This is only a small sample of the corruption that exists within this party. Desperate times call for desperate measures. The Democratic Party is dieing. Union membership is sinking even faster and that is a core constituency. No one on the left will even admit that that is what they are. They are all becoming self proclaimed moderates. They see the writing on the wall. How many elections do you have to lose before you realize your ideas, or lacks thereof, are crap?

I will say it again. Most people, who proclaim to be on the left, are to ignorant to even know why they hold this affiliation beyond some basic ideology. Nothing amuses me more that to walk into a room full of our lovely, soon to be unemployed, unskilled union laborers and listen to their rant about politics. I confidently ask them why they are leftist and beyond the obvious pro labor cliche they draw a blank. Of course most of them have more trouble forming a sentence than GWB (that was for you Mindcrime).

Anyway. That is enough of a rant for one day. Take care.

-- Edited by truthpatrol at 23:18, 2005-07-25



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truthpatrol wrote:

Come on Mindcrime. You can't really believe that Bush is stupid. It equates to picking on your buddies on the playground by calling their mother fat. A simple statement, albeit eloquently posed, to create a reaction that generates no real dialogue but sustains the fast food for thought that has become the foundation of this forum.

Welcome back, you have been digging...

When I suggested that George W. Bush was stupid, I researched it, I pondered and pontificated, looked at comparatives, and I stand by my conclusion: G.W. Bush is a mental midget. Although I didn't refer to his IQ specifically it seems most of the time he never grew up past his college days. My conclusions go far beyond his public speaking abilities. His behavior, his actions and his demeanor all point to someone who is being led by the hand through his presidency. His past is riddled with examples of more competant people bailing him out of rough situations which he created for himself.

As further evidence, I give you this excerpt from a press conference:

REPORTER: "I know you said there will be a time for politics, but you also said you wanted to change the tone of Washington. Howard Dean recently seemed to muse aloud whether you had advanced knowledge of 9/11. Do you agree or disagree with the RNC that this kind of rhetoric borders on political hate speech?"

GEORGE W. BUSH: "Yeah, uh, there's time for politics, (pauses for 2 seconds) and, uh, y'know, [shrugs his shoulders] (5 seconds) It's time for politics and, uh, (2 seconds) I, uh, (4 seconds) It's some sorta insinuation."

Read it aloud with the painfully silent pauses, imagine the blank look he had on his face for the duration of his 'answer,' then realize he didn't even come close to answering the question. Personally, I think his hidden microphone lost it's signal for a moment...

(If anyone wants a copy I'll email the video clip to them...)

Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes... If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.


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Truth Patrol,

Welcome back to the fold. Here's to hoping we can have some honest debate around here.

But your first post, i must admit, leaves me pining for substance. Allow me to paraphrase.

"Bush isn't dumb. Kerry is. And, um, he's corrupt too!"

Come on, Truth Patrol. You're better than that. Get into it!!!

'til then.

- Scott Leffler - Host and Moderator

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It's been a while since this was first posted, and my opinion hasn't changed yet. Bush is still an idiot. He's nothing but a puppeteered figurehead.


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Sorry Mindcrime   

Truth Patrol wrote:

“First I believe we need to define IQ because no one here seem so to possess one that is high enough to have learned what it means.”


This is a good point even if it is a bit condescending. The Wechsler Intelliqence Scale is the most commonly used instrument to measure the IQ. It measures ability on 2 scales, verbal and performance, to arrive at a full scale IQ assessment. Each scale contains several sub-categories to measure perceptual organization, distractibility, processing speed, social reasoning, inductive reasoning and overall achievement. It is not uncommon to score anywhere from below average to superior on any of the sub tests. For example one could have high vocabulary score, but a below average comprehension ability and still fall into the superior range for full scale IQ. The overall full scale IQ is deceiving because a formula is used to combine the sub test scores to give you an IQ number. The IQ test does not measure how smart you are, but rather what you are capable of understanding.

-- Edited by shughes at 13:20, 2005-07-26

Do not go where the path may lead - Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail: Emerson

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Actually, Truthpatrol made that statement.

He also made this one: "Do you really believe that your ability to communicate effectively, under enormous scrutiny, 100% of the time defines your intelligence?"  I would say Yes! People who communicate the most effectively are the ones who understand their message the most, who have the most passion concerning what they're saying. All Bush is doing is reading off a teleprompter and memorizing prepared stances. That's why he screws up all the time. He doesn't care about America, not in the abstract he doesn't. All he cares about is his pocketbook and his rich friends. How many poor people do you suppose he talks to on a regular basis or has lunch with? (Cheesy photo-ops don't count.) Even before he had political responsibilities, he strictly hung out with oil tycoons, CEO's, Saudi princes, and other high society types. When he speaks to the American people, he has no idea who he's talking to or what their concerns are.


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Thank you for pointing that out anon, I went back and fixed it. I agree with you that people who understand their message are able to communicate it more effectively. Having a strong command of the English language also doesn't hurt. A person’s IQ score along with the sub scores might give you an indication of how well that person is capable of understanding complex issues. Unfortunately it won't tell you how smart they are. Just because someone is capable of understanding does not mean that they have taken the time to learn what is needed to understand. We also need to remember that an IQ test is a standardized test, and I think I will leave it at that.

Do not go where the path may lead - Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail: Emerson

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I believe that comprehension and communication are two completely different things. You do not have to be a strong communicator to have excellent comprehension. Bush does his best when he is not reading of from the teleprompter and he is speaking from the heart. On a separate note, I do not believe there are many national politicians have lunch with the poor folks, except for the photo opps. There are many problems in the political arena and elitism is one of them. This does not change the core ideals. People are so busy slinging empty rhetoric that they lose sight of what it important. It saddens me to see how many people would rather spew off mindless banter than to try to better themselves and those around them with insightful debate. I enjoy reading, or listening too, an opposing view that actually convinces me I may need to rethink my position. I think it would be arrogant to try and pretend that my views are always right, or for that matter, that the views of a political party that I affiliate myself are always dead on. I chose to dissect each issue based on its own merits and then form an opinion. The internet has provided a valuable research tool and I will continue to look at facts before I let emotions take control and my loyalty to a party line take over.

To state that Bush is stupid is a ridiculous argument. I do not believe any politician on the national level is stupid. Most of them have gotten there with very hard work. With the exception of Hillary who got there riding the coat tails (or some other unmentionable appendage) of her husband. And yes Scott I even believe that Kerry is a smart guy.


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Sorry the last post dated Fri Jul 29 10:13 AM, 2005 was from me. Have a great day and better weekend.


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Anonymous wrote:

To state that Bush is stupid is a ridiculous argument.

It's not an argument, it's a statement of fact. The guy's a total, freakin' retard who needs help with everything.



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Anonymous wrote:

Anonymous wrote:
To state that Bush is stupid is a ridiculous argument.
It's not an argument, it's a statement of fact. The guy's a total, freakin' retard who needs help with everything.

Way to go spineless! I wouldn't post my name on such crap either. And using that word "Retard". You should thank god you or someone in your family isn't. What should I expect from a Dem...Grow Up or grow some balls and post a name...unless you don't believe the crap that spews from your mouth.

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein


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jspeer wrote:

And using that word "Retard". You should thank god you or someone in your family isn't. What should I expect from a Dem...

You assume that Anonymous is using the word retard to describe people with learning disabilities. They are not the same thing. Retard means: "1) to slow down or obstruct. 2) a person who is stupid, obtuse, or ineffective." Neither of these definitions refer to people with mental handicaps. They are NOT stupid or ineffectual. A 'Dem' would know the difference. As demonstrated, Conservatives do not.

President Bush is retarded.

Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes... If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
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