Given the recent Schiavo case and all the discussion of a living will and health care proxy, I thought I'd pass on to you a link I heard about this morning on WLVL's early morning news.
I'll tell you this - my family and I will be filling out our living will's to make sure we're not kept alive by the Republican machine against OUR will. Hope you take advantage of the opportunity to do the same.
If I became brain-dead like Schiavo, I wouldn't care about a living will, except maybe to spare loved ones the pain of having my body sustained by artificial means.
Those same Republicans are re-writing the rules as we speak. They lost this one, but they'll be back with a vengeance and your living wills will be outlawed altogether.
let the sun beat down upon my face -
And stars to fill my dreams
As I understand it, even the most secure and legally documented living wills are often ignored anyway. Whether it's contested by the family, friends, congresspersons or most often the doctors, having one doesn't seem to make a difference. The 'living' will do whatever they like to whomever they deem to be 'dead.'
If these documents are going to be called 'living wills,' they should be treated as such. They should be the final word in any decision. Period. Otherwise, why bother going through the trouble to create one?
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
I did not see this one before must of been off in song land.As use to work in the health care field I can tell you most proxys we delt with were followed to the tee.Most mistakes take place if you can not get to the papers.I was proxy for both my parents and I never went against thier wishes.Even when I thought I may want to for myself,But I did not.I can tell you if you have one and your ill post it on the frig.Next to your bed.And do not go to a hospital that does not honor them.The ones that start with ST.Once a tube goes in it does not come out very easy.....There everyone happy....I said something that made sense maybe
In regard to hospitals starting with St.- I know a young woman with 6 kds (she's not even 30 yet). The last one was born at such a hospital, and the mother almost died in childbirth, had a heart attack, etc. .. she asked for her tubes to be tied while they were in there with the C section, and they said it is against hospital policy. But they did tell her not to get pregnant again as it would be life threatening. She did eventually have the procedure done later (laying her up for a time with the 6 kids). I think this policy should be revisited. It's plain old fashioned.
Now don't come back at me with "why doesn't she just use birth control?". DUH. I guess that a personal issue between her and her hubby.
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.
my mom's doctor told her to use the "orange juice method" of birth control ,
confused she asked "before or after " the dr replied "instead of" . she had three kids .
My mom's living will was followed to "the t" even though myself and others thought she should have tried a little harder to fight the glioblastoma multi forme that killed her , i lobbied strongly and set upp appointments with an un local university medical facility - her case was presented to their board that reveiws these things and she was approved for study and treatment - but - during the time it took for the approval her condition declined to below the minimum for acceptance to the program ; she and my father declined any treatment except from hospice to keep her "comfortable" , which they (hospice) failed at miserably . she told me many times as she was fading that this was a "horrible" way to die . she was diagnosed on 7-6-04 died on 11-08-04 72 years old , except for the brain tumor , pretty healthy . not a fat couch potato . non smoker .
it was her choice - she made it while she still able to make choices after my uncle died of lung and brain cancer , and although i did not agree i never attempted to force my choices on her . if anyone had it probobly would have failed as they had a lawyer consult on their living wills - we have a copy of my dads already - he wants the same thing if it comes to that -
my brother in law went the other way -he also died of a glioblastoma multi forme brain tumor but he was 51 non smoker - he had no living will - his wife tried what ever she could to prolong his life and misery - and he lived from diagnoses to death about 18 months - the last 2 months for him were hell on earth i am sure . i watched it , but he could not speak to tell us .... we tried to set up a code of eye blinks , with some limited sucsess , but it is not the same as speaking ....
my mom was a teacher at lewport - my brother in law served on an aircraft carrier in the vietnam war -my uncle lived inside the lake ontaio ordnance works boundries -all were probobly exposed to radiactive waste or ionizing radiation in one form or another .....
I don't think so many people developing the same cancer is a coincidence. Why does our Gov't turn its back while innocent people continue to die? Is this a national problem? Maybe you should seek out help from groups in other areas who have had success in fighting to get the Gov't and businesses to be held accountable. I didn't realize what a crap hole we live in.
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.
quote: Originally posted by: mike of the mountain "my mom's doctor told her to use the "orange juice method" of birth control , confused she asked "before or after " the dr replied "instead of" . she had three kids . "
Maybe I'm a little naive, but...the orange juice method?
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
quote: Originally posted by: kspeer "In regard to hospitals starting with St.- I know a young woman with 6 kds (she's not even 30 yet). The last one was born at such a hospital, and the mother almost died in childbirth, had a heart attack, etc. .. she asked for her tubes to be tied while they were in there with the C section, and they said it is against hospital policy. But they did tell her not to get pregnant again as it would be life threatening. She did eventually have the procedure done later (laying her up for a time with the 6 kids). I think this policy should be revisited. It's plain old fashioned. Now don't come back at me with "why doesn't she just use birth control?". DUH. I guess that a personal issue between her and her hubby."
Ks...You are right her tubes should have been tied right there and then.The st's do not tie and do not remove tube's...As far as birth control goes after a heart attack the pill was out for her....They need to revisit issuse's .The gov. needs to get right on the issues.MOTM mom was my aunt.Our family reuion,s are when they pass on.....
quote: Originally posted by: Anonymous " Ks...You are right her tubes should have been tied right there and then.The st's do not tie and do not remove tube's...As far as birth control goes after a heart attack the pill was out for her....They need to revisit issuse's .The gov. needs to get right on the issues.MOTM mom was my aunt.Our family reuion,s are when they pass on....."
AW, I found it. Orange Juice Blues Lyrics Artist: Bob Dylan
I had a hard time waking this morning I got a lotta things on my mind Like those friends of yours They keep bringing me down Just hangin round all the time
Ive had a hard time waking most mornings And its been that way for a month or more Youve had things your way But now Ive got to say Im on my way out the door
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein