Today's dialog program about Mount View came very close to the truth. When you were talking about the cosmetic rider on the Nova health insurance, this rider came from BC/BS Select 90/91 plan. But, when it was adopted by the Niagara County Legislators, it was changed. In BC/BS Select 90/91 plan, cosmetic surgery was only approved by a physician when it was medically necessary for a patient to receive reconstructive surgery. But when the legislators rewrote this rider for the Nova plan they changed the wording from medically necessary surgery to elective surgery. Within the first 6 months of this plan in existence, the first person to use this elective surgery rider was a legislator's wife. It would almost seem as if the legislators changed this to suite themselves and nobody else was supposed to know. Yes, this rider has been abused purely because the employees felt that if the part-time legislators could use this rider, so could they.
As for the closing of Mount View, there are a lot of political games being played at the employees and residents expense. You were talking today about extra money being given by your favorite state senator to Newfane School District. This money, from what I have heard, was to help Mr. Syracuse choose which side of the fence he should be on when voting on Mount View. From what I have heard, this has been happening in other districts in the county by our state senator. This state senator has connections to Calamar, a financial partner. I've also heard that legislator Rebecca Cuddahee's husband is employed by Calamar. Calamar is currently building adult senior housing on Shawnee Road in Wheatfield. I've heard that this state senator wants to close Mount View in order for the corporation that owns Fairchild Manor to purchase Mount View at a dirt cheap price. If you read the proposal to purchase Mount View, this proposal is only a two year deal with the county. This will allow this company to have Calamar build them a new facility in Southern Niagara County. At this point, they will send the residents to the hospital for questionable reasons where the resident will loose their bed and not be readmitted. This will allow the facility to increase the amount of private pay residents in their facility also causing medicare residents to be placed up to 50 miles from their homes and families.
In conclusion, there are studies that show that in the next 7 years there will be more of a demand for nursing home care. These corporation know that this is coming and they are positioning themselves to make profit instead of the county making this profit. When this corporation purchases Mount View they automatically receive 2004 medicare reimbursement rate where currently Mount View is operating at 1989 reimbursement rates. If Mount View remodeled and built the cottages like Ed Marchi did at the county facility that he took over, Mount View's future would be a lot brighter. Mr. Marchi was just praised for building these cottages by the county and the CSEA union in the union's newsletter.
You had once said on your program if it came down to closing Mount View or closing the county golf course, you would be in favor of keeping Mount View. Your comments about Mount View now seem to be leaning towards you being in favor of the closing of Mount View and keeping the county golf course open.
I appreciate the substance ... it's something that's been lacking on this board for a few days.
Personally, I think the county should get rid of both Mount View and the golf course. I just don't think county government should be running businesses. It can't even effectively run government.
I understand the political games being played and I've heard of many of them. I think it sucks, quite simply, but that seems to be the way of the world.
I've said before and I'll restate - best case scenario: a health care company buys mount view and keeps it open. Any maybe Chevy Chase and/or Bill Murray will buy the golf course.
I understand your thoughts on how well managed county government has been. This has always been a problem at Mount View. Every time Mount View wants to make changes to get into the 21st century, they must go through much red tape. If Mount View was able to make changes like a private facility, without legislative approval, the facility would be able to keep up with changing times. For example, ten years ago the employees wanted to get into rehabilitating patients because of the decline in long term care residents. When this was brought to the legislators, it was never acted upon until one year ago. By this time, many other private facilities were already providing this service. Approximately five years ago it was brought to the legislators to build cottages to try to change the hospital setting style nursing home which would have made Mount View more attractive to the families of long term care residents. This was also tabled by our legislators. This same concept Mr. Marchi took to another county and as I said before was praised for this idea. This idea of cottages came from the National Nursing Home Magazine which portrays the changes being made by nursing homes to establish a more home like atmosphere which, in turn, makes the facility attract and maintain residents. The legislators have been in the process of closing Mount View over the last ten years. At Mount View they had an enterprise fund in excess of $7 million dollars that the legislators have been bleeding out of the facility over this time period to balance their county budget. This is why Mount View has no money to fall back on at this time. This money was set aside as a cushion by Administrator, Mr. Majka, because he knew the time was coming that the number of long term care residents would decrease until the baby boomers started using long term care facilities. Figures show that when baby boomers start entering long term care facilities, there will not be enough beds which will cause private facilities to pick and choose what residents they admit. At this time, private facilities will choose private pay or well insured residents over medicare residents to increase profit. This will leave medicare patients in hospitals at a much higher cost to the state waiting for placement. At that time, they will start placing patients up to 50 miles away from their home and family to reduce their cost. This is why Mount View needs to stay a County run facility, to secure Niagara County's low income elderly a place to live and be properly cared for when they need it.
The company that has placed a bid to purchase Mount View has stated that they will keep the residents and employees for two years. After this two years is up, they will get very selective about residents that they admit to keep their profit margin up. As for the employees with over 10 years of employment with the county, they will not be able to transfer to this new company without losing their state retirement and medical benefits guaranteed by their bargining agreement. This would be like them starting over again.
As for you stating that government should not be in the business of running businesses that can be run in the private sector, you seem to be contradicting yourself when it comes to Social Security. You are in favor of the government handling your Social Security where this can be done in the private sector. We know how well our government handles money.