It just came across the scanner for Barker EMS to go to AES Somerset for some kind of accident that caused 4 males to inhale and get ash in their eyes. That could be bad.
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.
Now they have toned out Miller Hose for ALS, Rural Metro's fly car is on the way, Olcott, and Tri Town. Then they put Wilson on standby at Miller Hose's Hall. Hope nothing happens in Wilson!
I think places like power plants, factories, and chemical plants should have their own EMS and ambulance on the payroll.
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.
FC, it is now about 11:39. I thought you might like to know that a fire alarm has been activated at FMC. Fire Control said it is a "water Flow" alarm. Sorry I don't know what that means.
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.
I believe it means that our good corporate neighbor has flooded a holding lagoon and is in danger of spreading off the property. If I know fc they will kick up all kinds of dust with this.
Wow and to think you had dinner with them. How can the mayor sit back and watch our children be poisoned?
"When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bicycle. Then I realised that the Lord doesn't work that way so I stole one and asked Him to forgive me."
Emo Philips
quote: Originally posted by: NuclearLou "Who's having dinner? With which mayor? Who's letting them poison kids? "
Ok lou (my hero lou) last night while you were broadcasting around the globe. The new lou put up a photo on FG useless info thread. It is of the Middleport Mayor and some guy that I can't place. New Lou then called me Julie. But now that I've slept on the thought, I think maybe Julie can be my alter ego. fc can sit on my right sholder and mayor julie mj can sit on my right. I can bounce back and forth between to 2. That should perk things up. AW
quote: Originally posted by: alwayswatching "Ok lou (my hero lou) last night while you were broadcasting around the globe. The new lou put up a photo on FG useless info thread. It is of the Middleport Mayor and some guy that I can't place. New Lou then called me Julie. But now that I've slept on the thought, I think maybe Julie can be my alter ego. fc can sit on my right sholder and mayor julie mj can sit on my right. I can bounce back and forth between to 2. That should perk things up. AW"
Sorry that should read: MJ on my left sholder. Hey Scott, how come we can't edit any more?
quote: Originally posted by: Nukedlou "Wow and to think you had dinner with them. How can the mayor sit back and watch our children be poisoned?"
Well if I remember, I had a lot to drink that day, the guy in the photo has more money that the kids. I think I'm going to have Dinner with Christie Whitman this week when she in town. She has some major connections. Dovey do you want to play christie in the movie? Lou can be the guy in the hazmat suit.
You guys don't think I'll get fired for not living in middleport do you?
Nope! It doesn't work hear either. Come on Scott. Are you gonna discount our membership fees? Oh wait we don't pay. LOL Keep up the good work Scott....not Scot, We all love your site.......not the sight of you, your website.......not that your not nice to look at....your just not my type and I'm married.........but if I was single???????????Well maybe not that would be kind of Gay, wouldn't it? Not that being gay is bad....... I know a couple of gay people. There nice. LOL
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein