Most of us here would call ourselves "Music Lovers" and would also call ourselves fair, honest people. Yet when it comes down to it, copying/downloading music is both dishonest (illegal) and harms the music industry which makes the music we love.
Do morals go out the window when we can get something for free?
Now, I'm not against file sharing - I think it's a great idea, especially when you look at the idea behing the original Naptser (which i believe stoped for something link New Artists Support Program) where new, un-signed bands could get their music to thousands of people. I freely admit to having downloaded songs, occasionally whole albums - but I maintain, that even if I've downloaded an entire album, if I like it, I'll go out an buy it. Likewise, if I really enjoy a couple of songs from a band I've downloaded - I'll go out and buy their album.
Where file sharing is great for getting hold of rarities - live stuff (Fantastic live Placebo album "Cabaret of Desire" which isn't an offical album) or hard-to-find rarities/b-sides.
But what narks me, is "music lovers" who will go on-and-on about how they love this band, have all thier albums - yet they haven't ever bought one of their CDs. They'll give all kind of excuses, usually either "CDs are too expensive" or "everyone else does it". CDs are getting more expensive because more and more people are ripping off music - if you're not buying CDs, you're making it worse. "Everyone else does it" is a rubbish excuse
When it comes down to it - Music copying/sharing is theft. None of us here (I hope) would walk into a shop and take things without paying. No-one would sneak into a local farm and raid their fields for food. So why is it considered acceptable to get your music for free?
Can't people see they're damaging the music industry? One reason we're getting more and more crappy pop bands is they make a quick buck for the record labels - teeny boppers don't download the music, they go out and they buy the singles and albums. The "true music" fans are the one sitting at home downloading all their music - which means that "proper" bands aren't anywhere near as lucrative as pop-acts.
If you bought a car but weren't allowed to test drive it, and you found something wrong with it, would you feel ripped off?
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
I think our nameless poster may be directing this message at our kids. For the most part that is how they get most of the cds they have. I don't download music mostly because of all the viruses on those sites. Now lyrics is a hole new ball of wax. Hey Dovey, do you think they are asking us to sing? Ditch the cds before they bust us.
The music and movie industries pay hackers to put the viruses on the sites to discourage people from downloading them......I read an article about it somewhere a few years ago when napster first came out.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
I wouldn't put it past them. They've driven their own industry into the ground with questionable methods, this would be their only recourse
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
I've bought too many albums that had one good song and 11 crappy ones. If the record industry wants people to spend money on CD's, they either need to drastically lower the costs, or start putting out better music. It costs 20 cents to make a CD, including cover art and packaging. They charge around $12-18 per CD. They're as bad as the pharmecutical companies with thier mark-ups!
"If people could put rainbows in zoos, they would." -- Hobbes