Here's an interesting story on a website I just found called about why they didn't tell President Bush about the plane in Washington DC air space last week.
It seems to perpetuate the idea that georgie boy is just a public figurehead with no real power or responsibilities. If they can have a guy within 100 feet of him at all times with a briefcase containing nuclear launch codes, they can phone in a POTENTIAL AERIAL ASSAULT on the nations' capital. F--- his bike ride. Did they think he'd get distracted and fall off like his 'idiot-proof' Segway?* Maybe they got in trouble the last time (9/11) when they interrupted his concentration while he was reading his book.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
as i undstand it president Bush was not informed in real time ; because of a decision made by the secret service . it was a scenario no one had pre planned for .
and i think it is great that he still rides his bike - keeping his reflexes and heart operating at peak performance , so what if he falls sometimes , he is pushing his own envelope - an attribute - when was the last time anyone reading this rode a bike ? or fell while riding ? it happens , no biggie .
when i ride my mountain bike in the nasty terrain areas , sometimes i fall too . more likely to get scratched by thorns or get stopped by "wait a minute" bushes or nettles . "wait a minute" bushes are the thick stuff you unintentionally ride into that grab you and dont let you fall all the way to the ground and dont let you back up or move either , cause the thorns have such a good grip . glasses are mandetory .
I've been riding my bike for over 25 years. I only fell 3 times and each of those involved a car hitting me.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
quote: Originally posted by: Scott Leffler "Here's an interesting story on a website I just found called about why they didn't tell President Bush about the plane in Washington DC air space last week."
yea thats a point that really makes you think, if you can't tell the pres. who"s in charge and who makes the calls.
We have a token puppet in the White House, who is barely conscious of what really goes on. Cheny has more say when it comes to actually getting things done. All Bush has to do is smile, clear the brush on his ranch and say something stupid once in a while. If there's ever a real attack, I hope they don't tell him anything, he'd probably cause more problems.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
"I've been riding my bike for over 25 years. I only fell 3 times and each of those involved a car hitting me."
when i was 14 i was blasted from my bike after riding 5 days and covering 300 miles, by a trailer towed by a car , in warsaw ny . after that i learned to not ride close to cars .... or trucks .....
however i did try to use my leaf blower to propell myself down the street with my roller skates on , the leaf blower had insufficient thrust to get me going .... i will buy a bigger leaf blower after this one stops working and try again .....
quote: Originally posted by: Mindcrime "We have a token puppet in the White House, who is barely conscious of what really goes on. Cheny has more say when it comes to actually getting things done. All Bush has to do is smile, clear the brush on his ranch and say something stupid once in a while. If there's ever a real attack, I hope they don't tell him anything, he'd probably cause more problems."
????? i dunno where you get your info click on the pretty blue letters and read what is on the USA Department of Defense website regarding president Bush this past week , funny , i see no mention of DC , i would say that a puppet he is not , very proactive he is .
today an enemy of all of us was wounded, Zarqawi , al jezeera would like us to pray for him , let us all pray for his speedy demise ....
-- Edited by mike of the mountain at 14:04, 2005-05-24
Originally posted by Mike of the mountain "????? i dunno where you get your info click on the pretty blue letters and read what is on the USA Department of Defense website regarding president Bush this past week , funny , i see no mention of DC , i would say that a puppet he is not , very proactive he is."
Well, for starters, I use my eyes, ears and common sense. When I look at President Bush in action, or watch his speeches, he simply does not project competance or aptitude. (He speaks as if he were in a third grade play, badly rehearsed and with worse pronunciation.) I also read a lot of different media sources, not just nationally, but internationally as well. I get many different sides of an issue then decide how I feel about it. People who get their news from the Department of Defense will only hear good things about our government. They will not always hear the whole truth.
You won't hear about Bush being in D.C. because he's on his "2005 U.S. Tour" touting his social security plan. He's running around in a very expensive plane to speak about something that could have easily been broadcast on TV or radio.
Be sure to check for that wire in the back of his suit...
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
quote: Originally posted by: Anonymous "oh, that's not fighting, at best they're sparring. no one's attacking the other, they're just giving different opinons, lighten up always"
No I agree with AW,fighting seems to be the theme......Except on the riddle have a name?
quote: Originally posted by: Anonymous "oh, that's not fighting, at best they're sparring. no one's attacking the other, they're just giving different opinons, lighten up always"
Light as a feather Anonymous. Just making a piont!
George W. Bush is a figurehead. He holds no real power, he's not trusted to order his own lunch, much less make national security decisions. His only real task as President is to memorize his generic responses to specific questions. I think his speech writers simply use those magnetic poetry tiles, 'cause whenever they get stuck they just rearrange words like freedom, growth, peaceful, mandate, pray, progress, etc.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes... If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic. Practice what you preach.
Getty Images/AP President Bush, left, and Sen. John Kerry were both active in sports during their Yale years.
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(June 7) - Sen. John F. Kerry's grade average at Yale University was virtually identical to President Bush's record there, despite repeated portrayals of Kerry as the more intellectual candidate during the 2004 presidential campaign.
Kerry had a cumulative average of 76 and got four Ds his freshman year - in geology, two history courses and political science, The Boston Globe reported Tuesday.
His grades improved with time, and he averaged an 81 his senior year and earned an 89 - his highest grade - in political science as a senior.
''I always told my dad that D stood for distinction,'' Kerry said in a written response to reporters' questions. He said he has previously acknowledged focusing more on learning to fly than studying.
Under Yale's grading system in effect at the time, grades between 90 and 100 equaled an A, 80-89 a B, 70-79 a C, 60 to 69 a D, and anything below that was a failing grade.
By the Numbers
87 Kerry's highest grade at Yale
88 Bush's highest grade at Yale
4 Number of Ds Kerry received in his freshman year
1 Number of Ds Bush received in his four undergrad years
Source: AP
In 1999, The New Yorker magazine published a transcript showing Bush had a cumulative grade average of 77 his first three years at Yale, and a similar average under a non-numerical rating system his senior year.
Bush's highest grade at Yale was an 88 in anthropology, history and philosophy. He received one D in his four years, a 69 in astronomy, and improved his grades after his freshman year, the transcript showed.
Kerry, a Democrat, previously declined to release the transcript, which was included in his Navy records. He gave the Navy permission to release the documents last month, the Globe reported.
Kerry graduated from Yale in 1966, Bush in 1968.
Just more proof that your candidate may be able to speak well...but in reality is dumber than our great republican president.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
ok - so i feel a little red like i should be living in a red state but i live in a blue state . ny ,still a few very good replies here ,
blue it is , i see lottsa liberals and liberal media calling President Bush names and insulting him , but no facts , the latest Hillary Clinton fundraiser shows more of the same .... i dunno i think it is kinda hard to respect a point of veiw that can not be backed up with facts , at least in the NY daily news article today i did not see any facts to support the candidates point of veiw . i wont link it , the local papers i am sure covered it also .
Maybe though a better question is who runs the Center for Disease Control (federal) or NYS Department of Health (state) non partisan agencies i assume . both political parties should be interested in seeing that both agencies perform their respective duties .