You may have noticed that aside from this forum and the weather, nothing on has changed in weeks. No new photos. No new blog items. No updates for Dialog guests. Etc.
It's not that I'm lazy - here's the dillio. The web host that was hosting got sold to another company ... and I've been unable to make any changes in the mean time. I have secured an agreement with another host - whereby will be out on it's own (rather than piggybacked on the WLVL web site as it is now) ... but there are some technical issues that need to be worked out still ... so bear with me for a bit and we'll be up and running soon.
When we do go back up, there will be a new feature (which is actually available in beta version now). A calendar will be accessable and editable by all who read it. It will allow you to post meetings. Shows of importance (tv, radio or otherwise) and other things that you want the general community to know about. I have started by putting on a few items. You are welcome to add your own.
You can add items, but you cannot edit or delete items already on. That includes items you have posted.
So ... go load it up. You know when and where the meetings are. Put 'em on the calendar.