Isn't the reason we have GWB as president because John Kerry was a "flip flopper?"
What then is the president's new statement that "anyone who broke the law will be fired" ... as opposed to "anyone involved in the leaking will be fired."
To put it succinctly, Bush set a new standard.
June 20, 2004: Q. Do you stand by your pledge to fire anyone found to have [leaked Valerie Plame's identity]? THE PRESIDENT:Yes.
July 18, 2005: THE PRESIDENT:If someone committed a crime, they will no longer work in my administration.
He's against leaking, but his skull seems to be pro-leakage
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
the big question here is why are we focusing on this bs , Valerie at the time was not an undercover cia operative , her cover was not blown by this event , she and her hubby [who was in nigeria on her authorazation which was not hers to give ]were demoncrat players , but that was then , this is a non issue now .
meanwhile back at the ranch - what are we missing ? what is this smoke and mirrors covering up ?
Come on Mike, even you've got to see the irony here ...
Clinton gets a little action from intern Monica and lies about it, the country's in frenzy.
KRove tells a reporter the identity of a CIA agent and LIES ABOUT IT and the right (apparently, you included) is tripping all over itself to explain why that's okey.
that was then , this is a non issue now . meanwhile back at the ranch - what are we missing ? what is this smoke and mirrors covering up ?
Kinda like when Bush was lying about his military record, or his drug and alcohol abuse, or his dealings with the bin Laden family. All we heard from conservatives at the time was "That's ancient history, happened 30 years ago, doesn't matter now..."
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
Come on Mike, even you've got to see the irony here ... Clinton gets a little action from intern Monica and lies about it, the country's in frenzy. KRove tells a reporter the identity of a CIA agent and LIES ABOUT IT and the right (apparently, you included) is tripping all over itself to explain why that's okey. LINK: sources say memo claimed information was "sensative"
no irony here - said the caveman to his detractors .
this is a non event , staged by two demoncrat players , who were caught at their game. attempting to lie to thwart the election of our great leader and president . which they failed at , in no small part because he allowed his wife to call the shots .. ...
So Mike, if Karl Rove did nothing wrong, why has he been silent for two years?
And why force Matt Cooper to remain silent for two years - under threat of prison? Do you often force people to not divulge something you did ... when it wasn't wrong?
And why did Bush say two years ago that anyone involved would be fired? Are you often fired for doing nothing wrong?
And why was the document "sensative" when there was no secret to keep?
And finally, if Rove did nothing wrong, why lie about it?
Sorry Mike, your article by Hannity-groupie Mark Levin holds no water with me.
the big question here is why are we focusing on this bs , Valerie at the time was not an undercover cia operative , her cover was not blown by this event ,
What about the cover of everyone who knew and worked with her? You can bet they were lined up against the wall. JH
mike of the mountain wrote: the big question here is why are we focusing on this bs , Valerie at the time was not an undercover cia operative , her cover was not blown by this event , What about the cover of everyone who knew and worked with her? You can bet they were lined up against the wall. JH
she was an office manager type of cia employee , she was not an 007 type . if she knew of any clandestine activity it was up to her to remain silent . there is nothing , no information that suggests any names of any actual covert operators were released .
again she was not a cia operative , she was not involved in clandestine spy type activity , her cover was not blown - there is no crime .
despite what the real SL thinks the facts listed by Mark Levin are facts. look also at an earlier motm post in this thread at the link .
Sean Hannity is the Mark Levin groupie not the other way around. motm
Mike, Did you answer any of my previous questions? Just cause you keep shouting the same drivel over and over with your fingers in your ears doesn't make it true. If Karl Rove did nothing wrong, why hide it?
i was not shouting - and you were not listening - there is no reason to answer your questions if VP was not an covert cia operative , because if she was not there was no crime - see below ,the third time i demonstrate that she is and was not - one source of information below is Joe Wilson , her husband . please read before responding . after you read this and understand that this is a non event ask your self why ? the media frenzy ? then stop feeding it .
here is some more drivel for your selves - 3 strikes , batter out .
V Plame was not i repeat not a covert operative as per the law and as per her husband Joe Wilson , facts . shown below .
(A) a present or retired officer or employee of an intelligence agency or a present or retired member of the Armed Forces assigned to duty with an intelligence agency—
(i) whose identity as such an officer, employee, or member is classified information, and
(ii) who is serving outside the United States or has within the last five years served outside the United States; or
(B) a United States citizen whose intelligence relationship to the United States is classified information, and—
(i) who resides and acts outside the United States as an agent of, or informant or source of operational assistance to, an intelligence agency, or
(ii) who is at the time of the disclosure acting as an agent of, or informant to, the foreign counterintelligence or foreign counterterrorism components of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; or
(C) an individual, other than a United States citizen, whose past or present intelligence relationship to the United States is classified information and who is a present or former agent of, or a present or former informant or source of operational assistance to, an intelligence agency.
We seem to have made some progess today in our efforts to answer the question. James Taranto links to this USA Today
article <> and writes in "Best of the Web Today" <>:
Unless we're missing something, Joe Wilson has disproved his own accusation that someone in the Bush administration violated the Intelligence Identities Protection Act, USA Today reports:
The alleged crime at the heart of a controversy that has consumed official Washington--the "outing" of a CIA officer--may not have been a crime at all under federal law, little-noticed details in a book by the agent's husband suggest.
In The Politics of Truth, former ambassador Joseph Wilson writes that he and his future wife both returned from overseas assignments in June 1997. Neither spouse, a reading of the book indicates, was again stationed overseas. They appear to have remained in Washington, D.C., where they married and became parents of twins.
This meant that Plame would have been stationed in the U.S. for six years before Bob Novak published his column citing her two years ago today. As USA Today notes:
The column's date is important because the law against unmasking the identities of U.S. spies says a "covert agent" must have been on an overseas assignment "within the last five years." The assignment also must be long-term, not a short trip or temporary post, two experts on the law say.
All the Democrats who are braying for Karl Rove's head can't be very confident that he's committed a crime. If they were, they would wait for an indictment, which would be a genuine embarrassment to the administration.
Over at NRO's Corner,
John Podhoretz <> writes:
Here is Joseph Wilson himself, talking to
Wolf Blitzer on CNN <> today: "My wife was not a clandestine officer the day that Bob Novak blew her identity." Read that again. Now reflect on the fact that there has been an ongoing investigation FOR TWO YEARS conducted, we were breathlessly and rather constantly told in the weeks surrounding the initial controversy, on the basis that the White House and reporters OUTED A CLANDESTINE AGENT. Now we know. She wasn't. Not then.
Here I was sitting back and watching this one minding my own business, stranger things have happened. And low and behold caveman feels the need to take a shot. If that’s not asking for my take I don’t know what is.
It sure looks like a flip-flop to me Scott. Caveman wants us to believe that this is nothing because a secret operation was not compromised. Hello, what about his precious patriot act, and protecting our government at all costs? Maybe that only applies when is suits him. What about the confidentiality clause they all sign? The truth is, he has no idea what this employee may or may not be involved in. Do any of us know for sure what any given CIA employee actually does? The answer to that is no and we shouldn’t. It is part of their job to protect the identities of fellow employees, end of story.
The next thing we know he will be pounding that fist and waiving that bible here. Caveman appears to want to argue for the sake of arguing. He does it on thread after thread. You were right about the fingers in his ears, that was dead on. And no, he never answered the questions, he just kicked up dust of his own. Grow up caveman.
1) I did read your stuff. But it sounds better when Rush says it.
2) If there was never a crime, what is DOJ investigating? Does DOJ frequently investigate non-crimes?
3) Rove told the FBI that the he didn't talk about Plame until after the Novak story. Cooper's email shows they spoke a week before Novak's story ran. Is lying to the FBI okay if you're a Bushie?
4) Why do other members of the CIA seem to disagree with you? link
5) Oh, and you still didn't answer my question.
I don't think this one is going to go away by ignoring it, my friend. Go ahead and stay loyal to Rove. You have only your credibility to lose. Mike, you and I may disagree, but I've found you to be honorable. This "head in the sand" strategy is less than honorable. Open your eyes, Mike. My questions are not invalidated just cause the RNC talking points say they are.
Bush is a flip-flopper, but in a far different league than Kerry.
For example, Kerry went to Vietnam, even though he felt it was wrong, and did his duty. He did not put personal conviction before his patriotism. Then he came back and tossed away his medals at an anti-war rally. But he did what he had to do as an American. Serve her, but keep her honorable as well.
Bush changes his story when it suits him. How many times did he flip-flop on why we went to Iraq? But that's how religious folks are, always flip-flopping to serve their own interests.
Scott Leffler wrote: I don't think this one is going to go away by ignoring it, my friend. Go ahead and stay loyal to Rove. You have only your credibility to lose. Mike, you and I may disagree, but I've found you to be honorable. This "head in the sand" strategy is less than honorable. Open your eyes, Mike. My questions are not invalidated just cause the RNC talking points say they are.
last night at dinner i ran this by my wife and asked if she thought i was off base , she did not think i was , she had come to the same conclusion that i had , she told me the damaging info in the Joe Wilson book is on page 35 or 38 . i play classical music fm in the shop no am radio . no rush . no sean . we have not had outside connection to tv since 1985 .
we both think that this is smoke and mirrors designed to keep us from following something else that is real , we arrived at that conclusion without consultuing each other .
if what is in Joe Wilsons book is a lie , i will stand corrected , as there are other lies in the book it is a possibility - if the info regarding his wife's service is not a lie - what then ? you have seen the law . so now what ? my head is not in the sand .
just because it's in print, doesn't make it true. you of all people should know that caveman. you accuse people of posting false info all the time. this book holds no more water than a jackie collins mystery.