While I support their goals, the ends DO NOT always justify the means. I've also heard of numerous occasions where Greenpeace defaces public and or private property ... and vandalizes equipment that was meant to be used to do logging projects the group opposed.
Thus, my declaring them "environmental terrorists." Again, maybe a poor choice of words. But my point was that they sometimes operate outside the law and so I could see why the FBI would watch them ... whereas, I've never heard any instance of the ACLU doing any of this type stuff.
Hold on, pardner. That seems waaaaaaay too general a definition for something as serious as terrorism. My friend is terrified of doctors, does that make them terrorists? Are pit-bulls terrorists? How about Dracula? The meaning of terrorist has not changed, it's just your government trying to expand the meaning to justify their facist agenda. Thank you, but one GWB is enough.
"Environmental terrorism" has always referred to the more extreme methods applied by over-zealous naturalists, also known as 'eco-warriors.' They drive spikes into trees to destroy the chain saws. They sabotage equipment by pouring sand in the crankcases. They blow up dams. They create natural roadblocks, set traps & snares, even handcuff themselves to treetops scheduled to be cut down. They protect one thing by endangering another.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
What do you all think of the revelation that the FBI is keeping tabs on the ACLU and other law abiding organizations? Does this seem a little over the top to you? I can understand surveilance on organizations that break the law. Or are anti-American, but the ACLU is neither. Greenpeace, can at times be questionable - they do like to employ environmental terrorism. But the ACLU?
The history between the ACLU and FBI is interesting. The ACLU has secretly collaborated with the FBI at times, once voluntarily turning over its own membership list. Read Gentry's book "J. Edgar Hoover: the Man and the Secrets".
When you look at the FBI's history, you realize why Eleanor Roosevelt once publicly called them "The American Gestapo". Forget the mafia, the FBI is the single longest-lived, pervasive organized crime syndicate in the history of the country. The list of private citizens they have ruined in the course of their 70+ years of existence is stunning.
Just to give you a couple of examples, the FBI used to keep track of the freedom riders during the Civil Rights bus rides of the '60's. They'd phone ahead to the local Klan, who would meet the buses and systematically beat the hell out of anyone who got off. The hate mail they generated and sent to Martin Luther King is legendary. Their express purpose, as revealed in memos of the time, was to drive him to suicide.
Hoover had dope on every president from Roosevelt to Nixon. It got to be hilarious. A new president would summon Hoover to the White House to fire him. Hoover would emerge two hours later with the president announcing that Hoover was graciously staying on for another four years.
For example, Hoover had extensive tapes of JFK having sex with his girlfriend during WWII. Not much of a problem, except the girlfriend turned out to have been a Nazi spy. How would that have gone over during the 1960 campaign? That kept Bobby Kennedy, who hated Hoover (the feelings were mutual) in line for an entire decade.
The illegal burglaries, phone-tapping, mail-opening, smear campaigns, hate mail, harassment, false arrests, evidence tampering and on and on and on that the FBI has perpetrated against labor unions, political activists and just average citizens over the course of the last century makes it ill-suited to watch over our country's security.
So who keeps the file on the FBI? The ACLU may be vocal, but that doesn't make them terrorists. The good they do for the every day people far outweighs the negativity press they get. How many times a day do you think they make one phone call on someone's behalf, that stops government bullying?
Anonymous don't be concerned about MC. If they really are a vampire, they only come out after dark. Just stay near the streetlights and you'll be fine. But MC you are justly afraid, he wants your title as king.
So much is considered secret or priviledged information in our government that there is no way to watchdog any of it. The CIA, FBI, NSA, CID, all these alphabet souper powers are acting in such coveted secrecy, they don't even know what they themselves are doing most of the time. I remember a story not too long ago about how three FBI agents were killed when a separate team of agents burst in and opened fire on each other. 2 groups from the same agency, both working undercover, wound up shooting themselves to death. It's pathetic