You probably haven't heard, but there is a congressional election in Ohio on Tuesday.
Former Congressman Rob Portman (R) was given an administrative appointment by the president and as such, his seat is empty and needing to be filled.
The seat is a Republican stonghold, but the Democratic candidate is making headway. So the RNC decided to spend some money to shore up support for their guy (actually, the Republicans have a female candidate).
The most interesting part to me, is the reason they've listed for spending more than $500,000 on this race. Not cause they were worried, but because the Dem had spoken ill of Lord VoldeBush.
Hackett, talking about his service as a marine in Iraq, is quoted as saying, "I've said I don't like the son-of-a-b--- that lives in the White House. But I'd put my life on the line for him."
Because Hackett said that, (Republican Committeeman Carl) Forti said, "we decided to bury him."
Of course, had he stayed in Iraq instead of coming home to run for congress, they would have been much more likely to get their chance to do just that.
Lesson here, kids. Piss up the GOP? They'll "bury you."