Is this the most stupid thing he could say? It's because of Bush and his cronies that we NEED reminders. They black out the war in the media. We don't see casualty reports, or see caskets coming home, or even progress, just a lot of head-nodding and back-patting.
"If people could put rainbows in zoos, they would." -- Hobbes
Paper Tigress wrote: President Bush lamented the deaths of 14 Marines in Iraq Wednesday, calling the deadly attack a "grim reminder" America is still at war.;_ylt=ArQexDiilmgdY4Qttxj4gjas0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3OXIzMDMzBHNlYwM3MDM- Is this the most stupid thing he could say? It's because of Bush and his cronies that we NEED reminders. They black out the war in the media. We don't see casualty reports, or see caskets coming home, or even progress, just a lot of head-nodding and back-patting.
Aren't most TV stations Dem? Rep. have the fOX channels..are there any others?
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
Actually, most major news networks are neutral when it comes to actual reporting. While most news commentators lean far right, the newscasts are on the right side of the middle. I guess that checkbook journalism worked out OK for Bush thus far...
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.