So I was channel surfing today and stopped on a show about celebrities and thier religions....and how much money they spend on being "balanced" and pious.
Did you know there is Kabbalah water? It is supposedly spring water from Canada (not Israel!) that is blessed by Kabbalic Rabbi's and therefore it brings health to the drinker! Supposedly it costs some stupid amount like $500 a case or something absurd like that.
Then of course there is Image Balancing. You send this company a headshot and for the bargain price of $10,000 they will shoot energy beams at your picture for months in order to bring your energies into balance. My guess is that the photo ends up in the circular file and they laugh their way to the bank.
And I was appauled at all the supposedly Buddhist and Kabbalic celebrities who literally shut down these poorer countries while visiting them on pilgramages, and who spend the nights in $2000 a night rooms and such. If these religions really do teach these people to be humble and not value earthly possessions as much as their spiritual souls, why are they not helping those less fortunate more? My favorite of this is Madonna, who in her conversion took the very humble Kabbalic name Esther which is that of a queen who essentially saved the Hebrew people and is heralded as a saint. Now...someone needs to tell me how one can claim to be in search of ridding themselves of their ego (one of the major goals of the Kabbalah) and then take on such pretentions and then get a GINORMOUS diamond encrusted "E" to flaunt it?
And those are just a couple examples I heard.
I think obscene amounts of money make many of these celebrity peoples brains into those of a leming or sheep.
What do you think? And do you think it would happen to you?
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.