Well, I didn't want to do it. But in the end, I had to. My podcasting subscription was for 250 MB a month. And although on paper, that was enough, I just kept running short. It was kind of like when your budget at home looks good on paper, but you bounce checks anyway. Well, basically, I was bouncing podcasts ... so I had to upgrade. I now have 525 MB a month to play with. That's good ... for everyone but my wallet. There shouldn't be any more delay in getting podcasts online. And I can extend the archive. In fact, by Monday, I should have all of 2005 online and begin working on uploading December 2004. I can also upload more clips and snippets than I have been. Particularly good phone calls - stuff like that. But ... back to my wallet. I've already done this upgrade thing. And I'm going to keep it on the higher level regardless. And I hate websites that charge ... I'm not going to do that. But I wouldn't be offended if you dropped me a donation here and there to help offset the costs. Last year this time, this website was hosted for free and I wasn't podcasting. In other words, I was out zero dollars. Now, I pay for my web hosting ... and I'm shelling out dineros for podcasting, too. Granted, I'm not out a ton of money, that's for sure. But I'm hoping that maybe you'll find it in your hearts - especially those of you who frequently download those podcasts - to drop me a buck or two here or there. I've created a button on my paypal account that lets you do just that. Please don't give more than a few dollars. All money collected will be used for the further development of scottleffler.com and particularly, the podcast. Thanks.
Donate through PayPal link on Podcast page or through link on left hand of this page (the menu).
Hey Scott: Glad to see you did this. You're right, a lot of us download from the PodCasts. I really like being able to have a copy of all the dumb things our fear-lost leaders say and will continue to say, of course on our behalf (God help save us all). I for one will gladly pledge a few sheckels to keep this up and running. If nothing else, it has some damn fine comic relief features and is always good for a laugh or two...even when the subject is serious. I like the way the Forum has evolved.
SCOTT_MOCRACY NOW! That's got a ring to it.
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."