Cindy Sheehan has camped out on a road leading to President Bush's ranch near Crawford, Tex., for six consecutive days, insisting she wants to speak to the President personally. Bush said he sympathizes with her plight, but does not display any evidence of said emotion. Her son was killed in Iraq just five days after he arrived.
All she wants to do is talk to him for half an hour about why we really went to war. She wants to ask him a few simple questions and get as many direct answers. Apparently, Bush's 5-week vacation itinerary cannot spare 30 minutes to have a simple conversation, because he refuses to see her. Ass.
I guess if powerful news organizations can't have a one-on-one with our own leader, what chance do us lowly citizens have? Bush is a pathetic coward.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
You can be sure that if she wanted to praise him for the war he would be there with the press core. He should not just talk to her, but listen to what she has to say.
Do not go where the path may lead - Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail: Emerson
Now Bush is not content with simply ignoring Crawford from his ranch, he feels it necessary to thumb his nose at her and her supporters by driving by the protest, ignoring them as he heads off to a fund-raising barbecue for his 'base.' What a bastard.
Rush mentioned this story briefly on the radio today, saying it was publicity stunt dreamed up by desperate Washington Democrats, and labeled Crawford and her supporters dirty, pot-smoking, long-haired hippie types. (I'm paraphrasing here, but that's pretty close to what he said.). Then he refused to actually address the issue.
Ever notice how whenever he can't defend conservative positions, he simply refuses to talk about something by claiming it isn't worth discussing, like he's above it or something?
I haven't been following this too closely, but didn't she already talk to Bush? That's one more face to face with a president than most of the population will ever have. How long ago was it? And why didn't she say whatever she needed to say then?
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.
I don't think that the President shouldn't be bothered with this...more people died in the first 30 seconds of Normandy than in the whole war in Iraq. War sucks and people die...but they signed up for it. You Dems are what makes this country soft. Tell us again how the war is Bush's fault...I need another laugh. How do you think Gore or Kerry would have responded to 911? Maybe you can enlighten us O'wise one!
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
Just because Scott's test says I'm a dem don't make it so. I just don't like the shrub. He could have played this whole thing so much better. Just talk to the grieving mom, take the photo op and mom goes home. But as long as the camp remains the story gets press. Bad press is still press, who is the one really milking this story?
So Are you going to tell us what your wanted for JS, or will we have to wait for the movie.
Do not go where the path may lead - Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail: Emerson
Cindy Sheehan is continually attacked by every right-wing zealot and still hasn't gotten her answer. I love how the Right can never just asnwer a question, they always evade, change the subject or flat out lie. For example, Bush's response to her protest all along has been "we are not pulling out troops until the kob is done" or something to that effect. Sheehan isn't calling for a removal of troops, or quitting the war on terror, or even protecting our borders. All she wants to know is WHAT NOBLE CAUSE HER SON DIED FOR. Didja hear that, Rush?
O.K., to the folks demanding that the President "explain" why soldiers are giving their lives in Iraq, where have you been for the last two years? The President explained in numerous speeches, public appearances, and the like, why he felt invading Iraq was necessary.
The problem isn't that he hasn't told people that he believes in bringing freedom to the oppressed and eliminating terrorism on its home turf. The problem is that you simply don't agree with him. No one has been dishonest, you have just reacted like a two year old with his fingers in his ears, chanting "nanananananana" so you don't have to hear the President.
Mr. Sheehan heard. And that man gave his life for the ideas the President is committed to. He deserves better than what his own mother is doing to him.
Perhaps there is no manifest destiny for the United States to promote republican and Western values around the world. But when faced with the prospect that failing to promote our values creates a vacuum that other promoters can fill, and considering the vibrance of militant Islamic fundamentalism, we appear damned if we do, and are certainly damned if we don't.
-- Edited by kspeer at 22:22, 2005-08-27
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.
kspeer wrote: O.K., to the folks demanding that the President "explain" why soldiers are giving their lives in Iraq, where have you been for the last two years? The President explained in numerous speeches, public appearances, and the like, why he felt invading Iraq was necessary. We heard his reason. Then we heard another. And another. And yet another. And the hits just keep on comin'. Each time he gives a new reason it sounds less like the truth and more and more like bull----.
The problem isn't that he hasn't told people that he believes in bringing freedom to the oppressed and eliminating terrorism on its home turf. The problem is that you simply don't agree with him. No one has been dishonest, you have just reacted like a two year old with his fingers in his ears, chanting "nanananananana" so you don't have to hear the President. It is the President and his administration denying reality. I think all people can agree that terrorism is a problem that needs to be dealt with. But there were/are better, more effective ways of dealing with this unfamiliar problem. Bush and his subordinates ignored diplomacy and other peaceful solutions, they ignored tactical solutions, they ignored every resource except for blind brute strength. We had no reliable intelligence, no global support, no solid plans or even a solid target. We're not even fighting terrorists, we're fighting insurgents and mercenaries.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
MC, you took a full day to respond and that's the best you can do? Sounds to me like your the one slinging the B#$% Sh#$! How do you suppose we end terrorism? Should we tell them to stop killing innocent people and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait, like Clinton did and see if they strike again? What would you do if you were the President? Just because some countries don't support everything we do does it make what we're doing wrong? HELL NO! The reason most countries don't support it, is fear of being attacked by terrorists or they don't want to flip the bill. I say lets let Israel take over Iraq... that would kill 2 birds with one stone. They would have a homeland and they would control the oil and sell it to us cheap and we wouldn't have to stay and fight this stupid war.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
Mindcrime wrote: Cindy Sheehan has camped out on a road leading to President Bush's ranch near Crawford, Tex., for six consecutive days, insisting she wants to speak to the President personally. Bush said he sympathizes with her plight, but does not display any evidence of said emotion. Her son was killed in Iraq just five days after he arrived. All she wants to do is talk to him for half an hour about why we really went to war. She wants to ask him a few simple questions and get as many direct answers. Apparently, Bush's 5-week vacation itinerary cannot spare 30 minutes to have a simple conversation, because he refuses to see her. Ass. Story
I guess if powerful news organizations can't have a one-on-one with our own leader, what chance do us lowly citizens have? Bush is a pathetic coward.
Pro-Bush rally counters peace activists at Crawford
Touring group of 1,500 chants, 'Cindy, go home!'
By ANGELA K. BROWN Associated Press 8/28/2005
Click to view larger picture Associated Press Teresa Ediger of Dallas holds poster of son in Iraq as she cheers at pro-Bush rally. Another photo on the Picture Page, C12.
CRAWFORD, Texas - Several thousand people descended on President Bush's adopted hometown Saturday, most in a cross-country caravan for a pro-Bush rally and others to support an anti-war demonstration led by grieving mother Cindy Sheehan.
Bush supporters gathered for an event marking the culmination of the "You don't speak for me, Cindy!" tour, which started last week in California. The crowd of about 1,500 chanted, "Cindy, go home!"
"You are giving hope and encouragement to the enemies of America," said former California Assemblyman Howard Kaloogian, a Republican who co-founded the group that coordinated the rally.
Meanwhile, busloads of war protesters gathered several miles away at "Camp Casey," named for Sheehan's 24-year-old son who died in Iraq last year. Several hundred people attended a bell-ringing ceremony honored soldiers serving in Iraq.
"I know that the Camp Casey movement is going to end the war in Iraq," Sheehan said, adding that no other families should have to suffer the loss of a relative. She led the crowd in chanting "Not one more!"
A few Bush supporters went to the edge of the anti-war camp on Saturday, trying to remove some of the hundreds of white crosses bearing fallen soldiers' names. They had a list from families who did not want their sons' or daughters' names associated with Sheehan's group.
Sheriff's deputies said they could remove the name tags but not the crosses, so the group removed a few tags and left without incident.
There also were some heated moments at the pro-Bush rally when Bush supporters mistakenly identified two people as war protesters. The two walked in with a sign that read "Say No to War - Unless a Democrat is President."
Many Bush supporters only saw the top of the sign and believed the men were war protesters, so they began shouting and chasing the pair out. One man tore up their signs.
When Will Marean of Minneapolis kept repeating that he was on the Bush side, one Bush supporter shook his hand and apologized.
Sheehan, of Vacaville, Calif., started camping out off the road leading to Bush's ranch on Aug. 6, soon after the president's Texas vacation began. She vowed to remain unless he talked to her about the war with Iraq that claimed the life of her son Casey and more than 1,870 other U.S. soldiers.
Sheehan said that after the protest ends Wednesday, some of the group will spread its message on a tour, with the first stop probably in the Texas district of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, a Republican.
Bush has said he appreciates Sheehan's right to protest and understands her anguish but will not change his schedule to meet with her. His vacation is to end Friday.
Sheehan and other grieving families met with Bush about two months after her son died last year, before she became a vocal opponent of the war.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
He could have played this whole thing so much better. Just talk to the grieving mom, take the photo op and mom goes home. But as long as the camp remains the story gets press. Bad press is still press, who is the one really milking this story?
So now we have protesters protesting the protest. This story has taken on a life of it's own.
Do not go where the path may lead - Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail: Emerson
MC, you took a full day to respond and that's the best you can do? Sounds to me like your the one slinging the B#$% Sh#$! How do you suppose we end terrorism? Should we tell them to stop killing innocent people and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait, like Clinton did and see if they strike again? What would you do if you were the President? Just because some countries don't support everything we do does it make what we're doing wrong? HELL NO! The reason most countries don't support it, is fear of being attacked by terrorists or they don't want to flip the bill. I say lets let Israel take over Iraq... that would kill 2 birds with one stone. They would have a homeland and they would control the oil and sell it to us cheap and we wouldn't have to stay and fight this stupid war.
I don't check the website every 5 minutes, I can only check it once, maybe twice a day, so I didn't spend a whole day thinking. I've given several solutions to terrorism on this board and others, but unless it agrees with something Bush has said, conservatives pretend not to hear other' ideas.
My favorite solution relies on subterfuge. You use highly-trained assassins, covert experts and indiginous bounty hunters. A bomb here. A sniper there. Small, calculated, surgical strikes, using state-of-the-art, personally collected intelligence, against real terrorists. You infiltrate "terrorist" organizations using guile and deception, you identify the leaders and hierarchy, you follow their funding, you locate the cells. You then deal with all of them on an individual basis. Why? Because terrorists are INDIVIDUALS. There is not a terrorist country. Our clumsy, large-scale military invasion and occupation is certainly shocking, and awesome, but it is doing nothing to stop terrorists. They're laughing from their flat in London, or their condo in San Francisco. They know they're ineffectual against an army, that why they're not fighting us in Iraq. The people we're actually shooting at are Iraqi nationals who want us to get our tanks off their damn front lawns. REAL terrorists are already positioned around the globe, in Europe, in Aisa, and yes, in the U.S. especially.
And for the record, Clinton authorized hundreds of bombs dropped over there, long after Woild War I ended.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
"There also were some heated moments at the pro-Bush rally when Bush supporters mistakenly identified two people as war protesters. The two walked in with a sign that read "Say No to War - Unless a Democrat is President."
Many Bush supporters only saw the top of the sign and believed the men were war protesters, so they began shouting and chasing the pair out. One man tore up their signs."
Them war-mongers can't even get along with each other!