My results: You are a solid Democrat. You are not as fiercely ideological or uncompromising as others in the party, but nonetheless remain a reliable supporter. If you could have your way, you'd like to see Democrats leaders take a slightly more accommodating approach on certain issues – and dial down some of their nakedly partisan and bitterly divisive rhetoric.
I was quite amused by this test as well. I scored an 8 of 10 in terms of Republican loyalty. Hard to believe, eh? According to the results, I am the following...
You are a devoted Republican. You tend to walk in lockstep with the party, even if you have not agreed with every decision Republican leaders have made. The few differences you have are nothing compared to your complete and utter disdain for the Democratic Party and the elitism, cowardice, and godlessness for which it stands.
I didn't expect the answer I got, that's for sure. I've never seen myself as pro-Democrat, or even anti-republican, just anti-Bush. Some of those images are obviously focusing just on Bush or Kerry, while others are more broadly directed. It also depends on how they rate the images. I'll just bold the parts of their assessment which is "on target."
"You are a pure, unabashed, die-hard Democratic loyalist. You are appalled by the way Republicans are turning America into a theocratic, corpo-fascist police state, and you'd gladly walk through a furnace in a gasoline suit to elect a Democratic president. In your view, there is no higher form of patriotism than defending America against the Republican Party and every intolerant, puritanical, imperialistic, greed-mongering, Constitution-shredding ideal for which it stands."
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
Well there goes the theory that we are "tree hugging Liberal pacifists".
You are a solid Democrat. You are not as fiercely ideological or uncompromising as others in the party, but nonetheless remain a reliable supporter. If you could have your way, you'd like to see Democrats leaders take a slightly more accommodating approach on certain issues – and dial down some of their nakedly partisan and bitterly divisive rhetoric.
Do not go where the path may lead - Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail: Emerson
You are a moderate. You agree with Democrats on some issues and Republicans on others, while rejecting the blind, naked partisanship of both sides. You base your vote on issues rather than ideology and principle rather than party, which makes you the quintessential swing voter the media loves to fawn over.
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.
Posting anonymously for fun so you can guess who this is.
Here's mine. (Except I really like Mike Moore, I think that all his films are thought provoking and funny.)
Your Political Profile
You are a moderate Democrat. You agree with Democrats more often than not, but have misgivings about some of their positions on key social issues, as well as their ability to defend the country. You remain supportive for now, but if Democrats keep moving to the left and taking their cues from people like Michael Moore, you may decide to jump ship. You have only ever danced naked one time at a political fundraiser.
"You are a devoted Democrat. You tend to walk in lockstep with the party, even if you have not agreed with every decision Democratic leaders have made. The few differences you have are nothing compared to your complete and utter contempt for the Republican Party and the intolerance, fanaticism, and warmongering for which it stands."
Hmmmm.... odd considering I don't really consider myself to be political. But what can I say??? Bush IS an idiot.