Once again, the president has started a push to link Iraq with September 11th - this time saying that figthing in Iraq will prevent future tragedy's LIKE Sept. 11th.
Scott Leffler wrote: Once again, the president has started a push to link Iraq with September 11th - this time saying that figthing in Iraq will prevent future tragedy's LIKE Sept. 11th.
somehow the left does not want to see what is real and what is the truth , there is a clear link to iraq and the government of iraq at the time and the events of 9\11 and al qaeda . the left bitches about every single thing that the president does , but they have no solutions themselves , all they know how to do is complain and find fault . that is not enough. the left has the reight to their opinion , but they dont have the right to make up their own facts. president bush is not perfect by any means , but he has a real plan and he is moving ahead to find the solutions, he is not whining about the failures of the opposition and doing nothing .
First of all, welcome. Get yerself a sign in, grab a seat and stay awhile.
Second, I find it funny that Neos - such as yourself, apparently - complain that Democrats have no ideas ... when the Republican party's sole plan is to undo all of the Democratic Party's accomplishments from the last 70 years. So yeah, it would make sense that the Dems would oppose that.
The only "idea" that Bush has had since becoming POTUS is ... "Hey, let's invade Iraq," an idea not brought on by Sept. 11, but simply made politically expediant because of it. And what, exactly has it solved?
As for "the left" making up its own facts ... you claim that there is a clear link between Al-Queda/September 11th and Iraq ... What is that link? And why have both the president and acting president Cheney previously said there isn't one? In fact, Cheney "yelled at" the media for making such claims.
somehow the left does not want to see what is real and what is the truth , there is a clear link to iraq and the government of iraq at the time and the events of 9\11 and al qaeda Still waiting to see that "clear link" anon. Show me some solid evidence.
the left bitches about every single thing that the president does , but they have no solutions themselves , all they know how to do is complain and find fault . The left has all kinds of alternatives to war that could have worked. But any solution the right doesn't agree with, they simply refuse to hear it. Selective listening is an inherent Bushie trait.
that is not enough. the left has the reight to their opinion , but they dont have the right to make up their own facts. What facts did they make up? The fact that none of the 9/11 terrorists were Iraqi? Or the fact that Bush lied his head off about his reasons for war? Maybe you mean the fact that Bush is a spolied, selfish druggie who shirked his military duty, couldn't find oil in Texas, and doesn't have enough brains to fill a PEZ dispenser?
president bush is not perfect by any means , but he has a real plan and he is moving ahead to find the solutions, he is not whining about the failures of the opposition and doing nothing . Just because you're doing something doesn't make it right. Action is not always the best course. Going to war for the sake of going to war was his biggest mistake yet.
Yes, Bush is steering this country full-speed through the darkness of terror and sailing towards the shining light of freedom. (Too bad it's a lighthouse...)
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
the link of al-qaeda to iraq is childs play - linking al-qaeda to the events of 9\11 is a given . do you want current events or history ?
history it will be to start , remember the original attempt bring the towers down , the al-qaeda member responsible turned up in iraq as the guest of the government shortly there after. coincidence ? there is one of a thousand . now show me one that verifies no link .
Anonymous wrote: remember the original attempt bring the towers down , the al-qaeda member responsible turned up in iraq as the guest of the government shortly there after. coincidence ? there is one of a thousand . now show me one that verifies no link
Shall I also prove prove there is no God? Your "link," Neo, is flimsy at best ... and I'm genuinely being kind. If that's the best you got, you might as well find a white flag on this issue and/or pick another one.
the link of al-qaeda to iraq is childs play - linking al-qaeda to the events of 9\11 is a given .
i'll bet your ancestors linked a certain eye-color to witchcraft, or linked 'bad-blood' with bubonic plague. just announcing a link exists doesn't prove anything
the connection i showed is very real , out of courtesy i do not link pages of info to your site . but i will provide some more if you wish it . after i flood you with links the facts will remain the same , al-qaeda is and was in iraq , al qaeda is responsible for 9\11 ,
the potus as you call him is going after them . OBL and al-qaeda .
that fact does not mean the Saddam Hussain was linked to the events of 9\11 , nor does it exonerate him or his lackeys .
neocon n2
now as i asked , please show me that al-qaeda is not in iraq .
Anonymous wrote: out of courtesy i do not link pages of info to your site . but i will provide some more if you wish it .
now as i asked , please show me that al-qaeda is not in iraq .
If the courtesy is directed my way, feel free to be "rude." In fact, I invite any and all to link to their sources if it better proves their point.
I don't doubt that some "members" of al-Queda was in Iraq prior to 9/11 and it seems obvious that they are now ... but were Al-Queda "here" before 9/11 and still are now - that doesn't implicate "us," does it? That's hardly a "connection," unless, of course, Kevin Bacon gets involved.
As for your "proof that there was no connection," again, you're asking me to prove a negative ... which is all but impossible. But here's a a list of links "suggesting" as much. I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that I verified every one. They were freely googled. Whatever "proof" you have will be just as speculative ... or likely more so ... than mine.
The connection between Bush and Bin Laden takes less degrees of seperation than the connection between Al Queda and Iraq. What does that tell you? Nothing. But it goes to point out that whatever speculative "proof" you have isn't worth the paper it's printed on.
Once again, the president has started a push to link Iraq with September 11th - this time saying that figthing in Iraq will prevent future tragedy's LIKE Sept. 11th. story link His PWRA on Saturday marked the beginning of a push to promote the Iraq war ... again. He's also selling the Brooklyn Bridge and Oceanfront property ... in Arizona.
from a leftist media outlet , CNN , very tame compared to what is availible but a source you will accept. you have conceded that al-qaeda was connected to 9\11 , here is a brief list of the goals of al-qaeda in iraq.
President Bush is doing his best to prevent and stop all that . how can you not support the goals of President Bush ? or would you prefer to see al-qaeda accomplish their goals ?
your link was loaded with activex malware and spyware , my system prevented me from getting to it , care to try again ?
Hmm, sounds like the Christian Right have some of the same goals...
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/08/26/alqaeda.book/index.html from a leftist media outlet , CNN , very tame compared to what is availible but a source you will accept. you have conceded that al-qaeda was connected to 9\11 , here is a brief list of the goals of al-qaeda in iraq. President Bush is doing his best to prevent and stop all that . how can you not support the goals of President Bush ? or would you prefer to see al-qaeda accomplish their goals ? your link was loaded with activex malware and spyware , my system prevented me from getting to it , care to try again ?
Sorry you didn't like my link. Sometimes the web sucks. Here's another (story link) As for your CNN story ... it said nothing of pre-war Iraq. And since when do we trust the "intelligence gathering" or CNN anyway? I agree with some of the president's stated goals, BTW. Like finding terrorists and hunting them down ... good goal. Military assault in Iraq ... not a good goal. If we didn't care about Afghanistan's sovereignty ... or Iraq's ... why are Pakistan's and Saudia Arabia's so important to us? Osama Bin Laden is reportedly in Pakistan now, but we're "honoring their sovereignty," and most of the hi-jackers and money for Al-Queda came from Saudia Arabia, but we're not invading there, either. Bush is just playing cowboy, IMHO. He's not nearly as interested in terrorism as he is in money - again, In My Humble Opinion.
...after i flood you with links the facts will remain the same , al-qaeda is and was in iraq , al qaeda is responsible for 9\11...
Umm, by the same logic, Al Queda was in the U.S. And in Spain. And London. Why does this justify an Iraq invasion? And why haven't we invaded England? Or Syria and Saudi Arabia for that matter? We think OBL (as you call him) is in Syria. Why is their sovereignty more important than Iraq's?