We noticed something very odd about Brown's new TV commercial the other day. Everytime he says something like "I love Buffalo", or "I'm committed to our city", or whatever, he shakes his head NO. It is very funny to watch, and he does it every time he is making some sort of sincere statement. Somebody needs to get this on the web!
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.
I've met with Byron Brown several times since he became a State Senator. I have to respond to your post about him. Brown is very intelligent, caring and has a great deal of integrity. In addition, he has exactly the kind of personality and demeanor to mend the City of Buffalo.
I know you dish it out to just about all of the politicians (and well you should). However, it seems that you particularly have it in for Sen. Brown, for some reason.
Racism today is much more subtle than segregation at the lunch counter or exclusion from the country club. I think the "wrong crowd" comment is odd and inexplicable, except when interpreted in the context of race-baiting.
"If you promise not to pray in my schools, I promise not to think in your church"