These dolphins are capable of staying alive for five days in fresh water and they have been rumored to be headed into the Great Lakes via the St. Lawrence Seaway. Further rumor is that they are headed towards Olcott or Youngstown, on the Lake Ontario shore. These killer dolphins must be looking to dart the people who started the yacht races or maybe the 'Pirate Festival.'
Problem is, the entire story is conjecture and theory. It's like me saying there 'may' be rabid, three-headed weasels at the LOOW site and that they 'could' have escaped from a top secret proving ground, and 'probably' woud be hiding under the stairs at the high school, 'most likely' waiting to nibble your bum. There's not a single fact in the entire story. At least the missing Plague Mice really exisited. *cough, cough*
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
"It's like me saying there 'may' be rabid, three-headed weasels at the LOOW site and that they 'could' have escaped from a top secret proving ground, and 'probably' woud be hiding under the stairs at the high school, 'most likely' waiting to nibble your bum."
Nibble me bum? and make castanets out of my testicles already?
"If you promise not to pray in my schools, I promise not to think in your church"
Know where there's a one-headed mutant-weasel out at Lake Ontario.
The dolphins "pull the trigger" by grabbing a dangle cable snout and attached bulb with their snout. The bulb contains a mercury type switch, then they bite and crush it like an ammonia inhalant inside the bulb. Ready, aim, fire.
You guys crack me up! I would love to take you guys out some night just for the comedic value. I have an idea... The Lou and Jim Show on WLVL. I for one would be your biggest fan. I'm as serious as a heart attack. Both of you guys know a lot about the community, it's history and care about important issues. Can you make it happen Scott? Hell, let's take it a step further. I think you should pitch the show for LCTV. You would be a huge hit. You guys keep each other in check.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
Thanks JS for the offer. I would love to accompany you out any time :*) We'd have to talk about Mr. S. and HIS feelings though:) Don't want him to throw one at me!
O.K., niceties and humor aside, I would be happy to accept this "dingbat debate" "challenge" or whatever you would like to call it. I don't understand why JH keeps associating me with anonymous posts--even though some are intelligent and I wouldn't mind having said these things.
Again, Jim, you've put a slant to things.
I really don't know how well this would work out though. JH is very passionate about his "calling"--whatever that is this week (and I'm in total disagreement with removing oneself from doctor prescribed meds! That's another of my causes>.*)
I disagree wholeheartedly about the "terrorist danger" to the power plant and have gotten a very real taste of disrespect for him and NHP in doing this. (Before parting company with NHP, I recommended against this tact as base--oh well.) There were just too many good arguments for removal and cleaning up the Robert Moses Parkway--from any radiological contamination FIRST, then worry and debate the other aspects. As a founder of Niagara Heritage Partnership (what, me not do anything but complain, jeesh?), I feel that this tact was taken by JH as a means of making me buy more antacid So be it. As you can see KS, I don't pay too much of my "good" attention to this anymore. BUT I will answer you.
I would strongly suggest that you take a look back at his original postings about the danger and carcinogenic properties associated with exposure to Plutonium. JH only posted one half of a citation that tried to show there was no danger. Go back and look at how absurd and purposefully malignant that was. Sad is all I can say. You may also want to look at previous postings about the Pope, RRG's PCB "crisis" and his comments about Theresa Marie Schiavo. Contrarian to say the best, odd in a distastefully peculiar way, at worst.
There's been other of his posts and diatribes that I really don't need to explain. I think everyone on the board knows of JH and his "causes." Like world depopulation--even through misinformation, like kids learning of life's frustrations at the butt end of a gas nozzle--while holding a Zippo, and American Kennel Klub tricks. That kind of stuff.
Yeah, now that I think of it, I'd like to get JH on some public airwaves. There goes any future school board aspirations! Maybe for both of us. LOL!
-- Edited by NuclearLou at 12:53, 2005-09-29
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
Oh, and thanks also JS for the billing suggestion.
Of course, my manager says that I couldn't possibly do this program without having Top Bill and it being 'The LOUand Jim Show.' Which one of us would you like to see play the upright bass and which one the guitar? MAYBE we could call it The MOTHERs Brother's Show? What do YOU think Dick?
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
You guys crack me up! I would love to take you guys out some night just for the comedic value. I have an idea... The Lou and Jim Show on WLVL. I for one would be your biggest fan. I'm as serious as a heart attack. Both of you guys know a lot about the community, it's history and care about important issues. Can you make it happen Scott? Hell, let's take it a step further. I think you should pitch the show for LCTV. You would be a huge hit. You guys keep each other in check.
Yeah they would be a huge hit for sure. JS are you going to volunteer to over see the first aid?
Do not go where the path may lead - Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail: Emerson