I was at the forum last night. I think body language and the tone of voice says it all!
- the meaning of lip-touch, as a supersensitive self-stimulating gesture to relieve anxiety
-Touching, slightly rubbing nose = Rejection, doubt, lying
-Tapping or drumming fingers =Impatience
-The eyes communicate more that any other part of the human anatomy. Staring or gazing at others can create pressure and tension in the room.
- Hand-to-face gestures and shrugs are strong markers of deception. Playing with or touching things nearby during conversations has been found to be associated with deception
- Pitch. The pitch of someone's voice is often a very good indicator of their emotional state, because when people get upset the pitch of their voice starts to rise. Emotions are closely connected to vocal pitch and the changes that occur when people become emotional are very difficult to mask or conceal. Although increases in pitch are fairly consistent, they are sometimes quite small, and it is usually necessary to have heard someone speaking in other situations before one can decide whether the pitch of their voice has risen.
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.
I was sitting at a red light at the corner of Campbell and Lockport Road. I don't remember it being rush hour but there were several cars ahead of me and moderate traffic moving through the intersection. Approaching from the direction of Lockport, with sirens and lights on, was a Sheriff Department SUV at a high rate of speed. The traffic at the intersection halted so that the SUV could turn left off Lockport and head south on Campbell. I'm not saying the two left tires of the SUV left the road when the vehicle made the turn, but it proceeded through the intersection about as fast as those vehicles can manage such a turn.
I found out the next day that all the high-speed commotion of an SUV barreling through a busy intersection was because an individual was accused of pocketing somebody's change off the bar at Brauer's on Campbell and then trying to run away.
My question is: Why did the Sheriff endanger the safety of the public by employing a 2.5+ ton SUV to respond to a routine call? What about other traffic stops? Doesn't the Sheriff realize that driver mortality is increased several-fold when you have been hit by an SUV, or doesn't he care? Why risk the lives of deputies who seem willing to drive these vehicles at high speed when it is a well-known fact these vehicles corner poorly? Are SUVs simply another "toy" such as the ATVs given to the area to "combat terrorism"?
"If you promise not to pray in my schools, I promise not to think in your church"