So I noticed today that the number of users jumped from 124 to 130. Hmm. Interesting. Wonder why. So I click the "list all users" tab and see that there are now new users named "Lockport Schools," "LewPort," etc.
Maybe someone thought you should be required reading...
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
No. No messing around or funny stuff. Actually, some very serious stuff. Imagine that? Coming from Nuclear'Santa'Lou!
Just so the question gets an answer, the registries were done by me. I have taken the liberty, (I hope you don't mind Scott--or will ban me:), for establishing a seperate identity for each school district location.
You guys know that I have an "interest" in all things contaminated and I am working a program (mentioned previously in another thread) that will be geared toward setting up an email-posting ID to leave and accept info from members of the community in each location. I thought giving them each their own identity was a good way to make the threads and posts, location specific. If this gets organized enough, each screen name/address-I. D. could be given over to whoever would be willing to work that individual district, within the outlined plan.
I've told a bunch of people here of this plan--That there should be no safer place for your kids (except home) than when they're at their school. We all go to great lengths to make sure the doors are safe and secure, in some places detectors have been used, cameras and even "in-house" security are all a part of today's school systems. Unfortunately, not one district has gone the 'full measure' to make safe, to ensure the safety of the grounds on which these schools sit. Few if any have really shown an interest in the biological health outcome of its students, as none have ever gone beyond simple steps or none at all. Some testing analysis, which is being asked to be relied upon at several schools, comes from potentially conflicted sources--testing companies, government and industrial laboratories. To my knowledge, there has never been any sort of checks or balances implemented into these tests (for communioty satisfaction), and, there has never been one test that has undergone a peer review (a scientific panel of opinion).
Because Niagara County is plagued with waste sites, military sites, contaminated creeks and streams, it is nearly impossible to assure parents of the conditions around or on school grounds. Many schools have undergone numerous (some dozens) of tests with NO definitive answers on situations or for substances including the "PLUTONIUM in the water" question. I think we all know that almost every school in Niagara County has some nearby threat or potential for hazardous materials to come into contact with kids at the schools, or on the way to or from them. (Please no comments about "we're doing all we can..please.") More can--should always be offered and get done.
I've looked at a considerable amount of the testing data from nearly all of the schools in Niagara County and let me say that the documents currently in existence related to the environment of the schools and human health, is scant to say the most about it. Scant. Too scant yet to offer ANY assurances. More needs to be done and that's the purpose of the new blog identities.
This being said, EVERY school should be in a safe place and the kid's as healthy as can be. I don't know if that's the case right now here in Niagara, the county once beautiful.
As I've explained to some before (here?), every school should have a big framed certificate located just within the front door of every school that dares; Poster sized--all fancy like a stock or bond document, with a red wax seal, red ribbon, and signed by every school board member, every superintendent and stating that the school grounds have been extensively physically (environmental engineering reports) tested, and, that the air and water is safe, pure and as clean as can be offered to growing children. This certificate would tell students, parents and all that enter the building that it is state of the art with regard to safety and health. The certificate would help each student feel confidence instead of confusion, and thereby be able to focus on studies and not the next heavy truck that rolls by the school, who's sick, or worse, dying, or simply that the windows can't be opened for fear of the awful smells being emitted from factory or waste site in one wind direction or the other.
Anyway, now that I've rambled on and on and left out huge parts of this, yes there is a plan...
Health For All Schools
I encourage those with the best interest of the community at heart to please think about this for a minute. I'll be adding to this thread about the evaluation of biological information and as promised, I am getting geared up to make comments and leave some Christmas (Oops-XFestivus) writings all over the roof and down the chimney of Scott's blog here :)
More later and May Peace Prevail,
-- Edited by NuclearLou at 14:24, 2005-12-04
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
In the above image (previous post), the top of the arc of cross hatched lines is roughly one mile north of Starpoint Schools. The second map being overlayed here shows where the old Nike site and Frontier Chemical Waste are located in relation to this disease cluster. Smack dead center and toward the top.
Again, this is only the incidence of breast cancer. New builds = New moms...for Pendleton and Wheatfield! From Starpoint to the Niagara River!!
The "quarry/pond" at Beach Ridge and Townline Roads is located in the upper portion of the image. Frontier Chemical Waste was a company that used the quarry pond to dilute contaminants with water before RELEASE INTO Bull Creek. This company had a disturbing history of ignoring environmental laws and the company perviously suspected of having operations at the Pendleton site, was even worse during World War II.
The underground rock strata from Beach Ridge Road leans Northward toward Starpoint Schools and Lake Ontario. This would explain the subsurface/underground travel of contaminants from the Frontier Chemical Waste site North during last year's floods in this community.
-- Edited by NuclearLou at 04:45, 2005-12-06
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
NuclearLou wrote: In the above image (previous post), the top of the arc of cross hatched lines is roughly one mile north of Starpoint Schools. The second map being overlayed here shows where the old Nike site and Frontier Chemical Waste are located in relation to this disease cluster. Smack dead center and toward the top.
Again, this is only the incidence of breast cancer. New builds = New moms...for Pendleton and Wheatfield! From Starpoint to the Niagara River!!
The "quarry/pond" at Beach Ridge and Townline Roads is located in the upper portion of the image. Frontier Chemical Waste was a company that used the quarry pond to dilute contaminants with water before RELEASE INTO Bull Creek. This company had a disturbing history of ignoring environmental laws and the company perviously suspected of having operations at the Pendleton site, was even worse during World War II.
The underground rock strata from Beach Ridge Road leans Northward toward Starpoint Schools and Lake Ontario. This would explain the subsurface/underground travel of contaminants from the Frontier Chemical Waste site North during last year's floods in this community. -- Edited by NuclearLou at 04:45, 2005-12-06
What referenced data do you have for your statement regarding the underground rock strata??
Well, here goes. This will be Roy Hart's first post. I didn't want to make any posts with this thread until there was some separation and distance between it, "Schools," and "Child Porn" (sorry MindCrime).
I just didn't want to make a post and keep the two next to each other. I thought it was a little inappropriate and I was waiting until there were a couple of other threads briought in between. Now, I don't have to worry about that because after a five day hiatus where no one responded and no posts were made to the Child Porn thread, (I thought thankfully), there's an anonymous poster with what sort-of sounded like some (jailhouse) legalBeagel opinion and then a member just made a comment. Mrs. Sue Hughes, a Royalton-Hartland School board member. I thought Hmm?
Interestingly, three posts have now been made within minutes by SHughes. One was an overpost of this important schools thread--and her post carried nary a comment about this devestating map.
I know,anyone can post any time anywhere they want, I just thought it odd considering that she is a local school board member and has expressed a previous concern about this very school that was overposted upon. The Starpoint thread is about the kids being taken to hospital last December.
NOT THAT I CARE MIND YOU what was posted, especially with this one because I find it is very telling about a few things. Not so about much what was posted or responded to but the where and why.
Mrs. SHughes also failed to respond to my request for information regarding the testing results from her school. Why is that? I wonder if there has perhaps also been some recent participation at the Niagara Gazette blogsite? If so, it raises some rather disturbing questions. Who knows after this expose'?
This is NuclearLou writing in as Roy Hart and I have a legitimate concern with these overpostings and the ignoring of pertinent questions addressed directly, by name, to a school board member.
I certainly don't understand this with several schools now involved and literally thousands of children! I am very disappointed in my once thought of environmental collegue.
Anonymous writes: "Lou, What referenced data do you have for your statement regarding the underground rock strata??"
I have a really good reference book on geology that I found explaining it all in the library. It should be in your's as well--check out the geology card catalog. I know it's there.
Regards, NuclearLou
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
That's better. THANK GOD to get this thread away form some of the nut-case overpostings! Like the one just prior about Molesting UGH!!! Give it a break girls
Anonymous writes: "Lou, What referenced data do you have for your statement regarding the underground rock strata??" I have a really good reference book on geology that I found explaining it all in the library. It should be in your's as well--check out the geology card catalog. I know it's there. Regards, NuclearLou
Amatuer Lou,
I too want to know specific sources where you get information regarding the Rock Strata near Frontier Chemical. I am not familiar with specifics on the site, but I do know that Bull Creek flows south along the Wheatfield-Pendleton town line and discharges to Tonawanda Creek.
Looking at your statement: "The underground rock strata from Beach Ridge Road leans Northward toward Starpoint Schools and Lake Ontario. This would explain the subsurface/underground travel of contaminants from the Frontier Chemical Waste site North during last year's floods in this community."
My first question is where did you get your specific information to make the statements about the underground rock data??? Did you do any borings yourself to investigate the subsurface geology?? If so, where is your report? If not, please give me specific sources of the data.
My next question is when did we have floods in our community?? What time measured data do you have regarding water elevation levels in Bull Creek or the pond in question??
I have a friend who lives on Beach Ridge Road near this site. He frequents this board, and I should ask him if he knows of any floods in that area last year.
If you want specific sources you can research regarding the soils and geology in Pendleton to clarify your future responses, please let me know. I would be more than happy to help.
Hi there Jimmy: How goes it? Were things all ship-shape and secure today at the dump? Hope so...But then I hope to hear Reindeer hooves on the roof this year at Christmas too! Remember though, hope floats. Hmm, but then again on second do solvents and oils.
I've addressed this post partially over in the Member's Only area but fully intend on answering your questions here. I will be happy to do this. I would ask only one condition and caveat--and that is that you continue to participate in some sort of meaningful discussion about this. I am rather supris(z)ed that you are not aware of this information--being that you are an environmental "professional" for the state.
I do understand however, that you may not be required to understand or know the local geology and certain other fine points about the Niagara Region. I have taken the time over the last year to study and understand these for some, possibly obtuse and obscure subjects and facts. They really are not that difficult to understand with a little effort. I will agree that the information is not always easy to find but as I said, I would have certainly hoped that the very State Agency (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation-Buffalo office) in charge of all things like our waterways and in-ground burials-municipal and hazardous landfill waste and the like, would have had a library containing this sort of information of their own for you to reference. Hmm.
Please establish a pertinent research library in Buffalo or somewhere. Take that as a suggestion to Mr. Kent Johnson, your superior there in the Buffalo office. He's familiar with my research. It might be important for you guys to study and understand the way the earth tilts one-way-or-another and not only on the surface (topographical) but subsurface as well as those types of data sets. It would seem important, perhaps only to me, to know which way subsurface streams and other pathways (such as utilities trenching) can allow for underground travel of not just H2O, but also, chemical and radiological contaminants. These things are also integral and have impacts upon drainage, wetlands, etc. Just a suggestion for you guys over there at the DEC Buff. Office.
You might also want to take a look at our past geological history as it's been layered over the millennia. It really is worth looking into and is absolutely fascinating! Glaciers and Niagara Falls. As you might know, couldn't have one without the other and that sort of brings me back around full circle with the post for now. More info will be left as my comment to you mentions over in the Member's Only area.
I hope now that with your posting here on these two very pertinent threads, it means that you are willing to open up a line of communication here for some dialog(ue) on a back-and-forth-question-and-answer basis about this. I think everyone would be pleased to have your opinions and knowledge of things shared with us here. On some of these subjects you've been rather mum. I know I would like this transfer of ideas and open information. It would certainly be so much more logical and efficient to try and get important information to those here showing an interest in the subject matter of our environment and human health. Care to Participate?
Regards with hopes for continued discussion and open dialog(ue), Best, NuclearLou
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
I have spent a little time assembling the citations that were requested. I do wish to say that all of these references were previously posted here on Scott's blog. A few others that are new will be included as I have the time, including the Northward glacial "tilt" geological information.
I guess I need to ask you a question Jimmy--In order to save myself time, I just want to know IF YOU ARE SERIOUS about the FLOODING reference? If you are, I'll include that one too. Did you really miss these FEMA flood levels? You could have called that 'Brownie' guy up until a couple of months ago to verify this flood fact.
Have a nice day, NuclearLou
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
so , since you question the sincerity of the school board member you name below and since as the posting of yours that appears below shows , you are indeed activly involved with the same school board yourself , along with the esteemed persons listed with you ; so why not just enlighten your veiwers yourself . ??? since you seem to have a better grasp of the subject . maybe after the board member in question can see how it is done she may overcome her shyness , or not . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Roy Hart wrote: as nuclear lou
Well, here goes. This will be Roy Hart's first post. ?
a comment. Mrs. Sue Hughes, a Royalton-Hartland School board member. I thought Hmm? Interestingly, three posts have now been made within minutes by SHughes. One was an overpost of this important schools thread--and her post carried nary a comment about this devestating map. I know,anyone can post any time anywhere they want, I just thought it odd considering that she is a local school board member and has expressed a previous concern about this very school that was overposted upon. NOT THAT I CARE MIND YOU what was posted, especially with this one because I find it is very telling about a few things. Not so about much what was posted or responded to but the where and why. Mrs. SHughes also failed to respond to my request for information regarding the testing results from her school. Why is that? I wonder if there has perhaps also been some recent participation at the Niagara Gazette blogsite? If so, it raises some rather disturbing questions. Who knows after this expose'? This is NuclearLou writing in as Roy Hart and I have a legitimate concern with these overpostings and the ignoring of pertinent questions addressed directly, by name, to a school board member. I certainly don't understand this with several schools now involved and literally thousands of children! I am very disappointed in my once thought of environmental collegue. With deep regret, NL - Re: "Roy Hart"
Post Info TOPIC: Health for All Niagara County Schools
Quote | ReplyHealth for All Niagara County Schools
If anyone is interested in participating or volunteering for a program to determine the health of our Niagara County School Children, schools and neighborhoods you are encouraged to contact
If you're concerned about the health of your community and schools, this information will help. A Web link will be provided shortly directing you to this program and to a more complete description.
You can have your individual school administrator or PTA organization contact us to discuss this program for your school location or have us contact them! This project involves recognized experts from around the country offering to help right here in Niagara County (complete listing TBA.)
Dr. Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D., G.N.S.H., has offered to be the director of this project and just visited a number of Niagara County locations; including local schools to speak with administrators and parents, and to meet with medical and health professionals. Additional expertise is being called upon in the form of college and university administrators, professors, student interns, graduate students and retired health professionals.
There will be more posted about this project on Friday when additional information becomes available.
If you have school aged children and are concerned about the environmental health conditions around their school or your neighborhood and would like to find out more, please contact the above email address for a brochure and packet of information about this program.
Best regards,
Louis Ricciuti
Health For All Niagara County Schools Project--Is being coordinated by Dr. Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D., G.N.S.H., and being participated in by local physicians, professionals and residents alike.
Thank you for considering the benefits of a Health For All Niagara County Schools Survey for the children of YOUR School. We are certain that it would provide a valuable tool for your negotiations with local, regional and national government, as well as a long term help to students and faculty.
If a Health For All Survey delivers good news, it is comforting to parents and teachers, and it means that the pollution known to be in the ground is not yet in a bio-available state where it can negatively effect the students and teachers. It gives you a gift of time in order to develop a strategy for remediation. If the Health For All Survey proves to be negative, then you have convincing evidence that the school has taken positive action and shown the utmost care for the health and well being of students and faculty. It will also provide justification of your concern, and compelling evidence for immediate remediation or relocation of the school.
Health impact cannot be ascertained from engineering studies alone. It has been my experience that even when I had proof of the presence of radium, radon, radioactive lead and polonium in the environment and in the bodies of the children in the neighborhood (through urine analysis), and when I had additional proof of a health effect related to the level of pollution in the child, authorities would still not listen to my concerns. This was in Toronto, and the Public Health Department even refused to give each family a record of their testing on letterhead paper in case of future medical problems of a more serious nature.
Land fills are really a toxic chemical laboratory, and in the environment, with water and sun, the original chemicals will often dissociate and new chemical compounds will form. These new compounds are usually unknown and their toxicology has never been studied. If radioactive chemicals were deposited in the land fill, they too will enter into new compounds with different chemical and physical characteristics than they originally had. Studies of air, soil and surface water is for pre-specified chemicals, hence new compounds will not be detected. In such a situation, it is important to note that unfortunately the children and staff are your best biological monitors of the situation.
Health ForAll Niagara County Schools is a survey designed to identify the human organ system (respiratory, cardio-vascular, skin, immune, gastro-intestinal, etc) being most stressed by the school environment. This usually shows up clearly in a contrast study between schools. Preventive health measures can be taken immediately to avoid chronic diseases and cancers before they develop, while engineers try to find the culprit (new) chemical.
I hope we will have a chance to work together again in the future.
Dr. Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D., GNSH,
L.Ricciuti, senior-researcher, J.Gold, assistant-coordinator, International Institute of Concern for Public Health, Ministry of Concern for Public Health, COC, IERO
I'd like to answer your question Mike but it is rather disjointed and I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean exactly. Perhaps you'd like to address whatever post you refer to point by point? Maybe then I could answer, although I was awaiting one from the member mentioned. Since there has been no response, maybe you'd like to try the question?
Mike. You've made no offer of help on this and have even promoted a yearbook review when I have spoken of this scientific study all along--ALL ALONG. Why would you overlook this until now? This proposal for a study was brought to your attention back in April-2005, I believe, and this is the very first time you've even mentioned it, eight months later. How's that?
Somewhere in this blog, there's a post by you saying that you'd support this exact same thing--there's even a comment back from Scott saying that he'd help (GO LOOK IT UP). Now you're on this kick of question and bash.
You guys really don't want anything done here, do you?
-- Edited by NuclearLou at 00:51, 2005-12-09
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
I'd like to answer your question Mike but it is rather disjointed and I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean exactly.
i mean exactly since you must already have the info due to your own involvement detailed in your own post , why wait for anyone else especialy someone you show some thinly veiled disdain for , just post it your self.
NuclearLou wrote: I'd like to answer your question Mike but it is rather disjointed and I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean exactly. i mean exactly since you must already have the info due to your own involvement detailed in your own post , why wait for anyone else especialy someone you show some thinly veiled disdain for , just post it your self.
That's because Lou has made promisses to school districts and has failed to show up and support them and/or able to back up his statements and promisses. Lou - if you have the facts - POST THEM, don't call out a school board member. Maybe she can't release the info?
The above is absolutely inaccurate and pretty sickeningly obvious. I brought a world class doctor into the picture at one school, what they do from there on is their decision. (Keep in mind that it's a Niagara County school!)
"Call out a board member?" This IS the duty of a board member you dim dolt! In order to get this information, then it will be FOIA'd because of the lack of cooperation, as can be seen from this unanswered question. You want secrets at schools anon? You're nuts!
Mike and Jenny-Dovey, get off it, I don't have the answer or it would already be posted here. Only SHughes has the answer for her school.
I guess you must have not seen the question as it was asked. Let's see if an answer ever gets posted. NOTHING that happens on school grounds ANYWHERE should be secret. Nothing. Can't understand that anon? I do find it interesting though that you two (others now?) are making comments about this question that was asked of a local school board member and has nothing to do with you or Lewiston-Porter in any sense you should be concerned with. Oh, and I have a thank you letter from them and several others. I keep dozens of letters like this on file--Personal, professional and corporate.
As I've mentioned in the recent past, I'll spend the holidays writing about this and other situations unhealthy around Niagara, the county once beautiful.
Anonymous, get someone to post here and sign their name with claims like you're making, otherwise this is just another act of trolling cowardice--anonymous pot shots containing no value and exhibiting no character. As an FYI, if you sign it now, you'll be libeling yourself. Care to sign it big shot? Thought not.
I've backed up every one of my statements. Look through this or any blog site I populate. I sign them unlike you.
-- Edited by NuclearLou at 21:16, 2005-12-09
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
Hey StarRanger? Is the response post I just left here another example of my being a troll? We thought you were going to be the troll police. What happened?
Where's a cop when you need one?
First responder doesn't understand the question--or why it was asked--but felt compelled to criticize the asking of it, familial relation support unit chimes in--with even lesser understanding--but with a great deal of enthusiasm for that position...and this is what has gone on for nearly a year.
Spin away.
*I am so very glad that this is getting put in writing for the record and for public display. At some point in time this will be a very good thing. To those of you that might have an interest, you may want to keep that information in mind--even anonymously. (Read about Enron and then through the previously fascinating posts contained in this thread :) Gosh, I wouldn't want that.......lololol!
-- Edited by NuclearLou at 21:33, 2005-12-09
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
Hey "Anonymous," when leaving "anonymous" postings you may want to consider the following:
If you're going to leave typos, you should leave purposeful, intentionally misleading ones (like Jim does) peppered throughout your communication (similar to other known posters), you should be very careful not to use typo errors that are typical of your actual writing style, habits and common mistakes you make (especially if it's to someone whom you have already provided numerous samples...doh!), and never reveal more details about a murder scene than the papers have already disclosed--that's from an old Columbo episode, make sure you have left no (paper) trail, get a set of those glasses with the funny eyebrows and nose attached--it helps with the disguise. Never EVER return to the scene of the original crime. :)
Let me just say this, Checkmate. Welcome back! How's your deal going--Have you decided on the mayoral run yet? You said--"Lou - if you have the facts - POST THEM..." I say--You sure about this?
I think one of the other's may have quoted my earlier use of a great line from the play, "He who disturbeth his own house shall inherit the wind." I also like Billy Joel's "Storm Front," Khalil Gibran's "The Prophet," Rawls' "Theory of Justice," and B.F. Skinner's "Behaviour Modification."
You should read the books, especially the last. Listen to the music if you desire before going too far out to sea.
Since (you) were kind enough to flatter me with the earlier use, I thought I'd provide these for your further edification of my likes.
"Welcome back." I'm in touch, so you be in touch.
Old kid, NuclearLou
-- Edited by NuclearLou at 07:07, 2005-12-10
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
Dear Mr. James Sacco, NYSDEC and Pendleton Town Planning Board;
Please accept these answers as a part of any record you maintain-officially or otherwise that they may apply to.
Please also feel free to send a copy of this to C. Douglas Whelan, Starpoint Schools Superintendent, as you have previously provided the school with a letter in regard to the incident last winter that sent more than two dozen of the school children to area hospitals.
As I continue to state: There is a very strong likelyhood that these scenarios--should be considered all related; With the local creeks and streams, diversion of groundwater-ways and wetlands on or about school grounds, with waste dumps being present in close proximity and in the neighborhood of the Starpoint Schools both down gradient and up, and that these sites are not being fully examined as to their history or enough consideration paid to the hydrology, geology and topographic landscape, and because of this, I do not feel that the same should be so readily dismissed. To further do so, by all official parties, agencies or persons of responsibility involved, is in complete disregard for children's health and safety and should be considered on the other end of the swale of logic and fair reasoning.
Thank you for the information though about the effluent from the Frontier Chem. Waste Site being pumped directly into the sewers of Wheatfield. I am concerned that this is the common and accepted practice for the Frontier site and others. I do suppose that this is the lesser of the "two evils" since releases use to be made directly into Bull Creek at Pendleton, as you certainly must know was the past practice there.
Mr. Sacco, what are you legally allowed tell us of the Harshaw ALIAS for the Pendleton site--(associated with the Williams and Elia family/corporate entities?)--for both the Frontier at Pendleton and Frontier at Niagara Falls--a known Harshaw Chemical Company and Atomic Weapons Employer (AWE) locations? Why do you feel that the Niagara Falls Harshaw site is being left out of the federal compensation list for nuclear workers--EEOICPA-2000? Why are these sites not being accurately identified?
Does it bother you to be close to the Pendleton Frontier Chem.Waste Site, especially with it's sketchy (Read-secret) past history and with radiological materials having been found there in the past?
Certainly Jim, with the overlay maps of increased cancer levels; the location of the Beach Ridge Road-Townline Road, Pendleton, NY, past operational site for Frontier (Harshaw) Chem. Waste, your own admission of Bull Creek traveling the exact same course outlined in the cancer overlays, you must have a concern that these facts could somehow all be associated, including the Starpoint School "smells" incident from last December?
If not, after this, I feel that's terribly unfortunate and shortsighted of you.
For your records please, L.R. NuclearLou
Jim Sacco
Veteran Member
Posts: 90
Date: Wed Dec 7 5:07 PM, 2005
Views: 117 RE: school users ...
Jim Sacco wrote: "Lou, What referenced data do you have for your statement regarding the underground rock strata??"
I originally responded--
I have a really good reference book on geology that I found explaining it all in the library. It should be in your's as well--check out the geology card catalog. I know it's there. Regards, NuclearLou
And the Professional response was-
Amatuer Lou, (Thanks again NYSDEC )
I too want to know specific sources where you get information regarding the Rock Strata near Frontier Chemical. I am not familiar with specifics on the site, but I do know that Bull Creek flows south along the Wheatfield-Pendleton town line and discharges to Tonawanda Creek. Looking at your statement: "The underground rock strata from Beach Ridge Road leans Northward toward Starpoint Schools and Lake Ontario. This would explain the subsurface/underground travel of contaminants from the Frontier Chemical Waste site North during last year's floods in this community."
My first question is where did you get your specific information to make the statements about the underground rock data??? Did you do any borings yourself to investigate the subsurface geology?? If so, where is your report? If not, please give me specific sources of the data.
NUCLEARLOU Writes and responds- I have investigated the soil borings tests of the area that were done prior to the new Starpoint school being built. These borings indicate that there is a Northward tilt to the underground rock strata. These records are on file with the school. South side at front of school is at 2 feet down to rock, rear, or North side of school property is 20+ feet down to bedrock. Sub-surface strata tilts towards Lake Ontario, due to the remnants of the ancient glacial action and remains of the great Wisconsin Glacier, 'Lake Iroquois' and 'Lake Tonanwanda.' Beach Ridge is actually an ancient shorline-dune as are several of our ridges around here. Please go to the library for the exact citations. They really are there--and specifically about our local ridges and geologic origins. All very fascinating and worthy of teaching the children at Starpoint--A wonderful lesson also perhaps in geology and the unseens of not "always judging a landscape by it's cover."
Walk the length of Beach Ridge for yourself Jim from the little restaurant to the big Methodist Church at the Eastern end. Then notice the back yards of the houses on both sides of the road and you will see the ancient ridgeline and tilt. All very fascinating!
My next question is when did we have floods in our community??
I have a friend who lives on Beach Ridge Road near this site. He frequents this board, and I should ask him if he knows of any floods in that area last year.
YOU COULD ASK BUT why would you have to, don't you live in Pendleton?
NUCLEARLOU Writes in response-
Most of these were posted to this forum over past year. Subj: Add to fema poster
Date: 12/30/2004
From: NiagaraNet
Things that make you go GRRRRRR..BLEEP!!
According to a poster I found yesterday (December 28-9, 2004) in a convenience store window in Wheatfield--for official insurance claim purposes--Wheatfield, Pendleton, North Tonawanda (Niagara County) were all designated as Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) DECLARED FLOOD AREAS--from between August 13 through September 16, 2004, because of (hurricane[s] remnant) related rains. (I) Buffalo News interview with Doug. Whelan- The first report of flooding at Starpoint happened on September 9.....the first report of various smells including ammonia happened the week of September 19.....about 10 days later...!!!
Copyright 2004
The Buffalo News Buffalo News (New York)
NEWS NIAGARA BUREAU DATELINE: PENDLETON BODY: Starpoint School Superintendent C. Douglas Whelan told several concerned parents Monday that they need not fear for their children's safety because of the ammonia smell that entered three high school mathematics classrooms last week. "I was in the high school Sunday, and the odor had dissipated," he said. His comments came during Monday's School Board meeting after several parents expressed concern. Whelan said only one room -- K-28 -- was shut down Thursday because the district removed the outside brick wall and the windowsills in an attempt to determine the source.....
Things that make you go Hmmm?
Bull Creek that is... Copyright 2004 The Buffalo News Buffalo News (New York) September 19, 2004 Sunday, NIAGARA EDITION (BEFORE HOSP.INCIDENT!)
SECTION: NIAGARA WEEK, Pg.NC3 LENGTH: 511 words HEADLINE: STARPOINT GETS SOAKED BY HURRICANE FRANCES BYLINE: Paul Westmoore; NEWS NIAGARA BUREAU DATELINE: PENDLETON BODY: When Hurricane Frances blasted Florida about two weeks ago, Starpoint felt the residual effects Sept. 9 as heavy rains leaked into school buildings and flooded parking lots and several student vehicles. While water was getting into the buildings, it was also flooding school district property. "Our parking lots were underwater because Bull Creek couldn't handle the runoff and backed up. We had areas that were under 6 inches of water," Whelan said. "A couple of student cars got water in them because the water rose so fast. The entrance to the Fricano Primary School and the bus loop were under 6 inches of water."
This most recent New York State Power Authority relicensing report clearly says that creeks can travel 7+ miles backwards. ..
In a message dated 12/30/2004 2:14:10 AM Eastern Standard Time, NiagaraNet writes:
Subj:UPPER NIAGARA RIVER TRIBUTARY BACKWATER STUDY Date:12/30/2004 2:14:10 AM Eastern Standard Time
UPPER NIAGARA RIVER TRIBUTARY BACKWATER STUDY DRAFT Niagara Power Project (FERC No. 2216) Prepared for: New York Power Authority Prepared by New York Power Authority Gomez and Sullivan Engineers, P.C. E/PRO Engineering and Environmental Consulting, LLC July 2004 ------------------------------
"Little relief seen for Witmer" Excerpts from a Tonawanda News article by Sean P. O'Neil - March 22, 2004 The last thing Witmer Road residents wanted to see this week was snow. But that's exactly what fell from the sky. They don't mind the snow, but rather what happens when it melts. For the past decade, residents along the North Tonawanda street that borders Wheatfield have complained that flooding is ruining their back yards.
NEWS FROM THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Along with it's normal job duties of maintaining Town of Wheatfield roads. The Highway Department has entered the final phase of the major project known as The Southern Drainage.The project began last year after severe flooding threatened homes in the Kreuger Road area with damage. It consists of nearly 5 miles of ditch digging that includes 2,700 feet of 36" drainage tile in addition to 1,800 feet of 48" tile. Work began in the spring of 2002 in the area east of Witmer Road near River Road and will end in the area west of Ward Road some time this year. The Team consists of eight full time/seasonal employees at peek times but is currently down to five employees.Eventually the water from the Retention Lake known as Willow Lake will empty into the Niagara River eliminating the flooding in that area. Willow Lake is roughly 17 feet in depth and covers about 19 acres.The savings that the Town realized by completing this project on our own is around $300,000.00 along with any savings that the homeowners may have. Ron Wolf Jr. & Jamie Irving Ron Wolf Jr., Paul Eustice & Jeff Rudnick Jamie Irving, Jeff Rudnick & Equipment Operator Frank Wrazin Some of our Town of Wheatfield Employee's setting some of the 1,800' of 48" drainpipe. Pictured here are Highway Superintendent Art Kroening, Job Foremen, John MacSwan and truck driver Jamie Irving.
Subj: 180 feet under the gorge and NYSPA water flow Date: 12/30/2004 2:28:49 PM Eastern Standard Time From: NiagaraNet
Depending on demands from the NYPA, water may flow toward the tunnel and treatment plant, or away toward the reservoir. Despite the fact that the drain conduit runs underneath the hazardous waste sites, sediment core samples have never been taken at the reservoir and the amount of contaminated groundwater finding its way through this conduit drain and, ultimately, into the Niagara River remains a mystery. The EPA has detected chemicals in discrete fracture zones such as the `G Zone' 180 feet under NECCO Park. Under Occidental's S-Area site, contaminants have been found even deeper in the `J Zone'. This means that, in the area upstream of the Falls, contaminants are now below the level of the bottom of the river." No one has determined precisely which way these chemicals flow, but they could potentially be crossing under the river into Canada.
CRESTING OF CREEKS ADD TO FLOOD PROBLEMS Article 1 of 1 found. Published on September 11, 2004 (BEFORE kids)
820 words Harold McNeil - NEWS NORTHTOWNS BUREAU The heavy rains that swept across Western New York on Wednesday may have ended Thursday, but the problems they caused hadn't necessarily receded by Friday.Carole Y. Dyce of Lehn Springs Drive in Amherst can attest to that.The Buffalo Public School teacher awoke Friday to a swollen Ellicott Creek that had spilled over into her back yard and threatened to reach her house. Dyce emptied the contents of her basement as a precaution. By late morning, all that was visible of the 4-foot...
WIDESPREAD FLOODING CLAIMS LIFE Article 1 of 1 found. Published on September 10, 2004 959 words Bill Michelmore - NEWS STAFF REPORTER
The last blasts from Hurricane Frances blew though the region Thursday morning, killing a toddler, leaving many motorists stranded and flooding basements throughout a wide area. The body of 3-year-old Austin Roberts of Cowlesville was recovered from flooded Cayuga Creek at about 4:50 p.m. Thursday near Three Rod Road in the Town of Alden after an all-day search by police and firefighters. His body was discovered by the Erie County sheriff's helicopter about six miles downstream from...
Jim Sacco Jr. Pendleton, NY Writes-
"If you want specific sources you can research regarding the soils and geology in Pendleton to clarify your future responses, please let me know." "I would be more than happy to help."
Your buddy Jim
Jim Sacco Jr. Pendleton, NY
Thanks for the offer Jim, but no thanks anyway. I guess I pretty much have this one covered. Regards, NuclearLou
-- Edited by NuclearLou at 07:27, 2005-12-10
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
Thanks for letting me know you did some research Lou. I personally feel that you should not stop looking at available data as long as you want to be able to defend your point of concern.
But you may find through further research that your opinion on what is actually occuring may change.
First of all, the data I share with you is from the information I received from the Town, other municipal sources and past service for the Town on the Niagara county Brownfields committee.
The former Frontier site is 11,000 feet downstream from the Starpoint School. That is over two miles! You can measure this on the zoning map posted at town hall which is in a scale of 1"=10'.
I pointed out that you should look at the Residential Soils report for the Town of Amherst, as developed by the US Army Corp of Engineers. This report is accessible on a pdf format on the town website. This report will show you the regional geology for the area (Tonawanda Lake) between the Niagara Escarpment and the escarpment along Main St. in Amherst/Clarence. All drainage flows towards Tonwanda Creek now.
You can also find a discussion of the geology for the Town of Pendleton in the Town of Pendleton Master Plan. Namely the previous Master Plan dated 1966 shows an overall picture of the town, and bedrock elevations. This Master Plan talks about a SOUTHERN TILT of the bedrock geology.
I am not discounting the northern tilt of the bedrock borings you saw at Starpoint. This is most likely site specific for the formation of the stream bed for Bull Creek (borings taken on the southern side of the creek).
But looking at the the BIG PICTURE you will see that the formations dictate a southern flow of groundwater and surface water towards Tonawanda Creek.
My statement to you, MR. AMATUER SCIENTIST NUCLEAR LOU, is that if you can prove that groundwater can flow more than two miles upstream when the surface and sub-surface conditions say otherwise, and percolate out of the ground, please try to patent that as a new energy source. You could be a millionaire and no longer called an amatuer.
(by the way, if there was any impact due to flooding, it would most likely be caused by any resitrictions imposed downstream on Bull Creek. You have to talk to the Town of Wheafield about that. They approved changing the FEMA Flood map for Bull Creek when Wildwing Development was built in 1998).