You know Mike; the more calm and reasonable you post the more it infuriates the all-powerful one. I think there must be more to this picture than we are seeing. Take a step back with me, if you would be so kind, and read these posts as if you were new here. Something is just not quite right. Why would a classic childhood story cause so much anger? It is a fairy tale we all have been read that was posted on a web site called “fun pages for kids“. And who doesn’t know the story of “the three little pigs”? Why so much hostility and/or rage?
I think maybe we should try and determine what is causing all this turmoil. It can not be healthy to hold all that anger. We have the World Wide Web at our fingertips certainly we can put our heads together and figure this out.
Have you considered that you may be arguing with someone with some sort of personality disorder? I am not all that familiar with these types of things but what I have been reading does seem to fit. Here take a look for yourself:
A personality disorder is said to exist when the way in which an individual consistently perceives, relates to and thinks about him- or herself and the world around him or her is so rigid and out of sync with others that it causes great difficulty in forming and sustaining relationships and coping with the normal stresses of daily living.
Personality traits are the way in which individuals consistently perceive, relate to and think about themselves and the world around them. Their personality is the way they exhibit these traits in their interactions with other people. People with healthy personalities are able to cope with the normal stresses of daily living and have no trouble forming appropriate relationships with family, friends and co-workers.
A personality disorder is said to exist when the way in which an individual consistently perceives, relates to and thinks about him- or herself and the world around him or her is so rigid and out of sync with others that it causes difficulty in forming and sustaining relationships and coping with the normal stresses of daily living. As a result, the individual feels very unhappy and distressed.
The many different types of personality disorders are generally grouped into three clusters, each with their own set of behaviors and symptoms. The three clusters are:
A: odd or eccentric behavior
B: dramatic, emotional or erratic behavior
C: anxious fearful behavior
"" \l "a"
You know Mike; the more calm and reasonable you post the more it infuriates the all-powerful one. I think there must be more to this picture than we are seeing. Take a step back with me, if you would be so kind, and read these posts as if you were new here. Something is just not quite right. Why would a classic childhood story cause so much anger? It is a fairy tale we all have been read that was posted on a web site called “fun pages for kids“. And who doesn’t know the story of “the three little pigs”? Why so much hostility and/or rage? I think maybe we should try and determine what is causing all this turmoil. It can not be healthy to hold all that anger. We have the World Wide Web at our fingertips certainly we can put our heads together and figure this out. Have you considered that you may be arguing with someone with some sort of personality disorder? I am not all that familiar with these types of things but what I have been reading does seem to fit. Here take a look for yourself: A personality disorder is said to exist when the way in which an individual consistently perceives, relates to and thinks about him- or herself and the world around him or her is so rigid and out of sync with others that it causes great difficulty in forming and sustaining relationships and coping with the normal stresses of daily living. Personality Disorders Personality traits are the way in which individuals consistently perceive, relate to and think about themselves and the world around them. Their personality is the way they exhibit these traits in their interactions with other people. People with healthy personalities are able to cope with the normal stresses of daily living and have no trouble forming appropriate relationships with family, friends and co-workers. A personality disorder is said to exist when the way in which an individual consistently perceives, relates to and thinks about him- or herself and the world around him or her is so rigid and out of sync with others that it causes difficulty in forming and sustaining relationships and coping with the normal stresses of daily living. As a result, the individual feels very unhappy and distressed. The many different types of personality disorders are generally grouped into three clusters, each with their own set of behaviors and symptoms. The three clusters are: A: odd or eccentric behavior B: dramatic, emotional or erratic behavior C: anxious fearful behavior "" \l "a" "" \l "b" "" \l "c"
you may be on to something here but , i have no expertise in this . from what i have seen and heard there are a great deal of that type of problems in the niagara county area . my own family is affected .
i dont think that what i am doing is arguing . the other guy seems to be arguing though . your theory may explain why .
I agree with you, I don’t think you are arguing. But someone sure thinks you are. If you read about the paranoid personality it makes a bit more sense. But I just don’t know if this really explains it. I asked a friend to join because they have some insight into this type of thing. Maybe they can help us understand some of this.
Paranoid Personality Disorder
People with Paranoid Personality Disorder interpret the actions of others as deliberately threatening or demeaning and believe others will harm, exploit or deceive them, even if no objective evidence exists to support that belief.
They also suspect they may be attacked suddenly by others at any time and without reason. People with this disorder may be jealous, guarded or secretive and may appear to be withdrawn or excessively serious.
"The truth is incontrovertible; malice may attack it, ignorance my deride it, but in the end, there it is."
Winston Churchill
I agree with you, I don’t think you are arguing. But someone sure thinks you are. If you read about the paranoid personality it makes a bit more sense. But I just don’t know if this really explains it. I asked a friend to join because they have some insight into this type of thing. Maybe they can help us understand some of this. Paranoid Personality Disorder People with Paranoid Personality Disorder interpret the actions of others as deliberately threatening or demeaning and believe others will harm, exploit or deceive them, even if no objective evidence exists to support that belief. They also suspect they may be attacked suddenly by others at any time and without reason. People with this disorder may be jealous, guarded or secretive and may appear to be withdrawn or excessively serious.
I agree with the both of you.MOTM is not arguing.I hope your friend can help ,starlight.We will have our own Dr.Phil.Understanding is what is needed here.
How come none of you noticed cluster B, I think it applies.
Cluster B: Antisocial Personality Disorder People with Antisocial Personality Disorder consistently disregard, or even violate, the rights of others. They tend to act out their conflicts and ignore normal rules of behavior and are deceitful and manipulative. Frequently, they are also impulsive, irresponsible and callous, lie repeatedly and use an alias or con others. This disorder has also been called psychopathy, sociopathy or dissocial personality disorder. Borderline Personality Disorder People with Borderline Personality Disorder have unstable and intense personal relationships, problems with self-image and are markedly impulsive and moody. They make frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment and as a result may become excessively dependent on others. They have great difficulty with their own sense of identity and may view the world in extremes; others are either "all good" or "all bad." As a result of these characteristics, people with this disorder often have difficulty in interpersonal relationships. They are also prone to self-mutilation or suicide attempts. Histrionic Personality Disorder People with Histrionic Personality Disorder are very emotional, feel uncomfortable or unappreciated when they are not the center of attention and may do something dramatic to draw attention to themselves. They use physical appearance to draw attention to themselves and often dress inappropriately, provocatively or seductively. They often are dramatic and theatrical, display rapidly shifting and shallow emotions and are easily influenced by others or the circumstances of the moment. Often, too, people with this disorder consider relationships to be more intimate than they really are. Narcissistic Personality Disorder People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder have an exaggerated sense of their own importance. They constantly seek admiration from others but have little empathy and tend to exploit their personal relationships. They also believe they are superior to others and are preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty or ideal love.