I take exception to remarks by Sheriff Tom Beilein when I read that “they consider the loss of jobs rather than considering safety and the taxpayer".
1) 1995 Edition 0f Mosby's Paramedic Textbook, chapter 5 pgs 45-46, Rescue Management, discusses safety and states “the priorities for safety in any rescue operation begin with personal safety, followed by the safety of the crew, the safety of the bystanders, and finally, rescue of the trapped and injured. When the well-trained rescuer acts safely, remaining vigilant of hazards, he / she minimize the risk of personal injury and the complicating the scene by becoming another patient who requires care and possible extrication".
2) 2000 Edition of Fire Fighters Handbook, essentials of Fire Fighting and Emergency Response, chapter 5, pgs 106-107 discusses the " safety triad", components of which are: a) standard operating procedure, b) equipment, and c) personal. This states" to mitigate injuries, each of these components needs to be addressed". If the operation is to be “safe", each component needs to be addressed.
3) 1996 Lockport Fire Department Standard Operating Procedure, Addendum "B", Initial Response
I. Purpose- "It is the policy of the Lockport Fire Department to provide for and operate with the highest level of safety and health for all members. The prevention and reduction of accidents, injuries and occupational illnesses are the goals of the safety and health program and shall be primary considerations at all times. This concern for safety and health applies to all Department members and to any other persons who maybe involved in Fire Department activities".
See Tom, it’s not "just about the jobs".
Niagara County, in 2002, retained Kimball and Associates for consulting needs assessment of current 911 operations and determine viable options for possible consolidation.
In this document, pg 1.1 Key Recommendations, do not include the City of Lockport Dispatch Service.
Pg 32, 3. Enumeration of available options, number 4, suggests the existing City of Lockport PSAP would serve as the backup PSAP and 911 Dispatch Center to Niagara County. This is listed as strength.
One constant recommendation through out this document is for "standard inter agency standard operating procedures among all Departments, and the training of dispatch personnel in these new procedures. This has not been done yet.
However this Kimball and Associates document flies in the face of a draft copy of the New York State Sheriff's Association’s “Planning For Police Consolidation”. This is a technical assistance document to assist Sheriffs' in understanding various social, political, fiscal, and operational issues associated with Law Enforcement consolidation on the County level. Or as I refer to it- the NYS Sheriff guide to seize and control. This document suggests revenue structure approaches such as charging according to workload or a per call cost. There needs to be an understanding of any fee structure. This has not been done yet.
A 4 month call volume analysis at Lockport Fire Department from 11/02 to 4/03, then estimated out over 1 year showed the following call volume;
non-emergency main phone and E911 calls-42,452 per year and LFD main radio transmissions at 101,514 per year. County dispatch needs to be prepared for this. This has not been done yet.
When Lockport Fire call volume is added to Lockport Police call volume the total number of calls handled approach 545,000. The City taxpayers have been paying to relieve County dispatchers of call volume.
Maybe a more reasonable approach would be for the Sheriffs' Department to offset some of Lockport Dispatch costs out of the 2004 total E-911 approved revenue budget amount of $ 1.677,867 and the 2005 total E-911 approved revenue budget amount of $3.199,722
When the Sheriff talks about jobs, is it loss of Fire Fighter jobs or additional jobs to his dispatch empire? The Sheriff states starting pay for dispatchers is " aprox $14.00/hr". Starting pay in 2005 for Fire Fighters is $ 17.88/hr. For a couple bucks more City taxpayers get a dual-trained / cross-trained Fire Fighter who also dispatch’s.
Building security is a concern. Fire Headquarters houses numerous computers and various other electronic equipment along with fire and EMS equipment and supplies and Fire Fighters personal possessions. Estimated cost to secure the entire Municipal Building with card swipe door locks, overhead door controls and surveillance equipment is pegged at $175.000.This has not been done.
Emergency and non emergency contact needs would need to be addressed. County dispatch would want Lockport Fire Fighters to carry pagers. This would be an additional cost to the City and would need to be discussed, as this would be a change in terms and conditions, along with a loss of control for Fire Officers. This has not been done.
Kimball and Associates document claims it is possible to maintain response times and save costs.
However, to effect change for the sake of change without a proper,through,thoughtout process to insure safety of Fire Fighters and City residents could turn out to be pennywise and pound foolish.
City Unions showed what can be done with coordinated effort and hard work as evidenced by the tremendous dollar savings realized by City officials and taxpayers with the recent changes in healthcare.
Yet, we’ve been waiting since 2002 for answers to our Dispatch questions. As the City pursues this direction, I guess I'll have to wait to read about it in the paper.
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Speaking of nice. Hat's off to the city firemen at Delphi. That could have become a major disaster.....but a great response time and great training saved the day again. Hopefully it will help Delphi want to stay in Lockport. I think it will definitely help.....knowing that they can count on Lockport to keep their stuff safe.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein