It seems like Congress is creating it's own jurisdiction. States rights, spouse's rights and patient rights are all being trampled under the same steamroller of governmental interference. Personally, I agree with Schiavo being kept with us. I would prefer she continue to be fed and examined by open-minded medicos. But the way in which the congress intervened is totally out of line. There are so many pressing matters that they could be working on. Do they ever meet at 12am to discuss the unemployment situation, or to work on national security or reslolving health care and social security issues? No way.
When a person can't answer for themselves, the responsibility lies with either a spouse, or if none exists, the parents. This is an established precedent, it's how things have happened for years. And like Mindcrime says, she's not being 'kept alive,' she's being fed through that tube. To remove it is no different than execution.
"If people could put rainbows in zoos, they would." -- Hobbes
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
<That being clearly stated, as I asked previously, please inform this group why you feel that the comparison to WTC One and Two 911 deaths can be equated to your parkway issue. You did not address the fear mongering question. Do you actually feel this is reasonable to compare?>
The comparison is reasonable in the respect that our government had ample warning about the WTC terrorist attack, and as I previously described, all the geniuses in Washington DC, the FBI, the CIA, the NSC and the rest ignored the obvious leading up to the attack.
What's also obvious is that eight lanes of traffic run right through the middle of the Robert Moses Power Project, the same Power Project that brags on the internet it was one of two facilities that remained functional during the big blackout a couple of summers ago.
Hey, Mahmoud, c'mere and check out this on the web site!
Although you don't know me, Albany33, I'd hope you give me more credit than comparing the tragic loss of life on Sept. 11, 2001 with a Power Project attack, even though people (though far fewer) would die and the local economy would probably suffer a knock-out punch.
I guess I'm not much on fear-mongering because there is not a whole lot I fear except for some really deep-seated, primal issues that most people have to deal with, you know, like spiders, the IRS and unidentified slimy gobs. I figure my life is more likely to end in a car accident being t-boned by a drunk driver in an SUV, or a brain tumor due to the plutonium in my drinking water, than by being simultaneously hit by a meteorite and swamped by a tsunami, which are pretty much the odds of dying in a terrorist attack.
Now back to this thread.
It is with mounting anticipation and excitement as the day approaches when the plug will be pulled once and for all. This was a long time in coming. Finally, the suffering of a great many people will end, and soon this person will be out of their misery.
What I find the most crazy about this whole issued is why this woman is brain dead in the first place. This has not been talked about on this board. She suffered heart failure due to her eating disorder. Her parents are fighting to feed her, when not eating is what caused her condition. I'm going out on a limb here and saying she wouldn't have wanted the feeding tube in the first place. Maybe it is some missed placed guilt on the parents part.
P.S. It's nice you are all keeping the photos current