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RE: In The News
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Originally posted by: truthpatrol
" What specific areas of the country do you feel are worse off? What would you do differently? Please be specific and recognize what can really be done. Can you really blame the Bush Administration for your current problems or can the blame be directed at our own bad decisions and choices? My portfolio is doing quite well under this administration and my company is performing exceptionally well."

lessee, we're in debt up to our eyeballs, and we're in a bloody and senseless war, and it’s not for the good of anyone but Americans who have 'portfolios.' as a result, we are a national disgrace and laughing stock. to top it off, we are now even more hated by the people who, before the iraq invasion, only hated us enough to attack major buildings with hijacked airplanes. now they must really be displeased with us... I disagree that we are a laughingstock and I could care less that the militant Islamists feelings are hurt. Economics are a complex science and those that have a grasp on the basics understand the projected surplus under the Clinton Administration was an illusion and was tied to market trends. An enormous cost has been incurred as a result of the terrorist attacks on 9/11. The market responded negatively to these attacks and we have now responded militarily in two arenas. People overlook that everyone was clamoring for a response after 9/11. How soon we forget the horror of that day. plus I’ll have to work until i'm dead because i'll have no social security when the stock market crashes and everyone's 'personal accounts' become as worthless as my merrill lynch 401k did last year. I am sorry that you feel this dysfunctional government will do better job with your money than you can. I personally understand the need to have a balanced and diversified portfolio. I can recommend a couple of good books if you like. It is never too late to start over. I still find it fascinating that will all of the government bashing that goes on that people do not want control of their money back. Historical trends indicate that any long term investment in the market performs better than standard bond funds or a bank account. We also need to recognize that personal accounts would be a choice. You do not need to participate. You have the right to allow the government to determine what is best for you. I believe I can handle my money better than the government and if given the choice I will seize the opportunity. Why should we not give someone the choice? It is my money, taken from my check. I started with nothing and built everything I have. You appear to resent Americans with portfolios. I am sorry that jealousy appears to have clouded your judgment. I am sure you can have one too(a portfolio). Cut up the credit cards and live within your means. That is what I did and now I drive what I want. Travel where I want and have one of the most technically advanced houses around. All this and I am 33 years old. Don’t resent me for having a portfolio. It is the American dream and the opportunities are there for the people that look for the positive instead of focusing on the problems. I have news for you. There are always going to be obstacles. Some choose to succeed despite them.

all of these are directly related to bush and people just like him. He has not helped regular Americans

I am a regular American and I voted for Bush, only furthered the cause of big businesses and enriched his corporate 'base.' Refer to article below regarding the rich being at the base of the GOP. this is not the job he was hired to do. The majority of the country disagrees and we elected him. these are poor results and he is in the position of responsibility. everything he touches turns to crap. he shoud step down while there's still time to save what's left of this country.

Another myth about "the rich" has been shattered – namely the conventional wisdom that they are all Republicans – thanks to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. A December 18, 2002 Washington Times editorial reports that donors giving "small and medium amounts" in 2002 overwhelmingly supported the GOP, while "rich or deep-pocketed givers" hugely backed the Democrats!

Those giving $200 to $999: GOP $68 million; Democrats $44 million. Those giving $1,000 to $9,999: GOP $317 million; Democrats $307 million. The "fabulously wealthy" donors of $10,000+ gave $111 million to the GOP – a whopping $29 million less than the $140 million they lavished on the Democrats! Among those who gave $100,000+, the Democrats raised $72 million – more than double the $34 million the GOP took.

"Yeah, Rush, but all those millionaires are Republicans." No, that's not a fact, my friends. The fact is that in the 2002 election cycle, those who gave a million dollars or more poured $36 million into the Democrat coffers, and a paltry $3 million into the pockets of the GOP. Again: millionaire donations went Democrat by a 12:1 margin! The two parties took in about the same amount overall – GOP: $384 million; Democrats: $350 million. Just look at the Hollywood left, and you see where the big money goes.

In addition, the GOP attracted 40% more individual donors! (George W. Bush set an all-time fund-raising record by collecting the most money from one-thousand-dollar donors in the history of presidential politics.) Far more people giving small amounts exist as contributors to the Republican Party - while Democrats skunked the GOP among the super-rich. That's no surprise, since nine of the twelve richest members of the United States Senate are Democrats.
i would offer these starting suggestions:

1) eliminate the political party system. it only serves to divide us and our representatives are incapable of action. without constant partisan bickering, progress is assured. and boot the electoral college while we're at it

Here we go again. Do you really think this is a practical idea? Do liberals have any real plans or should we all just through out ridiculous pipe dream thoughts. I could write an entire volume on the reasons this won’t be implemented. I will follow a good idea. We need to be realistic and make incremental changes that can be implemented. We all know the systems has issues and the way the Congress, the Senate and the White House are now all controlled by the GOP it looks like we are closer to that one party system you desire. Hang in there. By 2008 we should have a major majority that will prevent filibuster and really start to make the changes the Majority of this country wants to see.

2) reform health care, it's in far more dire need of fixing than the illusionary social security 'crisis.' unified health care works far more efficiently than our disastrous example has shown

I agree Health Care reform is an issue. Bill Clinton was the first to point out the Social Security Problems. Now that President Bush recognizes the problem all of the Dems say it was never a problem to begin with. Social Security is broke. The money coming in today is not supposed to be used to pay the benefits of the people receiving it. This is a problem that was created by both Parties and the Republicans are no angels here. It needs to be fixed while there is time. Anyone that pays attention knows that major overhauls take time to implement. The time to act is now while the impending doom is avoidable. I personally won’t bank on getting a check from the government anyway even though I contribute a ridiculous amount out of my check.

3) concentrate every military resource in the middle east to actually hunting bin laden, maybe then you'll find him. we have the most sophistiacted intelligence, technology and resources in the world, and we can't find one guy in 3 1/2 years? we're not trying.

Do you really believe we are not trying to find him? This disillusioned frame of thought is flawed. What would anyone in government have to gain by leaving him out there? Every soldier out there would love the glory of bringing that one in. Even the extreme left won’t buy into that because there is no good motive to keep this dangerous man out there.

On a final note. I think it is pathetic that the Pope and Michael Jackson jokes are on this site. I actually thought this may be a place for intelligent people with differing views to come together and maybe look toward solutions. The tasteless posts that have nothing to do with the topic are an insult to everyone that tries to take this even remotely seriously. I have only been coming here for a week and I am sure for most of you that is enough.

-- Edited by truthpatrol at 15:34, 2005-03-05



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Hey Scott, how about pulling Friday 7:50 pm?



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I'm in agreement about the jokes, they're innappropriate (and not even funny).

Ya know, the thing about political parties being abolished is interesting. I've always had the same opinion, but I would prefer keeping them in exchange for leveling the playing field. There are numerous parties out there, many of whom have presidential hopefuls, but they don't stand a chance because of the two giants out there. The closest I can remember to this rule being excepted was when an independently wealthy business man ran against both Rep. & Dem and probably could've won had he stuck with it. How do we level the playing field? Maybe equalizing how much can be spent on a campaign, giving everyone a fair chance? Perhaps we could somehow ensure that ALL the parties are allowed to attend televised debates. Perhaps we could fine any candidate that approves a negative political ad 10% of his votes? (Hmm, I like that one...Have to think about that for another thread...) I don't think a one-party system is the answer. We have that now. Republicans control every branch. So if at the end of Bush's term, things aren't better, we'll all know why.

George Washington was also against political parties, claiming they would serve to divide, rather than unite. And he was right. It seems that no matter what political opinion surfaces these days, rather than stop to think about it logically, people first label it left or right, conservative or liberal, then judge it blindly. I've fallen to pray to this as well as Anonymous (Mar. 5). I'm sure he/she doesn't want to get rid of parties overnight. I've mentioned changes that people seem to think I wanted to occur instantaneously, such as getting rid of gas-powered vehicles. Obviously plans like this need a few years to implement. Don't assume a law will be passed and *blink* cars will be gone.

Don't assume that Mr. Anon was careless with his money. I know people who have dealt with lost jobs, emergency expenses, and other financial pitfalls. Thanks to identity theft, I lost all my savings and spent years trying to pay off someone else's spending spree. I know a lot of college grads who are handing out ketchup at Wendy's. They live within their means. They have to hold down 2 or 3 jobs just to be broke. The majority of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and simply don't have the means to save anything for retirement. It's foolish to assume that anyone with money woes is simply a victim of their own credit cards. It's not jealousy they feel for Bush. It's contempt.

And that sentiment is shared all over the world. Protesters show up everywhere he goes. Not little pockets of 2 dozen people with signs, but thousands. Streets filled with swarms of angry, disgusted people. In every nation he visited in Europe last week he was met with opposition. Does that mean nothing? Headlines from major newspapers in every language point out his follies.

As far as 9/11 is concerned, yes, there was a clamoring for a response. But our response was inneffectual and lame. Period. We had a pretty good idea of where he was. But did we chase him down? Did we send a highly trained assassin? No. We left the task to poorly equipped, disorganized warlords. Somehow he slipped away to safety. Then we attacked a country that had NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11. As long as bin Laden is at large, Bush is justified in perpetuating this conflict and our major military presence in the middle east. If we caught him now, would there be any reason to stay and attack Syria and Iran? He's probably hiding comfortably in a secret bunker in Arkansas.

P.S. I hate referring to half the people on this board as anonymous. Let's start signing our names to our rants.

-- Edited by Mindcrime at 10:13, 2005-03-07

Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes... If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.

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Mindcrime. Excellent and well thought out. I ,of course, don't agree with most of it but I understand your logic and find your idea regarding limiting spending on the elections a good one. Unfortunately money has corrupted both sides of the system and the smaller parties are squashed before they even get going. I mentioned the 527's in a previous post and believe this loop hole needs to be closed and the rest of the McCain Feingold bill should be adhered to.
The only way the current controlling party can be effective is when they achieve a super majority. Anyone that follows judicial appointees is aware of the damage a filibuster can cause. I find this to be one of the most frustrating facets of government. Obstructionism is not good for either party. I think they should stay out of the way and see if things work. If the left is so confident that the ideas will fail then they should step aside and let it happen. This is surely the easiest way for them to gain control and voters will come back if the right implements their plan and then they fail.
You hit it right on the nose with the labels. Most people look to see which party proposes an idea and then get behind it. I was a union delegate and most of the people I worked with did not share my political views. I would read them some current political goings on and ask for there opinion. It always amused me to watch them squirm when they realized they often disagreed with their party.
I understand that change doesn't take place over night. Your mention of ending combustion engines does have merit. As a matter of fact President Bush has budgeted more for the development of hydrogen power than any President before him. Clearly our dependance on foreign oil is a serious issue and technology is the best way to lead us out. I support President Bush's effort for the development of Hydrogen Fuel systems and I support the drilling for oil on our own soil.
I did not intend to insult Mr. Anon regarding his finances. I have been broke and I have made many mistakes. I know that terrible things happen to good people. I also know that this country affords us many opportunities and that most of the people I know carry an enormous credit card burdon. I am sure we can agree that for every person that suffers identity theft there are 10,000 that got themselves in trouble. It is important to live within your means. I have started over a couple of times as a result of bad choices of my own. I choose to get back up and do what needed to be done. Even it it meant taking a job I was grossly over qualified for.
As for the protesters...The beauty of free speech...There will always be people that disagree. Thousands of them...I have traveled to these places and I know first hand that the sentiment of the people I encounter is warm and friendly. Except the French and do we really care....We are THE super power...People will always feel we should do more...or less, or nothing at all...As soon as we start worrying about what everyone else is thinking about us we are dead as a nation..We should always have our best interests first and as a result we will have people in foreign countries that don't like us...They sure like our money and our hand outs...
I don't believe our response to 9/11 was ineffectual and lame. I had goose bumps watching the coverage after the war in Afghanistan broke out. This country was never more united than we were at that point. We have not had a major terrorist attack since. This alone is justifies our efforts. These people hate us not because of our prosperity but because of our freedoms.
I have no doubt that the world is a better place without Saddam in power. A democracy in the Middle East is a good thing. They had more people turn out for their election than we do for ours. They did this despite the hostility on the region. I admire their courage and I appreciatte might right to vote even more and I won't even complain when I have to stand in line for 3 minutes. These people waited all day and faced a dangerous group of fanatical terrorists.
Yes I used the word terrorist regarding members of the militant factions that are still reaking havoc in Iraq. Is there any doubt Saddam hated us and would cause as much damage as he possibly could if given the chance. Bottom line...I am glad he is gone..
I think if we could pull Bin Laden in we would. Even though it is the wrong reason, Bush could use this as a trophy and the sheep would follow..This would give him a major bump in the polls and no politician would miss this opportunity. Do you really think that capturing Bin Laden would stop Bush from going into Iran or Syria? I don't..
Thanks for making me think..Have a nice night...



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Amber Alert Issued for 4 year old Pensylvania Boy
Posted: Wednesday April 13 2:18 PM CT

TheWilkinsburg Police Department and the state of Pensylvania issued the Amber Alert on Wednesday afternoon after the child was abducted from Mill Street.

Tyre Brooks 4 years old. He's 30 inches tall, 35-40 pounds, black hair, and brown eyes. He was last seen wearing green sweatpants, black and white Nike Tennis shoes, and no socks. He was last seen on Mill street in Wilkinsburg at approximately 1220.

He was reported abducted by Nina AVERYTT, 5’5” black female, 120 pounds, black hair, brown eyes, and a tattoo of “Nina” on her neck. She was last seen wearing ¾ length pajama top, blue jeans, NO shoes or socks.

There is no vehicle information available at this time.

Anyone with information is asked to dial 911.


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Nope. No pattern there. May we have another please? Check previous post times.

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