On today's show, Friday 3/4, Scott questioned why Niagara County funds a mounted division for the sheriff's dept. From what I heard, his question was never addressed or answered.
According to www.ncsd.com/mounted: the mounted division is a function of the NCSD appointed to police the county for special assignments. This VOLUNTEER group, approved by the division for membership, must be qualified for mounted police work.
There is NO monetary compensation to the mounted patrol. All equipment, such as horses, transportation of horses, and tack, is furnished by the individual deputy. At present there are 13 members.
Therefore in an effort to help these volunteers with their out of pocket expenses, there will be a fundraising event the second weekend in June at the Niagara County fairgrounds. Details are still being ironed out and vendors are being added. But it will end up being a fun family event with lots to do and see. I'm sure if anyone is interested in helping this cause, they can contact the mounted division through the numbers on their website.
Thanks, Kelly Speer
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
I just spoke with Tom Chiappone from the NCSD mounted division. Plans are coming together for the event. They need items for the chinese auction, if anyone would like to donate. They are also looking for FREE bands to perform an a sound system. Let me know if you would like to help.
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.