OKOK, anonymous. Ouch. Now I cry :&*( Lately dodged a few bashes so I was cruising through the board "on guard," saw it and posted. A few bugs in the cruise control's all. Guilty as charged for speeding. Still one a dem odd'er' posts filled with anonymity, ambiguity, bad sentences and spelling (like mine) and some more of that general "BaffleGab." And oh hoot, I got sucked into another one of those black-hole-of-a-dicxschunary-reconstruction threads. "Limbaugh-esque" has been used here before another time on board--similar bash (you go find it) post. Not use to ANY or much 'd' lately except AW. Question though--Why would this poster want anyone to think that they are Italian (see Columbus and Vespucci)>? This is also the second use of a specific ethnic reference that this poster has used on the board. There was a post before about getting home to the Ital. wife and kids or some such warm fuzzy niblet that was left for us pidgeons... This person IS NOT Not Italian, I think Laughvian. All good Eyetalys would sign their name. Even bad ones. See ya'll next fall - maybe, maybe not -- Edited by NuclearLou at 23:51, 2005-06-02
Poor Lou, Will you stop crying if I promise to let you read my new comic book?
if you did not vote , you have not earned the right to bitch.
I disagree. If you vote you have no right to complain. People like to twist that around to make people want to vote. But being involved makes you guilty.
If you vote, and you elect dishonest & selfish candidates, and they get into office and screw everything up, you're the one responsible, you voted them in, you caused the problem -- I, on the other hand, who did not vote, who did not even leave the house on election day, have every right to complain as loud I want about the problem you created that I had nothing to do with.
Anonymous wrote: If you vote you have no right to complain. - George
I've heard people try to make this point before. Look at it this way. If you're not part of the equation come voting time, then you're not part of the equation - period. People who don't vote ARE the problem. If you had voted ... for that other guy (who is better than the one we idiots voted into office) then there would be no problem. So it's YOUR fault that we're stuck with who we got cause you couldn't miss a single episode of Hee Haw.
I heard about a poll taken over the weekend that said most (and when I say most, I mean 76%), most people don't want a Democrat OR Republican in the White House in 2008, they are sick of the posturing, the dirty campaigns, the fingerpointing and the bickering. They want a moderate who can just go in there and get things done. I agree.
"If people could put rainbows in zoos, they would." -- Hobbes
Apparently so. I had Michael Badnarik, the Libertarian candidate, on as a guest. He was quite bright. Swung my vote quick. While the interview hasn't been podcast yet, I can make it a point of getting it online soon if you haven't heard it and would like to have a listen. Let me know.
Funny how long the American people have settled for so long for 'the lesser of two evils,' like it's a wise strategy or something...It's a tragic burden that in this amazingly vast nation, year after year we are left to choose between red crap and blue crap. I agree, I want to have to choose between 2, or even (call me crazy) 3 or 4 great candidates.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
meanwhile do not forget that ross perot cost the first President bush his 2nd term and Al Gork probobly would have won against the current President without the vote splintering caused by the green partie's ralph nader run .
Knowing President Bush would loose in NY , in the first election against al gork i voted for nader hoping to help gain him and his party a position on the next ballot to split the demon-crat vote and help to usher in a rebublican / conservative . great plan , but it didnt work , President Bush won on his merits .
what ever your politcal veiw point concerning the results those events changed the history of our nation , if a similar event happens in the future , think hard before throwing away your vote ....
and to all you liberals , remember , you are special , you get to vote on wedensday after the silly normal people vote . so you dont have to wait on those long lines .