Wow, a new addition to your happy home. I wonder if keeping a skunk for a pet cuts down on door to door sales? Something we all may want to think about.
I asked my kids what to call Scott's new pet. I'm told the only real name for a skunk is Flower. That's 2 kids but 1 house, I don't know how you are keeping score.
Scott, be careful with your new pet skunk, especially with the kids. I once had a neighborhood skunk. We got to see it every Monday about 4am when it got into the garbage! Also, if you claim it as a pet, the City will want you to register it and pay a fee every 2 years at $15.00 bucks a pop.Look for the City dog warden in your neighborhood.I found her at the end of my driveway, in my backyard, without permission, then got a friendly letter from the City wanting money. Nice. Also,the name Flower sounds like the name of one of Michael Jackson's kids.Sorry
Why not give it a more familiar name, like Steven, or Carol?
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
That works MC. Now all we have to do is have Scott find out if it is male or female. How can you possibly name a pet if you don't know what it is. Let's hear from poeple who want to know.
I think you should name it Schrader or Phyllis. These two names have already been stinking up the city for years. Plus, the sex of the animal doesn't matter with these names. No one can tell what they are either.: