So what? He did absolutely nothing to help when he was here months Lew-Port.
If his visit is under the auspices of Residents for Responsible Government, then his visit is simply Greenwashing. Residents for Responsible Government, AKA RRG should be known as Government Responsible for Residents! because of its retired government types and others with agendas in that group.
Lois Gibbs is now a "Beltway Babe," Ralph is something else again.
Everyone has an agenda. Ya can't fault him for that.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
Yep, going back to the original Nader Greenwashing event held by RRG-Government Responsible for Residents ... it is found that the post was made by the same Anonymous...
"Environmental Summit in Youngstown" This term was only used by certain RRG folks.
Hey anonymous, you involved with The Greenwashers? Same M.O.
Anonymous Date: Sat Mar 19 10:51 AM, 2005 Views: 46
Ralph Nader to visit Western New York
Environmental Summit in Youngstown
6:30 PM on April 14
Lewiston Porter High School Auditorium.
Keynote speaker: Ralph Nader, presidential candidate and author of "Unsafe at Any Speed"
It would almost be logical that someone in the RRG-GRR organization would post the message at this early date...BEFORE any public announcement had been made about Nader's visit. Who else would have known?? :*) I hate when things are this easy.
Jeesh guys, we aren't stupid or blind!
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
My agenda is my business, because I don't make it anyone else's
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.