quote: Originally posted by: alwayswatching "From down here it sound like the air on top of your mountain is thin. Mike, you really expect us to buy that? We live in a county full of government blunders, but thats ok, it won't happen again. It happened once, it can happen again. Policies have been modified, but not to protect us. Right now we are at a yellow (bert) alert level, what does that mean? It means that we always have to look over our shoulder because the government can't. I means they have covered their collective *##%#. Our drivers licence has a bar code that allows all of our personal information to be brought up in seconds. AW has applied of a social security# on day X, Drivers license on day Y, Speeding ticket on T,D and F. A passport is just over kill. AW"
play nice -
how about those without a drivers license such as yours - or those without a NYS drivers license at all ...no a drivers lisence does not qualify as proof of .....
of course the modifications to protocol were for the safety of yourself and all taxpayers everywhere , how else would the government be able to fund their ivory towers in the future .
sure government "blunders" , do not forget who set the blundering policy that allowed 9-11 to happen , it was not the current administration . we all make mistakes though , even me .
it wont happen again , the same way it happened before , it may happen again a different way , now is the time to plan ahead and prevent it . not after . mistake s will be made . on both sides .
quote: Originally posted by: mike of the mountain "how about those without a drivers license such as yours - or those without a NYS drivers license at all ...no a drivers lisence does not qualify as proof of ..... "
You can't get a driver's license without a birth certificate, social security number, etc. All the information you provide is verified and entered into "the system." And unless I'm mistaken, every D.L. in the union is equipped with a bar code. They have a photo, address, description, and they require renewal every 6 years, unlike passports which are good for 10. If you don't drive, comparable photo ID is available from any Sheriff's dept. for a fraction of the cost.
"If people could put rainbows in zoos, they would." -- Hobbes
what if you live in new jersey , or connecticut , or utah . and you do have a lisence from any other state besides NY . .... so on your trip / vacation you are suggesting a trip to the sherrif's office is mandated before a border crossing ??? sounds a little draconian eh ? how will the sheriff feel about this ? ummm , no , doesnt fly , passports it is then ....
I think the point PT was trying to make is that the license is enough. Sheriff's cards are for those who don't have a driver's license but still need a valid form of photo ID. I think a photo ID is not too much to ask for an international border crossing, be it state mandated or federally. This isn't like the old soviet union or Casablanca, where you need special papers or 'letters of transit' to go from one place to another.
Terrorists, like everyone else, travel leaglly all the time. ID's and background checks are useless, since most of them have clean records. It's their extra-curricular activities that we need to prevent.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
hey, I just saw a report on CNN about how there has been a major rise in falsified documents like passports, visas, licenses, etc. in 16 states, including NY
guess if 2,000 migrant workers a day are making it into the US, how much trouble will the terrorists have?
Oh no you must be mistaken. Passports can't be faked, they are the answer to all our problems! That is unless you can use a tractor trailer to transport dozens at a time. The driver would have a passport of course.
We need to have harsher punishments not passports. Terrorist should be hunted like animals and shot with no trial. Send a message. Screw with us and their will be consquences.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
Originally posted by: Anonymous "my freind's daughter works in us customs in singapore intercepting nasty things in shipping containers before they get here ;mostly bs unlicenced chinese copies of name brands ; BUT : she and her co workers are of the opinion that this year there will be another attempted strike here in the continental 48 - they say there is stuff captured and stopped we dont hear of. they wont talk of it . i dont think passports with a smart chip at the border is extreme at all , better still if backed up by real snipers (not the kind you see on tv) in towers with rapid reaction forces on standby at all times . check out the website debka.com you will be amazed at what you dont know . wise old mike "
so we go in circles , back to the beggining ,
http://www.worthynews.com/Government/chip.html here is a little discussion of the mini chips , that can be implanted in the passports SO THAT THEY CANNOT BE FORGED , or fraudulently created for use by the bad guys .
So the governemnt is going to come up with some technology that no one else can duplicate.....
3 weeks before the new $20 bills came out, well-worn counterfeit ones were found in circulation. 10-year-olds go online and download encryption the FBI can't crack. Bootleggers take a faint perfume sample, break it down in a lab, and by morning it's all over the country. You think someone can't copy a microchip in a plastic sleeve? Motivated, creative people will always defeat oppressive rule-makers. It's in the new generations' blood.
Oh, and in case anyone missed Paper Tigress' post, the 9/11 hijackers had REAL PASSPORTS, not fakes. So the point is moot.
-- Edited by Mindcrime at 08:04, 2005-04-29
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
i see in the news today and yesterday - that there is a proposal to standardise drivers lisences in all states so that they all will include ID linked to a common database - so there fore such a system does not currently exist . thus invalidating the use of drivers lisences as a legitimate form of ID for border crossing .
Did you also see the report that at least 11 states have knowingly provided ID to illegal aliens? I'm moving to New Zealand...
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
here we have a mexican in a van smuggling in "radioactive soil" to be tested in CA , the guy had a permit to bring it in ? but chooses to smuggle to it in anyway ? to save permit fees ? or ?
http://www.krqe.com/expanded.asp?ID=9909 what exactly to we need radioactive mexican soil for in the USA and how does there come to be radioactive soil in mexico in the first place ....
did he have a drivers licence , yes . did he have a passport ? unknown ...
quote: Originally posted by: mike of the mountain " here we have a mexican in a van smuggling in "radioactive soil" to be tested in CA , the guy had a permit to bring it in ? but chooses to smuggle to it in anyway ? to save permit fees ? or ? http://www.krqe.com/expanded.asp?ID=9909 what exactly to we need radioactive mexican soil for in the USA and how does there come to be radioactive soil in mexico in the first place .... did he have a drivers licence , yes . did he have a passport ? unknown ... "
Why would a CA lab need to analysis it?hummmmmmmm....Agents confiscated it to determine weather it contains agricultuial pests?"I think that means they drove it to CA lab for him....Next time They will make sure he has a passport...Now the gov. is exporting jobs..Now you would think this kind of news would be higher on the list then the bride story?....To add to this very good find Mike,U of R is going to start cancer testing again....Did we not already live this story...............Everybody read the P=files
Maybe it was another civilian test, to point out the glaaring inadequacy of our border protection. Billions of dollars later, we still have detectors that can't differentiate between radiation from plutonium, and the radiation naturally given off by kitty litter.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
Pests, I don't think so. We may have to wait for p-files II to get the rest of this story. Good catch Mike. We are about to take a step back in time, not good.