There's probably alot of parks like Isleview around here. That shouldn't be your reason not to help. Sounds like a cop out to me. Show up anyway and wear a mask and a sign to make your point if you'd like.
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.
quote: Originally posted by: kspeer "There's probably alot of parks like Isleview around here. That shouldn't be your reason not to help. Sounds like a cop out to me. Show up anyway and wear a mask and a sign to make your point if you'd like. "
Hey that may be something to ponder. What if we brought all the kids wearing masks?
Thank you Jenny for your nice comments. I think we all need to work together too.
And...Thank You KSpeer for the suggestion about attending the event at Isleview-Niawanda "park." I appreciate your comment about copping out, however, I'll go along with this...We, us here at the ScottyBlog, maybe we all could get together and do what you suggest. I'll supply the gas masks & Tyvek.
Seriously, we could do this as a group from the Forum contingent--Thoughts?
Would you and other readers please consider doing this?
I will IF even one other will. This is also a good idea for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life at Lew-Port School track. I've tried for a few years to get it moved but the ACS won't even consider it.
Lou Ricciuti
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
I was just thinking how much I can't stand the American Cancer Society ... so I'd love to see their event hacked.
As to why I can't stand the ACS? They hold feel-good events like the Relay for Life and instead of using that money to find a cure for cancer or fight a good fight, they use it to put local businesses out of business (smoking ban) ... with no remorse whatsoever. And now, they're trying to do the same thing with the casinos. I think it's abominable. They've overstepped their bounds and they should be taken down a notch.
I think a see a plan in the making! Barker also has a relay for life event every year, but I have no idea if they have the same kinds of issues. I'm all for the Lew-Port site, this event gets lots of press. Feed back?
Front Page <> > Opinion > <>> Sunday Viewpoints > <> > > NATURE WATCH > An Earth Day salute to all the muckrakers > By GERRY RISING > > 4/17/2005 > Some conservationists are known as muckrakers. This coming Friday is > the 35th Earth Day, and I salute environmental muckrakers in this column > as my small contribution to that celebration. I believe these folks > richly deserve our recognition and support. > > My dictionary defines a muckraker as one who exposes political or other > corruption, real or alleged. The word's source derives, of course, from > digging mud and slime - not a highly regarded activity. The same kind of > disfavor usually attaches to those who expose and address the many > problems with our environment. They often overwhelm and even irritate us. > > This product causes cancer. Those fish are full of mercury poisons. That > creek is contaminated with e coli. That marsh will be drained for > development. And more generally: Lead paint is reducing our children's > IQs. Our air is impure. The ozone layer is being dissipated. Global > warming threatens. Tropical forests are disappearing. Many plants and > animals are nearing extinction while starlings and loosestrife and zebra > mussels are taking over the Earth. > > We are made uncomfortable by that litany of problems, and too often we > seek simply to avoid them. We're encouraged in this response by two > groups: representatives of industry whose profits will be reduced if we > respond to the problems and the politicians who are powerfully > influenced by those industries. > > Consider perhaps the most important muckraker of them all, Rachel > Carson. Her 1962 book "Silent Spring" brought out the worst in her many > opponents. Industries, in particular the chemical industry, devoted > millions of dollars to personal attacks on this shy woman dying of cancer. > > Those attacks continue today. For example, novelist Michael Crichton has > this to say of "Silent Spring" in his screed, "State of Fear": "I am old > enough to remember reading this poetic, persuasive text with alarm and > excitement when it was first published; it was clear even then that it > would change the world. With the passage of time, Carson's text appears > more flawed and more overtly polemical. It is, to be blunt, about > one-third right and two-thirds wrong. Carson is particularly to be > faulted for her specious promotion of the idea that most cancer is > caused by the environment. This fear remains in general circulation > decades later." > > Never mind that Carson was a deeply informed scientist and a person who > checked her facts with scores of scientific colleagues. I find it hard > to believe that Crichton, an M.D. himself, would claim that cancer is > not caused by our environment. The evidence on Carson's side is > overwhelming. > > The other day I visited the home of my neighbor, Suzie Rivol Solender, > whose house dust had been tested by a muckraking organization, the > Citizens' Environmental Coalition. Clearly from the many toys in > evidence, her grandchildren's health had motivated Solender's > participation in this seven-state study. > > Their health is indeed threatened. The researchers found dangerous > compounds in those homes, their source such consumer products as > electronics, cosmetics, flooring and upholstery. > > Many of us will react to this as just more of the same. Our legislators, > too. They usually assign such concerns to committees whose members, > beholden to industrial lobbyists, will only reluctantly address them > and, when they do, at glacial speed. > > But headway is being made. Progressive companies such as Dell, IKEA, > Herman Miller and Shaw Carpets have modified manufacturing to use safer > chemicals. And safeguarding legislation is passed. Despite intensive > bromine industry lobbying, a bill supported by State Sen. Carl > Marcellino, R-Long Island, and Assembly member Thomas DiNapoli, D-Great > Neck, phasing out brominated flame retardants that have been linked to > health problems was recently signed by Gov. George Pataki. > > While I credit those politicians, still more recognition should go to > groups like the Citizens' Environmental Coalition that do the muck work. > I wish I could salute here all the organizations and individuals that > push us to address such serious environmental problems. > > We'd be in dire straits without them. > > > e-mail: <> > > > > > > >
Does anyone know what the CEO of the ACS makes? It's in the millions. The position is one of the highest paid right with the United Way and the Red Cross. They all do a lot of good in the community but they all get paid big fat checks too.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
Counties biggest polluters BY Aaron besecker / Friday, April 22, 2005
On the 35th anniversary of Earth Day, a day filled with tree plantings and recycling drives, residents of Niagara County are facing environmental issues that aren’t so cheerful.
For example, Niagara County is the second largest source of pollution among all counties in the state, and among the top 10 percent of the dirtiest counties in the country, according to statistics compiled by a leading non-profit organization.
Among the top 10 polluters in the county are Barker’s AES Somerset Power Plant (ranked second), and Delphi Thermal & Interiors (third) and Candelight Cabinetry (fifth), both in Lockport.
While the figures may be disturbing, the statistics generally show significant reductions in pollution levels at least as far back as the late-1980s.
The findings can be found on, a Web site created by Environmental Defense. The data comes from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s annual Toxic Release Inventory.
The most recent numbers date back to 2001. Numbers from 2002 were released in June 2004 and have not been incorporated into Scorecard. org yet.
Contact Aaron Besecker at (716) 282-2311, Ext. 2263.
I believe, that most if not all, of the Community Newspaper Holdings newspapers (corporate offices in Alabama) are being Web-created-hosted way down in KoKomO. They must have some WebHead-person there. That's what I think goes on with the Kokomo, Ind. connection to these Web articles. IMHO--Just one more of the journalistic--local interest aspect to these consolidated papers that are now gone. A globaleconomichomogynizeddigestible effort at creating pablum for the masses--washed or unwashed.
"Bermuda, Bahama, hey now.. where do we go?" :*) Or some lyric like that song!
-- Edited by NuclearLou at 18:19, 2005-04-22
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
The ACS Money$$ raised locally through The Relay for Life, you will be told, goes to local childhood research. I've read in one place or another--lots of salary, bennies--and all the Brompton's cocktails they can drink at lunch (dark humor only for those that already know-don't ask me).
The part I don't like, is that some of the "childhood research" that'll get done, will be done UPON the same children at Lew-Port ! Oh yes it will--sick as it sounds.
THIS IS THE SINGLE biggest issue and reason that I have not been able to support. More in a while on this subject.
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
Anyone who has had to give Bromptons Cocktail to someone they love should really take a look at the county we live in. Raising money for the cause is great as long as it really goes to the cause.
I wonder how this research will help the kids at Lew-Port when the government has a hand in it. It's time to bring a NGO in so we can trust the answers.
_Always, I should have known that you'd be the one...I once took aerial photos of a place called Brompton Heights out over Williamsville. I'm pretty sure he was a doctor guy and you know what he concocted for our friends over at "The Park."
Anyway--TRUTH BE TOLD, and a little ramble...if I can be indulged. NOTICE on these threads how that just when a discussion gets started that might have an impact or effect, there's always a distraction that gets thrown in? In a manner of speaking, there seems to be distractions happening at all the wrong times--and, interestingly enough, when this happens, it usually is caused by one or two posters, with an anonymous added for frosting? OK, that's just me.
TO GET BACK ON TRACK---!!! LOL! LOLOLOL *Just don't hang out on the one at Lewiston-Porter. More on this in a moment.
Here's why holding the Relay for Life at L-P is a bad idea, I MHO:
"Geiger-Counters," as everyone knows, goes click, click, click, faster with higher readings. Right?
Each "Click" is an "event," an atomic disintegration, or miniature explosion of sorts. The G-M picks up this little burst. OK? EVERY G-M meter is calibrated to read on basically two scales--those scales are called KeV, and MeV. Thousands of Electron Volts and Millions of Electron Volts, respectively.
Every time a G-M clicks, that's called a "Count Per Minute," or, in the terms of the big dogs--C.P.M., or Counts Per Minute. When you get closer to "hot" stuff, you can set your meter to be "less sensitive" (thereby, being able to read on a higher scale) by moving from the Thousands of e Volts (remember KeV), to the Millions of e Volts switch setting. KeV & MeV.
According to a world reknowned leading scientist on this subject, Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D., G.N.S.H., "The amopunt of energy released by just one nuclear transformation of one atom of a radioactive material is measured in thousands or millions of electron volts." "It requires only six to 10 electron volts to break the molecular bounds in cellular DNA and RNA which carry the genes for life."
So, human DNA/RNA can be damaged with 6 to 10 Electron Volts. That's Six to Ten e V. Not thousands or millions. So, every time you hear one click, depending upon the type of radioactive material being detected, you've already risked known genetic damage, or other damage on a cellular level to cause cancer--and other debillitating disease.
At the Lewiston-Porter Schools campus, the Counts Per Minute range from (0) Zero near (Blaireville) Creek Road at the front of school property, to 38,222 Counts Per Minute found in a "piece of rock" at the rear of the property, closest to the LOOW site.
The track area where the Relay for Life is held at Lew-Port schools comes in at a wopping 8500 to 10500 CPM, with spots in excess of 12,000.
The public was told that the highest offending piece of "rock" was removed kindly from the Lew-Port school grounds by the CIA contractor (oh yes they are) hired to do an unannounced radiation survey conducted in December 2001--but dated Feb. 2002, on a single weekend for $100,000, that doesn't get spoken of much - becuase of which reason is that today?
Certain people would like me--the public, to believe that PCBs in ditches are nastybadawefulDude!
The "PCBs are coming, the PCBs are coming.."
Get a gripe on this one folks--CAUSE HERE's WHERE THE official term "RISK" comes in--
It is acceptable "risk" to expose children to uranium, radon, and now potentially Pu (cause THEY ain't even tested for that one on campus), lead, arsenic, cadmium, lithium and a "Host Community" of other known health hazards and carcinogens. Someone, and not you, made determinations (through the years) that in addition to the previously mentioned insults--that it's OK to expose kids to these radioactive CPM rates and be legally allowed to tell the public that it is "normal" (when weighed against "Risk"--that is, the "risk" that THEY determine, and how's that?).
6 to 10 electron volts - vs - 38,000 CPM (x's 1000 or 1,000,000=eV)
I asked Dr. Bertell to comment upon the survey: "There are several problems with the school "findings" ." "This report far from assuring the public should cause outrage." "You have caught them trying to minimize the exposure, rather than exaggerate it." "Quite messy!"
And lastly, in my ramble here on this pure and white Sunday morning...
with regard to - "TRUST."
There is a public statement in which one official US Army Corps of Engineers-Buffalo District scientist and spokesperson is quoted as stating that the above mentioned survey detected "no levels of radiation that would be expected to cause harm.."
But yet, this exact same spo0kesperson in sworn court room testimony, stated something quite different: "those that lived within one mile of the old silo should be in fear for their lives."
Here's an interesting engineering factoid--the schools are only a bit more than a mile or so away!
The exact quotes and context are available upon written request to email:
There once was a man I knew who was thought by some to be from Joplin, Missouri. He called himself the Old Mule Skinner. Today, not a nice, polite thought perhaps, but back in those long ago days (he was an old man when I was a kid) probably a needed service--I guess.
Anyway--also from Missouri is the old adage about "Don't believe anything you hear or read and only half of what you see." I think that to be the basis for all the sayings about Being from Missouri, Seeing is Believing, I've got to see it to believe it...that kind of thing...
Don't call me The Old Mule Skinner just because the buck got stopped.
Just call me.... I prefer email & in writing :*)
Lou Ricciuti
-- Edited by NuclearLou at 10:32, 2005-04-24
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
On the 35th anniversary of Earth Day, a day filled with tree plantings and recycling drives, residents of Niagara County are facing environmental issues that aren’t so cheerful.
For example, Niagara County is the second largest source of pollution among all counties in the state, and among the top 10 percent of the dirtiest counties in the country, according to statistics compiled by a leading non-profit organization.
Twelve of the county’s top 20 polluters — including Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Durez Corp., and Occidental Chemical Corp. — are in the City of Niagara Falls. One of the top 20 is An-Cor Industrial Plastics of North Tonawanda.
While the figures may be disturbing, the statistics generally show significant reductions in pollution levels at least as far back as the late-1980s.
The findings can be found on, a Web site created by Environmental Defense. The data comes from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s annual Toxic Release Inventory.
The most recent numbers date back to 2001. Numbers from 2002 were released in June 2004 and have not been incorporated into yet.
The numbers do not indicate whether, or to what degree, the public has been exposed to chemicals from these facilities, however.
Lockport’s Delphi Harrison Thermal Systems ranked third in the county, releasing 203,440 pounds of waste in 2001. That number was down from about 3.4 million pounds released in 1988 — a 95 percent reduction.
Lindsey Williams, corporate affairs manager for Delphi, said the company is in full compliance with all environmental permits and regulations and has made major progress in reducing pollution.
The company still plans to focus on continuing reduction in its pollution levels, hecq he is a male said.
“There’s still work to do,” Williams said. “We’re diligently working for that end.”
Officials at CWM Chemical Services, listed as the county’s top polluter, said the TRI reports on characterize waste put into a landfill as being “released into the environment.” This characterization inflates the waste total, since measures are in place to secure waste taken in at CWM, said district manager Richard Sturges.
A spokeswoman for AES, the company that operates the power plant in Barker, said the facility uses state of the art pollution control technology.
“AES is one of the cleanest coal-fired units in the United States and it has a superior environmental record,” said the spokeswoman, who did not want to be identified.
An EPA spokeswoman said it usually takes at least 18 months following the end of a year before pollution numbers are incorporated into the TRI reports.
Louis Ricciuti (4/23/2005) To have not mentioned our nuclear legacy left behind by the Manhattan A-bomb Project and Atomic Energy Commission activities here in Niagara County is a great disservice to the community. Shame on the Gazette! Sincerely, Louis Ricciuti
Jenny Banas (4/22/2005) Earth Day 2005: Lets ask Mr.Sturges of CWM why so many people in the areas around the site have cancer or passed away from it. Let's ask ourselves why so many children from Lew-Port have cancer!
quote: Originally posted by: Anonymous "smoking kills you faster going to Lput,It takes your family your dreams,The Gov. should take away the little white sticks.."
If you like signing your life away to big brother, ban the white sticks. While your at it, you better include alcohol and swimming after meals.
quote: Originally posted by: me "If you like signing your life away to big brother, ban the white sticks. While your at it, you better include alcohol and swimming after meals."
If you were to ask me: We have enought of big brother, tell him to but out!
Have you ever watched anybody die from smoking!It drowns the life out of them,SLOWLY.Did you ever give them morpine so the PAIN would go away!Have you ever heard the noise a dieing person makes while trying to gasp for air!Gurgle that is it.SOMETIMES for days.Since they kill and the gov. knows so,do you not think it is possable they allow it cause it alters the #s.Plus the gov. gets HUGE amount of money so they can keep on running.Now maybe I am being a little spiteful because another family member maybe ill?Only had one drownding in my family so i do not worry about swimming as much.