After the show with Mr Nader on stage with RRG at lew-port.There was a event that took place behind closed doors with some news people inside.Two other people pushed their way into that room.One being a young girl with cancer.Who walked up to nader and asked if she was pretty,Then she took off her wig.As I was not in this room I am repeating what the mom told me.Get that up front.Anyways Mr Nader asked for the cameras be turned off.She is wondering how come this did not make the news.As she was a lew-port grad.Hummm....Maybe cause it was not rrgs idea..........
Hang on now--As stated: "The truth was not on stage that night."
Restated as it is believed anonymous meant-
The people on the stage, staring back at the people in the larger amount of seats--the audience, as opposed to the people in the audience staring back at the stage, that had a lesser amount of seats. Or, the people on the lower part of the floor with only one microphone. That kind of thing.
It is wonderful that this lady spoke of her daughter's illness. The girl should have approached The Nader while he was in front of everyone though, I can't even imagine the courage it took to do what she did!
It is interesting that The Nader asked that the cameras be turned off!! That sounds a bit cowardly to anonymous. The young lady, she did a good thing. Just don't know if The Nader is the audience that she wants. THAT message needs to get to the residents.
Would this girl become a part of a poster campaign? A Victims Calandar?
No disrespect meant at all. Just a thought.
AND NO!! This is NOT an idea open for Those Durn Peskey RRG grubbers to grab and use against "PCBs" and corporate CWM. That's NOT THE FIGHT.
RRG Victims Calandar--On Sale Soon at a Lewiston-Porter produce stand near you!
Don't even think about it, cause why? Alwayswatches.
While you are typing away arguing over whos truth is true,think bout this somebody out there just got the news they have cancer!Or they have just passed from IT,or somebody is putting their child or mom or husband in the ground!You all are very smart,it is a shame you waste it by fighting instead of helping.Maybe in your own way you are.If so I give you credit there.The imfo has been great.May you all get what you are after! Take care..............By the way the RWB stood for the colors i am painting at this season.Nothing more!..May peace ,truth,and you give a helping hand where you can! See yah!"The Beagle"
There is a walk-a-thon on May 21 for the Bryan Lawrence Foundation. If anybody truly would like to help fight childhood cancer, these are the people to help. This family has gone through the tragedy of losing their child to this disease, and now helps other families get through it. The financial hardships for these families can be greatly alleviated by the foundation so the families can focus on their child.
You can google the website and download the entry form if you wish. The walk-a-thon will be held at Isleview/Niawanda. Nice way to spend a Saturday! Put your money where your mouth is!
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.
I would truly like to help childhood cancer. I just don't think Niawanda-Isleview Park for this event is such a good idea. It's a previous Superfund site that was capped. This event, while good hearted and spirited, needs to be held at another location. Just like the Relay for Life at the Lewiston-Porter Schools track, it's hard to grasp why it's a good idea to have an event to prevent cancer on a spot that likely causes it?
NO OFFENSE MEANT BY this...just wise words to think about...
If you don't think of this and quit yur complaining and all, nothing will ever get done with childhood disease, the most unfair of all, no matter where it happens or to whom.
Are we done crying in each others beer and slinging nuts around? The "Victims Calandar" was a for real idea. It may not have been a good one, BUT IT's AN idea! GOT ONE?
You could be Victims calender #1,cry,whin,give the advice,Mr.A .Are you helping the kids.REMEMBer the tread must connect all.Even the ones who think different.Relay for life :donate every year!The superfund sites are all over N.Y. Follow the tread of the canel.
So, anonymous, does this mean it's a GOOD IDEA to have these events anywhere at all?
Three marvelous locations come to mind--Harrisburgh, PA, Bhopal, India and Chernobyl, Ukraine.
Since Superfund sites "are all over Niagara County," then why not have an event on top of each one? It would identify these sites and make people more aware of the underground soup that we live upon. Having an event on top, doesn't change the fact that it's a Superfund site underneath. Since there are SOoo many, what a great way to make money for the sickness societies if an "event" were to be held on top of each one.
That seems a little like the "ends justifing the means." It's WRONG to have these events in these sorts of locations and the American Cancer Society & others couldn't care less as long as they get the $$. They say this money is for research--the research that'll need doing down the road on these past participants of one such event or another. SEE: CWM's "Open House" last year for the pinnacle of stupid!
Just for the record, I may be a "Mr." as was just posted, but then again, I might be a Ms.
Same as I might or might not be a pediatrician. AND YOU? Shall we talk about who does what for children? OR, shall we just do something for children that's not a mindless excercise in publicity and ill advised real estate use for these events?
If you didn't like the "victims calandar" idea, then what do you suggest in its place?
If you meant that I'm a victim because of living here, you're right. If you're suggesting that I have an accident, forget it, I take very good care of myself, etc. (would someone pass me those beer nuts?)
I guess I'll clarify this one more time--for those that may have just tuned in, or out, as the case may be...I, personally, me, myself and i, think that having these events IS AN OK IDEA, JUST NOT ON hazardous SUPERFUND BURIAL SITES!
This opinion in no way represents the opinion of the real Me, Myself and I.
I think when you give and I do you keep it under your hat or bra depending on gender!Are you ever happy? I like the idea of swimming!Did it for years!Yes of course niagara river,lake,Lighten up a little.SEE you gotta go swimming!or maybe run on the track.SEE how long i can glow.Like I do not know cancer is right around the cornor for me or you !Have a very humble ,peacefull day.Enjot the sun.the birds the flowers,just plain enjoy life!
Yes Mr/Ms A, there is a santa! I know hundreds of kids that A is helping as we speak. Several others who watch this board can say the same. A does not talk about any of us on this board, but I know for sure they are watching many backs.