I thought I would take a shot in the dark to see if anyone out there would like to work as a group and go threw year books from lew=port and gather the cancer #s.Our proof would be in the #s.We can do this.
The funniest thing really is, you won't identifiy yourself and be counted on to help--but feel the need to comment upon and authorized to deny and deride others... Hmmm.
I guess there is no significance whatsoever to the fact that this was the first post after the James Bashing, and that it was posted anonymously. I would think that anyone with the courage to care would also have the courage to step up to the plate and offer help instead of leaving disparaging remarks.
I also don't see this person leaving any comment or offer of help on the thread before hand.
As I see it, all comments are good. Comments made behind a veil of anonymity are less-so and cowardly.
I sign my name honorably, (NU?)
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
Are they good comments or bad.I am a former student of lew-port.Lou knows me .Just someone who is tired of people dieing ,so comment away,I can take it.I hope
Jenny, please meet Scott Leffler, and Scott, please meet Jenny.
Jenny is a mom and small business owner and Scott is the host of this here show. He's the on-air personality for the radio show DIALOG found at 1340AM, in Lockport, NY. His show is listened to by EVERYONE who is anyone in Niagara County, Southern Eeerie County and I even heard his darn show in Toronto the other day clear as a bell!
Jenny is a good hearted soul who's had some real family crap go down around here. She's fed up too.
Jenny, Scott, Scott, Jenny :*)
How's that for bein cordial?
Lou R
-- Edited by NuclearLou at 16:57, 2005-04-24
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
Thank You Alwayswatching,Pick a year hopefully close to the 1977 ,Then we will try and contact them to see how many have or have died from cancer.If it is 10% then we prove them wrong.....Let me know I do have some books.This is faster and cheaper than their ideas on testing wells.The proof is in the #s which we all know will be high!
mike of the mountain , the year book thing is a good / great idea , but it has to be done correctly or it will be discredited and fail . time will be spent for nothing , those that know more about this than myself should chime in .... i am not being negative here , i think that this can be effective .
a standardised ? form / questionere should be created , before anyone is contacted , there are pros that study this kind of thing , the famous Nueclear Lou may be able to add some direction here ....
If you did not show up for pictures you were left out of the year book.You can still work with the people you have.But I agree with wise mike we must have a form.I will ask my cousin who is a dr out of state.
Average number of children per. year at lput is 2450.Hodgkins is rare 3 out of 100,000 people get this.You have one 21 year old,another 22 year old,Same town same school.Do the math.I think the %%%%%% is a little high.Both live near the river.Which is the way the underground water flows.Naw on that one awhile.The Scarlet Letter.
The same stats apply to forgottenchilds thread. Hodgkins is very common as well as several other cancers. I'm sure if a study was done in NC, we would be near the top of the list for birth defects too. Not to mention a host of other rare illnesses.
This Study was done by a Epo. Dr. with those numbers in mind .The put has a very high rate on one cancer.Both places Japan and town of porter have the same chems. in the ground and air.What is different about the put.Hmmmmmm....
quote: Originally posted by: Anonymous " Why does the high cancer rate follow the lake? "
For FC no, but it contributes to the lake problem. FMC was responsible for several fish kills in the 70s & 80s, from Middleport all the way to the lake in 2 streams.
The numbers are gathered, to bad it would risk national security to share them. I'll follow the snow, but it looks more like ash out here. But tomorrow may rain, I'll follow the sun.