quote: Originally posted by: jspeer "Always, look at the stock market after 9-11. The national debt would have happened even if Gore was or wasn't elected. Don't post just to increase your post numbers. You must be a Mike Moore fan. You pick and choose your facts just like him. "
The stock market took a big hit in November and December, because of the election that wasn't. Then it leveled off for a bit and fell again after 911. My own accounts prove this. The stock market is heavily dependant on confidence in our country and it's leadership. Unfortunately this countrys confidence in Bush and his financial skills is nonexistant. Clinton may have been a real jerk with his play time, but he was very good with the numbers. 5 or 6 years ago, if your investments were not doing well, you were advised to change your holdings. Now you are advised to sit tight if you are NOT loosing. I think that shows a huge change in this countrys economy.
Why is it that whenever someone has a strong opinion that doesn't support yours, you start with the attacks? Everything would be great in your world, if I happen to agree with you. Guess what, that's not reality in this big bad opinionated world. If I wanted to increase my numbers I could have made this 3 posts. My opinion on this issue is that you need clear lenses, rather that rose or green, in your glasses. AW
AW, I think it's great that people have different opinions. If all people were the same the world would be a very boring place. If people hated Bush so much why did he win the election by record numbers over Ketchup boy? We control the Senate and the House too. This isn't because being a Republican is the only choice. It's because it's the right choice. It's like when I first started drinking wine, I liked the white fruity kind. Now after years of drinking it my taste buds have matured and I prefer a dry red. People change their taste for all things. Usually for the better.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
quote: Originally posted by: jspeer "AW, I think it's great that people have different opinions. If all people were the same the world would be a very boring place. If people hated Bush so much why did he win the election by record numbers over Ketchup boy? We control the Senate and the House too. This isn't because being a Republican is the only choice. It's because it's the right choice. It's like when I first started drinking wine, I liked the white fruity kind. Now after years of drinking it my taste buds have matured and I prefer a dry red. People change their taste for all things. Usually for the better."
You think it's great that people have different opinions, but they are wrong if they are different from yours. First you say I pick and choose my facts, then when I have facts you can't dispute you change the subject. I never once said republicans were evil unworthy politicians. Nor did I praise the dems. What I said was that I don't like what bush has done for the economy or the environment, but did like what clinton did for it. I'm not sure what that has to do with how you (yes you seem to think your part of it) control the senate and the house. I am grounded in reality well enough to know that I have a vote, but don't have control over our government. I also try not to get down to the level of name calling, ketchup hater, but some times fail. Maybe you should go back to the fruity white wine, or should I say whine!
Record numbers? 51 percent? That's never been achieved before? Or are you talking about record number of voters? It is true that W received more votes than anyone in the history of the United States. It's also true that "ketchup boy" recieved the second highest vote total ever ... MORE PEOPLE VOTED! It's also true, btw, that W got more votes in precincts in Ohio than people lived in those precincts ... so it's all relative.
Read the "plutonium Files" Mr Clinton was in power then.The pres. always has veto power.He let the cover up be ok.Rep. or Dem. it depends on what is on the inside.....Dovey
A very good point Dovey. I would love to read the book, where can I get it. The great thing about being willing to read and/or hear new things is you can always learn. Keep an open mind and you will accomplish great things.
E-Bay,Amazon,or a book store,Read it,weep.wonder why.....Hope no one here has a HP and a #.My open mind is amazed so many people over the age of 65 know all about this....Should have been a movie.....open mind ,with one eye closed Dovey
Even after a President vetoes something, it can still be overturned by Congress.
Here's another way to look at things. Clinton was a dog in his spare time, and something of an embarrasment for the country. But nothing he did in private affected me, or you, or any other citizen. His actions in an official capacity were mostly positive. What Bush is doing we can't escape from. He's ruining things for everyone, except himself and his wealthy 'base.'
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
AHHHH But it did effect you and me.January 1994 "The Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments" was formed under Mr Clinton rain.Rep. and Dem. alike were involved.In the end they decided it was bad what was done but,do did not put the blame in anyones hands.Now the records of these people are hidden .Both pres. are at fault.and so are we because we keep blaming the person over there.......Dovey
I'm thinking of things that are less obscure, like waging a war, or wasting enough money to make Solomon blush. Bush has spent an obscene amount of our tax money needlessly. And that severely affects everyone, Reps & Dems alike.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
I never said I thought this war was right either.I never said I voted for Mr. Bush.What I did say ,I can see huge mistakes from the both of them,that has cost us more than I care to think about.But I do,think that is..................Dovey
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
MC, I like yours better than Scott's. They are definitely the 2 main reasons I voted for him. Good Values and Big Balls. Too bad he can't be elected for a third term. Well there's always his brother who could continue where he leaves off. lol
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
Easiest way is to click & drag your mouse over it (like you were highlighting text) and Copy it. Then just paste it in.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
quote: Originally posted by: jspeer "How do you post a picture? -- Edited by jspeer at 23:29, 2005-05-05"
When you're posting, there's a bunch of buttons above the area you're writing in. B I U IMG URL @, etc.
If you click on IMG, up pops a box asking you the location of your image. Just type in (or paste in) the url of that image from another web site. You cannot upload an image to the forum, so the image must already be on the web in order to get it in the forum.
An image's url, by the way, can be found by right-clicking on any internet image and choosing "properties" from the ensuing menu. That should tell you the URL location of the image. If you're using Firefox, BTW, a menu selection says "copy image location."