Ok gang, I want to take a minute away from our bickering and such to talk about Tuesday.
On Tuesday we will have the opportunity to vote on our school budgets. I don't really care how you vote. but please vote. You will also be voting for your school board members. This is where we can make or break the future of our schools. If you have incumbants running, step back and think about how they votes. Don't look at the last 2 or 3 issues, as they have been voting with tuesday in mind. Think back over their whole term, have they really listened to you? Have they voted for or against the students and taxpayers. Do they return your calls, and care about your issues? Or have they been a rubber stamper. Now look at the newcommers. They are telling you they are going to change things for the good of all. They, if elected, will soon leard that they are 1 vote. How do you think they will handle that. Will they stick to their guns, or become a rubber stamper.
Now is where we come in. We have to weigh it all out, and somehow make the right choice. That is for you to figure out, but please get out to vote.
I had planned to call in to Dialog on Friday but got tied up with something, so regretfully I missed out on that opportunity. I don't know what was in the newspaper (as a matter of fact, I didn't know anything was *in* the newspaper until I read someone's post here referring to it) but what follows was printed in the Candidate's Night program here in Wilson.
The only important point that I didn't include, except to state to the portion of the electorate that showed up that night, is that I would work to persuade the Town Board to adopt a Master Plan for the Town of Wilson, since there has been an influx of families building houses on the one thing we have loads of, agricultural land, the past few years.
If I had one child attending the WCS, my property tax would not pay for that child to attend school, and I don't live in a shack. So when someone moves in with two or more kids, the tax burden is passed along to others, and here in Wilson, that usually means senior citizens on fixed incomes. We need a rational way to approach growth here in Wilson instead of a head-long rush into building more prefabricated houses on cornfields and cow pastures, which benefits the developers but not the taxpayers.
If you live in the Wilson school district, I respectfully ask for your vote.
Jim Hufnagel
James Hufnagel
225 Ontario Street
Wilson NY 14172
BS, 1981, Biology, Cornell University.
MBA, 1986, Computer Information Systems, City University of New York
Can you state what your educational philosophy is?
I believe that in a free and democratic society we are obligated to provide young people with the intellectual tools necessary for them to be productive citizens who make a positive contribution to our community and country.
Life is far more complicated today than it was for the previous generation. For example, facility with computers has become an essential requirement for not only most careers, but also personal activities like finances, communications, and information gathering. It is important that the education we provide to our young people not only emphasizes the thinking skills we all learned in Math, Science and English, but also equips them with the tools needed to prosper in contemporary society.
If elected, what would be your main goal to achieve over the course of your three year term?
1) My main goal is for Wilson to remain the top-ranked school system in Niagara County.
2) Secondarily, I will not vote “Yes” on any budget increase next year. That’s a “Read my lips, no new taxes” promise, except it is one I will keep.
Why I want to sit on the Wilson Central School District Board:
There is a need for more sophisticated, thoughtful people on the school board. Having a graduate business degree, working in academia and business for many years, serving on boards of community organizations, and other life experiences I have had, make me the most qualified candidate subject to your consideration.
I cannot abide the 5% increase in the school budget, in combination with the double digit increase in property assessments. It’s not fair to those in our community on fixed incomes, and those of us who work hard to pay the bills, to go out to our mailbox one day and suddenly find that we will owe hundreds more in property taxes.
Like Mr. Moyer, I am not afraid to be the sole dissenting vote in a roomful of ayes.
In terms of the quality education that is given the young people of Wilson, while I understand Board members have the ultimate responsibility for the performance of the school system, it is clear that Dr. Wendt and his staff, and the principals and teachers of Wilson Central School have done an outstanding job in creating the top rated school system in Niagara County. I don’t see a need to fix what isn’t broken, and if elected to the school board, I intend to partner with all to help perpetuate this excellent educational asset for our families and community.
let the sun beat down upon my face -
And stars to fill my dreams
quote: Originally posted by: James Hufnagel "Scott,
There is a need for more sophisticated, thoughtful people on the school board."
And now... for your reading and entertainment pleasure - I give you the sophisticated... the thoughtful... Mr. James Hufnagel
He *does* look like a Rat zinger. Perhaps more like a vampire bat.
Is it true Benny the 16th was a member of Hitler youth?
6+ million Jews murdered.
I wonder how many Jewish leaders will be in attendance when Benny goes to his reward.
It looks like Pope Eggs Benedict was in fact in the Nazi Youth.
"Der Ratzinger ist das Pope Judenburn" translation: "The Ratzinger is the Pope Jew Burn"
In response to the email you sent me last week: No, I don't remember you from Lockport high school. Of course, I didn't ride the short bus, that could be why... And who could ever forget that great topic hit: That JAMES Hufnagel - What a lay!
... Hey wait, where's everyone going?
I guess religious people, the mentally or emotionally challenged, and all dads’ virginal little girls better look elsewhere.
Thank you for tacking this very important handbill home with you today from your church. It was thought important by members of this community that you be made aware of these aspects to one of your BOE candidates. A vote for this man is a vote for these opinions and self righteousness.
POSTS BY JAMES HUFNAGEL, Board of Ed. candidate WHOIS Jim Hufnagel, let's take a look--
These comments were posted by the candidate James HUFNAGEL to a local Internet Blog site prior to the Popes death and making comment upon other life demeaning and degrading subjects. His comments about females are intolerable!! ---- Mr. Hufnagel writes About the dying Pope RE: IMPORTANT POPE NEWS - hours ago
JP is Pope John Paul, rip. JP2 on gay rights: "It is legitimate and necessary to ask oneself if this is not perhaps part of a new ideology of evil, perhaps more insidious and hidden, which attempts to pit human rights against the family and against man,"
JP2 on women: “May the Virgin Mary, who is the Mother of the Church, also be the Mother in “the Church of the home.” Thanks to her motherly aid, may each Christian family really become a “little Church” in which the mystery of the Church of Christ is mirrored and given new life. May she, the Handmaid of the Lord, be an example of the humble and generous acceptance of the will of God. May she, the Sorrowful Mother at the foot of the Cross, comfort the sufferings and dry the tears in distress because of the difficulties of the families.” (Translation: shut-up, have as many kids as God sends you, do as you're told)
JP2, unless you didn't get it the first time: I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful. JP2 on Catholic Church and Pius XII complicity in the Holocaust: "During and after the war, Jewish communities and Jewish leaders expressed their thanks for all that had been done for them, including what Pope Plus XII did personally or through his representatives to save hundreds of thousands of Jewish lives," God Speed, JP2.
James Hufnagel --------------- RE: IMPORTANT POPE NEWS - hours ago When the Pope and his Church stop influencing public policy worldwide by lobbying governments against basic human rights, then I will gladly fall to my knees and pay homage to whatever god strikes your fancy. Just make sure he has a sufficient number of arms. The Pope calls to you, Lou. Go to him.
James Hufnagel -----------
RE: IMPORTANT POPE NEWS - hours ago Hey, Kramer, In response to the email you sent me last week: No, I don't remember you from Lockport high school. Of course, I didn't ride the short bus, that could be why...
James Hufnagel -----
He *does* look like a Rat zinger. Perhaps more like a vampire bat. Is it true Benny the 16th was a member of Hitler youth? Well, if so, he was in good company, when it comes to Nazi activities that is. Kurt Waldheim, Pius the XII, Werner Von Braun, the Gestapo, the SS... 6+ million Jews murdered. I wonder how many Jewish leaders will be in attendance when Benny goes to his reward.
James Hufnagel
It looks like Pope Eggs Benedict was in fact in the Nazi Youth. No one on this list seems to dispute that. But there's more... Here's something I pulled off the "Catholic Answers" web site: John Allen Jr., journalist for the National Catholic Reporter and author of 2002's biography of the pope: The Vatican's Enforcer of the Faith, supplies the historical details sorely lacking in other reports: As a seminarian, he was briefly enrolled in the Hitler Youth in the early 1940s, though he was never a member of the Nazi party. In 1943 he was conscripted into an antiaircraft unit guarding a BMW plant outside Munich. Later Ratzinger was sent to Austria's border with Hungary to erect tank traps. After being shipped back to Bavaria, he deserted. When the war ended, he was an American prisoner of war. Anyone got a guess as to whether the "desertion" took place when the Third Army crashed Oktoberfest? Up until then, I guess he was only following orders.
James Hufnagel ------
RE: IMPORTANT POPE NEWS - hours ago *** Vatican Press Release *** Wednesday, May 4, 2005 (AP) - Today the Vatican, on behalf of Pope Benedict XVI, in a stunning announcement, revealed that henceforth all papal pronouncements and encyclicals will end with the following disclaimer: "Now I'm pretty sure this is what God really wants, at least that's the way it seems to me."
James Hufnagel ----------
How about: "Der Ratzinger ist das Pope Judenburn"
James Hufnagel ----------
RE: That JAMES Hufnagel - What a lay!
"JSpeer" as ref? Proceeds to Catholic Charities? I'm taking a break from this forum because it's just getting way too stupid. But feel free to kick some sand in my face next time you see me.
James Hufnagel --------------
RE: That JAMES Hufnagel - What a lay!
Hey Pratt - that was a white flag on my boat - your woman was on board!
James Hufnagel ----------------
Theresa Marie Schiavo Dear Folks of the Religious Right,
Here is a timeline of Ms. Schiavo after her heart attack twenty years ago:
Ms. Schiavo is in a persistent vegetative state. She has no human consciousness, no memory, no emotions and no cognitive functioning. Breathing, eating and facial expressions, doctors agree, are the result of purely autonomic and reflexive responses, controlled by no higher than brain stem activity. In other words, her personhood is at the level of an earthworm.
It is clear that the religious right, powered by the Florida Governor and his brother, the President of the United States, wish to advance their agenda by championing what remains of Ms. Schiavo's biological shell.
Isn't it disingenuous for these conservatives, who continually preach that government should get out of our private lives, to intrude on matters that should be the domain of Ms. Schiavo's legal guardians and doctors (all of whom have recommended the removal of the feeding tube).
Compassion is supposed to be an attribute of being a christian. It's time to show some outward signs of that compassion. Have some respect for Ms. Schiavo's memory, and her body, which may feed and breath, but is not living.
James Hufnagel -----------------
RE: Theresa Marie Schiavo
< I wasn't shooting at JH, just up in the air in a general direction at everyone. >
Mr. Riccuiti:
In the land of James Kopp, and as one who went out one morning to find a bullet hole in my windshield (driver's side, head high) this was a poor choice of words on your part. I'm sorry that you feel at the mercy of powers that dictate the path of your life, and that you have no control over these powers. I, on the other hand, feel that I have tremendous influence over these powers, if only there was more time in the day and I used my ability with language to write the next "Silent Spring" or "Unsafe at any Speed", the money and compassion to end homelessness, or even the courage to douse myself with gasoline and strike a match on the Capitol steps against our occupation of Iraq. I believe all of these would be within my reach if not for my laziness and apathy.
James Hufnagel ----------------
RE: Theresa Marie Schiavo Dear Mindcrime, Will you think abortion is "wrong, wrong, wrong" when you have to identify your sister or daughter on a slab in the morgue, because she didn't have access to safe, legal abortion and she died from blood poisoning or massive peritonitis (abdominal infection) from a butcher using aseptic technique? Or a girlfriend with a flashlight and a screwdriver?
James Hufnagel ------------------------
RE: Theresa Marie Schiavo
Truthpatrol, You are way off. Your and Mindcrime's comments exemplify the simplistic and unevolved thinking that is necessary to prop up your case.
It is not "reasonable and fair" to "encourage" either adoption or abortion. It is reasonable and fair it to be legal for women to make their own choice. "Freedom to make that choice is guaranteed in this country" is merely a statement of fact by Mindcrime, carefully stated to frame the anti-choice rhetoric that follows. A bit of housekeeping: No, I do not think abortion is birth control. Secondly, no, I don't believe so-called partial birth abortion should be performed unless the woman's health is in danger.
As far as the human torch, if there's never been anything in your life you would die for, whether it's your country, family or a political cause, then you're leading a truly meaningless life.
Now that I've successfully dispelled your attempt to portray me as some kind of dangerous nut, allow me to point out that you have already *pushed too far* when you advance an offensive opinion publicly on this forum and then claim to withdraw. One of my favorite sayings is: "When I'm done, you're done"
James Hufnagel -----------------
RE: Theresa Marie Schiavo
Mr. Hufnagel: You choose your words very interestingly. Are you trying to leave a veiled threat to anyone in particular?
In this forum you've talked about dousing yourself with gasoline. You've mentioned guns and shooting. You've suggested to some that they've "pushed too far," and that "you're done" comment. You had better just chill out. A step further and some may consider you to be a threat. Just a word of advice for you to tone yourself down. Do you get it? >Now that I've successfully dispelled your attempt to portray me as some kind of dangerous nut, >allow me to point out that you have already *pushed too far* when you advance an offensive >opinion publicly on this forum and then claim to withdraw.>One of my favorite sayings is:
>"When I'm done, you're done"
>James Hufnagel --------------------
RE: Theresa Marie Schiavo
Dear Truth, Well, it looks like some brave souls have interspersed their comments in our discussion.
Maybe Scott should set up a separate forum for anonymous folks who take out their frustrations online. Their wives are probably screaming at them to take out the garbage this very moment.
In answer to your question about women's right to choose....to proscribe abortion as it sees fit. I myself would prefer to see the line moved back to the end of the fifth month, but that is simply based on my professional research on brain wave differentiation, which starts to manifest towards the end of the second trimester. Unfortunately, the recent Bush ban on so-called partial birth abortion did not even account for the woman's health, which is why three courts across the nation issued injunctions against its implementation.
Amazing what people can say behind a shrowd of anonymity.
I have said repeatedly that I don't require sign ins ... but I also can't stand personal attacks. Especially when - like his views or not - Mr. Hufnagel is at least willing to attach his name to his posts. And these people who do nothing but attack others - and particularly Jim - don't even have the nerve to use a FAKE NAME. They just post completely anonymously.
Personally, if I were a Wilson voter, I'd likely vote for Jim. At least he stands for something. Whether you stand for it or not ... and it looks like Mr. Anonymous stands for nothing.
So enjoy your little petty games. And let the voters decide for themselves, you weasels.
First, thank you for affording us this opportunity on your site.
Why would you choose to make comment now about anonymity after the last several weeks of many perople being bashed and attacking back and forth in this way? We could parse each and every sentence and discuss who meant what with which statement.
BUT--There were no personal attacks at all in this thread. Please read this again about Mr. Hufnagel's candidacy. The only thing that was done, was Mr. Hufnagel's own posts were reiterated and consolidated for all to see and read.
James Hufnagel said these things himself and he began the poking and pushing buttons about the Pope, GOD REST HIS SOUL, as well as aggitating numerous people on YOUR board with many offensive remarks.
As you yourself have said, names don't mean a thing here--not even required to sign in according to you.
You then say that you would vote for Mr. Hufnagel if you lived in Wilson. Do you really mean that when looking at his past record of outbreaks and violence involving the law? Someone like this around your children "swinging boat oars"? Can we ask the opinion of your wife on this?
Why would you be in support of this writer Hufnagel? If you genuinely are then this "Weasel" will be moving along as this site and unfortunately your radio show will no longer have the value that it once did as a forum of free speech and openmindedness. When you condone activities such as Mr. Hufnagels's you are going to be judged by the company you keep. That's not my predisposition or waxing poetic, that's just what Mom said were the rules (probably your's too).
Insulting your loyal fans (that's why we're here, don't you know) is not the best idea. It is wise to teach your children consistency, "what's good for the goose," and "justice for all."
quote: Originally posted by: Scott Leffler "Amazing what people can say behind a shrowd of anonymity. I have said repeatedly that I don't require sign ins ... but I also can't stand personal attacks. Especially when - like his views or not - Mr. Hufnagel is at least willing to attach his name to his posts. And these people who do nothing but attack others - and particularly Jim - don't even have the nerve to use a FAKE NAME. They just post completely anonymously. Personally, if I were a Wilson voter, I'd likely vote for Jim. At least he stands for something. Whether you stand for it or not ... and it looks like Mr. Anonymous stands for nothing. So enjoy your little petty games. And let the voters decide for themselves, you weasels."
quote: Originally posted by: Scott Leffler "Amazing what people can say behind a shrowd of anonymity. I have said repeatedly that I don't require sign ins ... but I also can't stand personal attacks. Especially when - like his views or not - Mr. Hufnagel is at least willing to attach his name to his posts. And these people who do nothing but attack others - and particularly Jim - don't even have the nerve to use a FAKE NAME. They just post completely anonymously. Personally, if I were a Wilson voter, I'd likely vote for Jim. At least he stands for something. Whether you stand for it or not ... and it looks like Mr. Anonymous stands for nothing. So enjoy your little petty games. And let the voters decide for themselves, you weasels."
Point would be easy to swallow but for one small problem. When I complained about the personal attacks by nameless posters, you gave it its own thread, but defended the posters. Now you are upset because nameless posters are attacking Jim. Let me get this straight, the unnamed can attack Lou but not Jim. Do I have that right? Now Scott, I will say to you what I have said to the others: You can't have it both ways.
An end note: The one you are defending now is one of the ones you were defending on the other side.
quote: Originally posted by: Anonymous BUT--There were no personal attacks at all in this thread. Please read this again about Mr. Hufnagel's candidacy. The only thing that was done, was Mr. Hufnagel's own posts were reiterated and consolidated for all to see and read."
Yes, but the moment you brought up a public, political issue in a place of worship, you invalidated both. I agree with Scott here, the IRS aught to begin an audit immediately. If you want your church's congregation to get involved in affecting public policy and government policy, pay your admission price like everyone else.
By reiterating a single candidates' words (out of context, I might add), in an obvious attempt to show him in a bad light, you automatically established an attacking posture. Did you have a list of quotes from other candidates? No? Sounds like you singled Jim out. Just because his personal views don't mesh with yours doesn't mean he'll make those decisions as an elected official, acting in everyone's best interests. And it certainly doesn't give you the right to bash him in the middle of what is supposed to be a sincere, solemn place of worship.
And while we're on the subject, Mr. Hufnagel is running for a seat on the Board of Education, yes? Why does it matter what his views on abortion or the Pope are? That has NOTHING to do with the position.
Leave politics out of church and, most certainly, leave church out of politics.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
Point would be easy to swallow but for one small problem. When I complained about the personal attacks by nameless posters, you gave it its own thread, but defended the posters. Now you are upset because nameless posters are attacking Jim. Let me get this straight, the unnamed can attack Lou but not Jim. Do I have that right? Now Scott, I will say to you what I have said to the others: You can't have it both ways. AW, I agree..... if someone wants to have it their way everyday, then they need to goto Burger King. They can even get fries with that.LOL! Scott, please tell us what you want this site to be? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm being honest. I get attacked as much as the next guy.....I love it. It's freedom of speech. I know sometimes we all get a little carried away but that's what makes this site so great. You have a variety of different types of people that usually don't get a long. If everyone agreed with me, I would not only faint but I would probably quit your site. I look forward to visiting to your site, as do most of the members.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
Mindcrime: "In God We Trust." All other pay cash. When Mr. Hufnagel decided to place his vile opinions upon the same site as where he announces his candidacy for the Wilson Board of Ed, he made the connection and combination between the two. He brought this upon himself.
A public comment on this board is no different than if Mr. Hufnagel made these remarks from the pulpit of a church, from a street corner, or in front of the US Post Office.
My flyer was under my windshield wiper and not given out in the bulletin. I for one am glad to see this information put forth. That's partly why we are here, isn't it, for information, dialog and free speech?
What if a proposed school board candidate was a child molester, would it not be appropriate to inform those around? A criminal record should ban all people from having contact with school children, especially people who make these kinds of statements in public with pride and people who are seemingly unstable. No, not around my children they don't!
And while we're on the subject, Mr. Hufnagel is running for a seat on the Board of Education, yes? Why does it matter what his views on abortion or the Pope are? That has NOTHING to do with the position. I don't think those issues are what they are talking about. I think the point is, he has a history of bad decision making. Like assaulting someone with a boat ore and barking at dogs to name a few. What happens if he is elected? Will he threaten the other board members into agreeing with him? If he does get elected, I will start going to the meetings with popcorn in hand. It would be entertaining to say the least.I am a firm believer, that history does repeat itself.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein
You both make valid points. I have, however, consistently asked for civility. And I have consistently disuaded people from personal attacks ... asking that people argue issues and not personalities, no?
I can't stand this tactic of waiting until two days before an election to bring about a barage of attacks on someone just cause you disagree with them on whatevet the issue may be - although it tends to be God.
America is a Republic. A Democratic Republic. Not a Theocracy. And I don't want it to be as much.
I will grant you that Jim has some ... peculiarities. And we disagree on more than one issue. But by and large, I have found him to be a decent upstanding human being ... who my wife happens to like, BTW.
For the record: I only did the one list of comments, there was also another poster that made up the list and posted it. So, I was not alone in my thoughts.
The motivation to post his commentary had absolutely nothing to do with his running for office. The timing was coincedental and in direct relation to the escalation of force.
SCott (2 ll's) writes:
<< "I can't stand this tactic of waiting until two days before an election to bring about a barage of attacks on someone just cause you disagree with them on whatevet the issue may be - although it tends to be God.">>
Polite circles do not discuss politics or religion. It is safe to say we're not there.
HE began or interjected into discussions about euthenasia, Pope (I am not Catholic and have no Priest), raft rides, homeland security, and many other subjects where he takes various pot shots at numerous people on this board (and has done so on your radio program) leading up to his being chronicled for all to see.
quote: Originally posted by: Scott Leffler "AW and Weasly Willamena,
I can't stand this tactic of waiting until two days before an election to bring about a barage of attacks on someone just cause you disagree with them on whatevet the issue may be - although it tends to be God.
America is a Republic. A Democratic Republic. Not a Theocracy. And I don't want it to be as much.
I will grant you that Jim has some ... peculiarities. And we disagree on more than one issue. But by and large, I have found him to be a decent upstanding human being ... who my wife happens to like, BTW."
I am the first anonymous that posted the short list of quotes. That is the only one I posted in this thread. This hasn't a darn thing to do with religion. If he said these sort of unprovoked, hate baiting things about Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Blacks, Latinos, the crippled or the mentally impaired it would be rightfully put down by decent people for what it stands for... uncalled and calculated attempts at marginalizing a group of people he can not even feign attempts at accepting.
You may know him so feel you can afford to give him slack. A mans or woman’s open and public comments have EVERYTHING to do with him and it is not a cheap shot to hold him accountable if he wants to seek public office. These things you call peculiarities, the rest of us can only see as despicable hate baiting attempts to put down others different than him.
I am a Democrat and certainly not born again. But if you or I would not tolerate this behavior when directed at any other group why would we see it as Ok in this case. You want decency and civility in posts? Unprovoked comments of mocking hatred of any groups of people is a good place to enforce it. The only "issues" he bought up were his own. Besides... if you are going to discount "issues" when you vote then what the heck do you base your vote on?
quote: Originally posted by: Scott Leffler "AW and Weasly Willamena, You both make valid points. I have, however, consistently asked for civility. And I have consistently disuaded people from personal attacks ... asking that people argue issues and not personalities, no? I can't stand this tactic of waiting until two days before an election to bring about a barage of attacks on someone just cause you disagree with them on whatevet the issue may be - although it tends to be God. America is a Republic. A Democratic Republic. Not a Theocracy. And I don't want it to be as much. I will grant you that Jim has some ... peculiarities. And we disagree on more than one issue. But by and large, I have found him to be a decent upstanding human being ... who my wife happens to like, BTW."
Scott, I did not put god into this thread, but it was a very good point. This weekend, under a new name, he went after Dovey unprovoked. When I responded he went after mayor julie and me. Knowing who he was and that he was running for a school board seat I let him have it. Look back, he definately threated me. He has gone after almost every poster on this forum. Not once has he gone back and tried to mend fences with any of us. He just continues to toss insult after insult, and then wonders why we don't think he is fit to sit on a school board. Before you point out my remarks to him today, let me be clear. I will not take any more crap from him. Can he even hold a public office with a rap sheet? I respect your wanting to be fair to all, but I have my limits.
Originally posted by: Dovey " I agree with scott Mr A if you are that firm in what you believe give your name......Mr.Hufnagal how many of the kids in your district have or had cancer?How many have MS, Give me that answer,Taxes are not everything."
Mr. Hufnagal...Did you answer my question on cancer?Read the wall in the HS you should find the name Gorden Velzy"Red" nickname.He died of hogkins,My aunt went there for 2 or 3 years after that lput"cancer"My dad graduated from there.He only was there age 15 and up."DEAD".Of course they have youngstown too....I sat back and thought on this awhile .Putting you know pieces together.Another thought my Grandparents ran the rec.center years ago.But we have the Pictures and the names .Guest lists for all the dances.As a board member this is a thought that they all may want to think on.This is why I came on the blog to begin with.CANCER....Sometimes when you step away for a min. things kind of fall together.....I know Taxes are important,test grades,but people are more important
Sharing your personal experience of tragedy, and directing it towards me as someone running for public office, is something that I am really incapable of coming up with the words to address. I will read the name of Mr. Velzy next time I am in the high school, and reflect. I am sorry for your loss.
I promise that I will find out the number of kids in the Wilson district who have had cancer within the next week, and also Multiple Sclerosis, and post what I find to the Forum, whether or not I get elected Tuesday.
Allow me to point out that, when it looked like the Hudson River PCB’s were going to be shipped to CWM in Porter a couple of years ago, I walked from Albany to the gates of CWM in a barrel, 350 miles, and was on TV, radio and at least a dozen newspapers statewide. Recently, the EPA announced that Porter was an unlikely destination for the PCB’s. I may have been part of the snowball that got that avalanche rolling.
The tragedy that your family experienced has happened thousands and thousands of times across Western New York. It really does seem that Lou is a “lone howl in the woods” because so very few of us write letters, call our legislators, travel to Albany and elect the leaders we need who will clean up the toxic mess left behind that is killing so many of us.
let the sun beat down upon my face -
And stars to fill my dreams