Today on WLVL's Dialog you made some statements and assertions which left me puzzled, and could stand clarification. I am also posting this message on Forum (
1) You stated that the Niagara County Golf Course was going to have a profitable summer because the weather was terrible last year and will be much better this year. I'd like to know if you consulted the Farmer's Almanac to arrive at your prediction.
2) Regarding the sale of parkland, you stated that local government has to “jump through the hoops” and “It’s a lot of hurdles, hoops, probably litigation”. Actually, sir, it's quite easy to sell off parkland, it's happening all over the state, as close as Hamburg. All it requires is for the state assemblymember and senator in whose district the parkland exists to get bills passed in the state legislature. Even state legislators with environmental records vote for these park alienations with the rationale that it is a local issue. As a rule, park alienations sail through the state legislature.
3) You also stated that “There are supposed to be some additional dollars" for park improvements from Power Project relicensing and that "These additional dollars may be available here in the next several years." That's two qualifiers in the same breath. Are you not sure about this? Will Niagara County be submitting comments on the PDEA? What concessions did Niagara County gain from NYPA on homeland security issues? Greenway issues?
4) Finally, I'd like to know how can we import some of those wonderful, selfless, dedicated public servants from Minnesota you spoke so highly of, who have four year terms, to replace the greedy, evil, self-centered and insecure New Yorker-types, who because of their three year terms, are Satan's evil minions?
James C. Hufnagel MBA 225 Ontario St. Wilson NY 14172 716-751-3877
let the sun beat down upon my face -
And stars to fill my dreams