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A site my daughter started
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.....removed for a reason

-- Edited by Dovey at 07:02, 2005-06-03

-- Edited by Dovey at 16:30, 2005-06-13



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Originally posted by: Dovey

" My daughter started this a while back,as you can see we did not really have it out there.She asked me to post this hope it is ok,Scott....."

Not only is it okay. It's exactly the type of effort I want to publicize. Thanks for putting it up. Next time I update the sites "links" page, I'll add it.

Thanks again.

- Scott Leffler - Host and Moderator

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-- Edited by Dovey at 20:00, 2005-06-02


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Dear scott,

this is Eva -----, thank you for putting my site up and saying that it was good, and i hope people register and i hope it helps. Eva


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they will not be used:nor I.

-- Edited by Dovey at 16:31, 2005-06-13


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     so let us put a face on death - the woman on the right is my dear departed mother , the photo was taken by myself about april 30 2004 , she was in her early 70s , as you can see she was in pretty good shape considering her age. She was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma multiforme on [brain tumor] 7-6-2004 and died after much pain and suffering 11-08-2004 .    my mom was a 6th grade  teacher in the lewport schools 1953-54-55 , some veiwing this may have been one of her students      , my parents owned a home inside the boundries of the LOOW site -  of the nine  people that have ever lived in that home ,two died with tumors in their brains at their time of death.  

both of my mother's parent lived to be 90 , her grandmother was 104 .her oldest son , me , will die at 107 unless i am already on my way thanks to a lingering surpise ,  my mom should still be alive .... she died horribly before her time .  

           my dad worked at union carbide in the falls , his first job was in the area where uranium was seperated from vanadium with nitric acid.  he was transferred to linde corp and subsequently transfered out of the area in the mid 60s. my dad had a minor to mid level stroke 2 Christmas s ago on Chistmas eve       related to the LOOW site ? or contamination from his early work place  ? unknown to me .   




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If you even suspect that your father was working with Uranium anywhere around WNY, he should be applying for the EEICPA, or Energy Employees Illness Compensation Program Act - 2000 at, or call 1-866-888-3322. If he worked at UCC, especially Union Carbide and Chemical Corp. ANYWHERE IN WNY as you describe, then he was exposed in many ways to various radioactive materials--and may have brought anything home--on his clothes, car tires, etc.

He and or your family may be entitled to a $150,000 payment and his lifetime health care paid.

AND THEREIN is why I am--These issues DO NOT END AT THE Factory Fencelines with just the workers. Nor did they end in the federal facilities, in the reactor rooms, in the massive commercial factory complexes like around here, or under one single school, home or neighborhood.

Hope this clarifies and helps,

Lou Ricciuti

-- Edited by NuclearLou at 05:21, 2005-05-30

"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller "...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."

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    none of my concern

-- Edited by Dovey at 21:35, 2005-06-03


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Jenny: Direct Answer....

My relatives do not wish to participate. They do not want my Mother or Father's name to be placed anywhere except on their headstones! Most of my relatives have buried their collective heads in the sand, unlike yours. Most of my Mom's family worked in the death dealing factories in Niagara Falls making the "Terrible Weapon." 21 kids and you know what? Not ONE is left. Yeah, 21 kids. None.

In addition to this, my brother's father-in-law was probably Mike's Dad's boss at Union Carbide as he was the head of the whole chemical-metallurgy department in charge of dissolving Uranium rocks.

How's that? Please feel free to place that in the record.

Do I get a direct question now?

Lou R.


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RE: A site my daughter started

Ooops--I forgot to log in and I want this on the record...

Jenny: Direct Answer....

My relatives do not wish to participate. They do not want my Mother or Father's name to be placed anywhere except on their headstones! Most of my relatives have buried their collective heads in the sand, unlike yours. Most of my Mom's family worked in the death dealing factories in Niagara Falls making the "Terrible Weapon," 21 kids and you know what? Not ONE is left. Yeah, 21 kids. None.

Yeah, I'd say it was pretty terrible all the way around.

In addition to this, my brother's father-in-law was probably Mike's Dad's boss at Union Carbide as he was the head of the whole chemical-metallurgy department in charge of dissolving Uranium rocks. Did I mention that I didn't find that out until last June 14.

How's that?    - Please feel free to place that in the record -

Do I get to ask you a direct question now?

Lou R.

"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller "...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."

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-- Edited by Dovey at 16:33, 2005-06-13


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Dovey writes: "That is up to you Lou."

No Dovey, as I clearly stated, that's up to my family's concensus. Sorry, it ain't my decision.

"We need to all work together."

I'm NOT the one posting info about "Clay Sealing Porter Caves"!!  WE do need to work together.

Where are those caves and what's in them??

"No one person has all the answer's."

I beg to say that I have most. Sorry you guys won't grasp that and continue to pull in other directions.

"My Daughter at 17 wants to know why this is not fought as one team?"

Yep, that's EXACTLY the same thing I'd like to know too. Tell her, good question.


Lou Ricciuti

"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller "...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."

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I will not be used....
-- Edited by Dovey at 07:03, 2005-05-30

-- Edited by Dovey at 16:34, 2005-06-13


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There are NO CAVES. There are no caves sealed with clay or anything else in the Town of Porter.

 You're right, I do know. I never said anyone was "unequal." However, I don't know how Eva, having never lived here in her life, knows anything about the LOOW except young cancers. I think you are confused about what I said. I am pleased that Eva participates though and I think she did a great thing in setting up a registry. I just don't think that you have a right to bash me or anyone in my family, if my family doesn't want their business written down. If you don't respect peoples privacy where asked, then you won't get very far with your "study." It's that simple and get used to it.

Being bossy or trying to tell people what to do and how to do it, especially people who have worked for more than five years at it, is not an answer either now is it?

I keep trying to help you and you guys keep pushing me away. I don't get it at all. And I even called you to say I wished you well in your business this weekend. Go figure.

Best anyway,

Lou R.

"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller "...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."

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........I will not be used....


-- Edited by Dovey at 16:36, 2005-06-13


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Dovey: AGAIN, I didn't "start" anything. You DID, by dragging my family into it here and placing it on this board. That WAS MY business and it was rude and nosey to mention it here. You seem to have that going. I won't call or email you again if that's what you wish. Just remember that I tried. We can have all of our dialog here--good, bad or indifferent (which is mostly what you'll get now from me.)

YOU drag MY family into this with the registry that Eva made (good job) and I'm the bad guy for metioning that she can't possibly know about the LOOW site in it's entirety?

O.K. that's even fine with me.  And WHO'S the other person? Can you answer that at least?

Lou Ricciuti

-- Edited by NuclearLou at 08:54, 2005-05-30

"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller "...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."

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dear Mr.Lou Ricciuti(like a sneeze)

 You can not possiable know how much i know about the LOOW site, just because i never lived there directly does not mean i dont know. I was not attacking you personaly about asking you to add your family to the list but i do think however by you not adding them that you are a hypocrite. You care about this issue but yet you dont add your family, i respect your right to privacy but it really makes no sense. Thank you

                    Eva(not her mother) -----  


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Dear Forum Reader: Considering that the last posting is from a minor, I am unfortunately not going to be able to answer it directly. It's too bad that the parent encouraged this.

All I will say is that I have spent five years in full time research on this subject and was shoved (locally) by a US Army officer at a meeting. I know a lot more than ANY teen (but not enough to not say that  LOL).

Cheers and have a happy holiday weekend to all.



Ps--Lou's an easy bait and I've left suggestions on the cancerregistry site. Sorry I can't help in the way that has been demanded of me. All I can do is help as I can. Hypocrite is hardly a correct description. There's a little LAW -- That If you wrote something about someone (or their family) and they dodn't like it, they can sue you, it's called Libel. Anyone ever hear of it? Check it out :*) Go ask MikeoftheMountain.  Ask Scotty, he used to be a writer and knows about libel--Especially for people NOT in the public eye. I wish-I wish, someone, oh someone, would get a grip and quit attacking the messenger!

-- Edited by NuclearLou at 09:45, 2005-05-30

"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller "...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."

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no more e mails about my daughter or my family.

-- Edited by Dovey at 16:39, 2005-06-13


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Originally posted by: Dovey
"So lou now you are going to sue my daughter.That is something you should be very proud of."

I said nothing of the sort! You are confused and may not have read back far enough as in other cases, and I was saying that MY family could sue ME - YOU Should get a grip, another cup of coffee, or not talk to people until you are fully awake in the A.M.. How am I going to sue your kid when I'm the one in the public eye? Hello? DOH!  MAN Do you ever get things backward sometimes!

As far as the registry site goes, I thought you wanted names and suggestions on how to make it a better "study?" So now I'm the bad guy for listing names? O.K. done. Your way. Jeeesh willikers.

"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller "...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."

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Originally posted by: NuclearLou

"Dear Forum Reader: Considering that the last posting is from a minor, I am unfortunately not going to be able to answer it directly. It's too bad that the parent encouraged this. All I will say is that I have spent five years in full time research on this subject and was shoved (locally) by a US Army officer at a meeting. I know a lot more than ANY teen (but not enough to not say that  LOL). Cheers and have a happy holiday weekend to all. Sincerely, Lou Ps--Lou's an easy bait and I've left suggestions on the cancerregistry site. Sorry I can't help in the way that has been demanded of me. All I can do is help as I can. Hypocrite is hardly a correct description. There's a little LAW -- That If you wrote something about someone (or their family) and they dodn't like it, they can sue you, it's called Libel. Anyone ever hear of it? Check it out :*) Go ask MikeoftheMountain.  Ask Scotty, he used to be a writer and knows about libel--Especially for people NOT in the public eye. I wish-I wish, someone, oh someone, would get a grip and quit attacking the messenger!-- Edited by NuclearLou at 09:45, 2005-05-30"

  You know what lou here you go it is all yours.Be the have it all.BUT LEAVE MY DAUGHTER ALONE.TY


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     ok play nice doesnt cover it -

      but Dovey's daughter is a teenage girl , she is a good kid ,       i am sure she did not mean to personally attack or insult or impune the reputation of anyone      -     she is frustrated by the situation and does not have enough wisdom and or patience or  life experience yet  to deal properly with     .....  i dunno , with    adults who choose different paths  involving   things that if left undone will result in     .... death to people who otherwise would not not to have died     ......      most of the rest of my family supports the need for something to be done   .....   but they dont want to have anything to do with it either .....    even my dad is reluctant to provide me with class photos of my mom with her lewport classes  .....  he has many memories of his work experiences .... but ......

                       we are not anything more than human -  we make mistakes --    but we support a common goal ---           i have said before that sometimes we will rub people the wrong way     --       it is not malice    that motivates us      -                               

    people who are not yet born will die , horribly from the problems related to the LOOW site and other sites like it         -          we seek a solution to that problem      -        nothing more .          motm


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You know Mike, I hope you're not EVEN including me in this statement. I was up for TWO HOURS to post those water images in answer to the BS info that you yourself posted!

MotM writes--

"I dunno, with adults who choose different paths involving things that if left undone..."

"most of the rest of my family supports the need for something to be done   .....   but they dont want to have anything to do with it either .....    even my dad is reluctant to provide me with class photos of my mom with her lewport classes  .....  he has many memories of his work experiences. "

This last statement has me very confused...So which is it? Who supports action and who doesn't in YOUR family? HOW is it different that your father doesn't want to drag up old memories and involve HIS heart---BUT I get lashed by your cousin Jenny for not wishing to put my family's most intimate information on-line and I'm called a Hypocrite...yeah, thanks a lot.

Shall I call your father the same name as I was called?

"Left undone"? How's this? "YOU GUYS Left the area." I'm here knee deep in this and I'm the hypocrite. Yep--didn't see that one coming. Not at all.

I DO understand the anger, I was there five years ago.

Yeah, we're all human. Just some more than others.

Louis Ricciuti

-- Edited by NuclearLou at 12:54, 2005-05-30

"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller "...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."


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Originally posted by: Dovey

"So lou now you are going to sue my daughter.That is something you should be very proud of.Please leave her site alone too.This should probely be taken to the blow of steam site. LET IT DROP OK!"

Back up everyone, Take a gaint step back and read the thread again. Dovey, Lou did not say he was going to sue your daughter. He said that if he posted information about family members that died, other living family members would object and possibly sue him. I understand your instinct to protect your daughter, but you put her site on this board. I believe she know a lot about the loow site, It's great that she has done so much research. Knowledge is something she will carry with her her whole life. But remember she is very young and does not yet have the reasoning and coping skills adults have. At her age every thing is black and white, with age and education she will soon learn that is not the case. I don't have the words to say how counter productive this has become. My suggestion is to step back an take a break. Lets not be so quick to react.


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    i will not be used.

-- Edited by Dovey at 16:41, 2005-06-13

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