O.K. anonymous--I don't recommend that ANYONE FOLLOW A LINK POSTED ANONYMOUSLY! That's for starters. If there is something contained in the links that you think applies, why not just get it and post it? Are you really trying to help? Are you just suggesting that we rely on the links you provided? Are these testing results all accurate and up to date according to your post? Things do not change around waste sites?? They do. Are you posting to be helpful? I would like to think so.
The links that you provided maybe starting points for additional research, testing, questions, etc...EXCEPT--I'm not going blindly to these links.
Sorry. If you have a message to convey, please do. Thanks, LR
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
Just as an example of how the PCB issue is being used over and over again to draw attention away from the serious Plutonium issue.
Note that "Niagara Health Science Report" is FUNDED by grants trough the Niagara County Health Department. Legislator Aronow was supposed to gather information about the funding of this suspiciously associated surreptitious group. Unfortunately, NCHD Director Paulette Kline must have thought Mr. Aronow asked how this group was "Founded." That's the only answer that she gave to the legislator. (*See email exchange..)
While NHS's Amy Witryol is drawing attention to these years old PCB releases, the Niagara County Health Department is disavowing involvement and is even quoted at the end of this article. How can NCHD have no comment and say they are leaving it to "the company and the NYSDEC" when they ARE invloved through the newly formed 501 (c) 3 -- "Niagara Health Science Report" group??
Sounds like double-talk to me.
Lou Ricciuti
"THE PCBs are COMING, The PCBs are coming..." Or leaking, as is convenient to draw attention away from Plutonium in the environment.
------------------- PCBs hot issue again at CWM By Aaron Besecker Saturday, March 26, 2005
PORTER As officials at CWM Chemical Services laud their own efforts to clean up PCB-contaminated substances flowing into local waterways around their Model City site, concerns remain over multiple violations in state environmental law regarding the hazardous chemicals and the current threat level, local watchdogs said.
In three consecutive months in early 2001, the Department of Environmental Conservation found the company in violation of laws covering PCB discharges. After issuing an order that the company comply with discharge regulations, the DEC monitored the situation and continued to find PCB-contaminated soil and storm water.
Unlawful levels of PCBs were found again as recently as 2003 and 2004. (NO PU MENTION)..
The contaminated water was discharged from the site and into local tributaries of Four Mile and Twelve Mile creeks, and eventually out to Lake Ontario.
To me, it leaves the impression that it is a really widespread problem, said Amy Witryol, of the Niagara Health Science Reportwatchdog group.
CWM district manager Richard Sturges dismissed the notion that a PCB problem exists, insisting none of the current landfills could be leaking. He also said the DEC should be credited for pushing tighter regulations on PCB discharges.
(And) we deserve credit for meeting them, Sturges said.
He pointed to a change in measurement standards that took place in January 2001 as the reason for the three-month stretch of violations. The DEC mandated that contamination be measured in parts per trillion, rather than parts per million or billion.
It initially took the company a short time to adjust to the new standards, according to Sturges.
Following the issuance of the consent order, the DEC required the company to create a plan to deal with the PCB levels. The installation of rock check filters, face plates and fabric filters was completed in mid-2002, according to a September 2004 DEC letter.
Sturges argued that the PCB contamination on the CWM site existed from work done before the company, a subsidiary of Waste Management, took over.
A report from October 1992, referred to in the September DEC letter, indicated there was also PCB contamination at that time.
A lot of work to remediate PCB contamination on the CWM site occurred in the early 90s and has been successful, said Rebecca Park Zayatz, environmental engineering manager at CWM.
The progress that has been made over the years is significant, Zayatz said.
CWM currently tests water flowing offsite on a weekly basis, Sturges said.
A memo produced by CWM acknowledged three instances, two in 2003 and one in 2004, of exceedences found in tests for PCBs on site. All three readings were close to the stated goal of 65 ppt.
Sturges emphasized the very small size a part per trillion represents.
A fourth reading, which measured 5,400 ppt that was taken in on April 31, 2003, was not mentioned in the memo released by CWM.
Officials at CWM said they believe that reading was an anomaly, since the numbers before and after it were not close to such a spike.
We are extremely confident that thats a lab error, Sturges said.
Offsite laboratory officials could not be contacted by press time.
James Devald, director of environmental health for the Niagara County Health Department, said the county has no intention of getting involved in the matter.
We left that particular situation up to the DEC and the company, Devald said.
A spokeswoman for the DEC said the goal is for all future monitoring for PCBs to show no contamination.
And although the agency has a theory on the source of the PCBs, nothing has been confirmed.
They have made some progress, said DEC spokeswoman Meaghan Boice-Green.
Contact Aaron Besecker at (716) 282-2311, Ext. 2263.
-------------------- BUT, the Niagara County Health Department IS Niagara Health-Science...
just for the record. Lou Ricciuti
These search terms have been highlighted: plutonium niagara lewiston
Part II: Project Identification Cover Page
21st Century Fund 2004/2005
Project name: The Community LOOW Project
Name of applicants: The Niagara Health-Science Report (NHS Report) The Niagara County Health Department Address of applicant: 4726 Lower River Rd., Lewiston, NY 14092 (This is a private residence...)
This $50,000 was granted from the Greater Buffalo Group!!
Here's the language from the Niagara County Health Department & "NHSR" grant application...
READ THE BELOW and feel comforted.
Our Niagara County health department is currently trying to conceal and suppress the information that the area is also contaminated with PLUTONIUM. This is very important to note that this substance is now known to also be in the environment and that the NCHD a public "health trust" agency is seeking grant monies to worry about the economics and not health--actually, they are acting in an anti-health way! PLEASE check out Plutonium for yourself to see how bizarre this is-- *** Check out these last two statements submitted by the Niagara County Health Department for why they need this community foundation grant $$. I'm sleeping better now. NOT. ----
6. Is there an economic development aspect to this project?
Comments provided by the Niagara County Economic Development Agency:Western New York is plagued with contaminated properties. This high percentage of contaminated properties puts Western New York at an economic disadvantage compared to other parts of New York State. In particular, large contaminated sites such as the LOOW site severely affect local property values and reduce the amount of land available for residential, commercial and tourism uses. Furthermore, the negative stigma associated with sites such as the LOOW site deters private investors from locating their businesses in the Lewiston-Porter area.
The deterrence of private investors not only affects Niagara County but the region as a whole because of the indirect and induced economic affects that result from loss of businesses. An independent coordinated review will help restore residents' trust in Western New York's ability to manage contaminated sites and will help remove some of the negative stigma associated with the LOOW site. Furthermore, by understanding the extent of contamination and associated risks, Western New York will be one step closer to economically benefitingfrom one of the worst contaminated sites in the area. (Don't know how they'll do that!)
Comments provided by the Niagara County Tourism and Convention Corporation: The reemergence of tourism as a backbone of the Niagara County regions economy is in its embryonic stage. As most of the critical industries have left this area over the last two decades, tourism has emerged as the sole basis on which to grow the local economy. As of 2003, the single largest employer segment in Niagara County is the tourism industry.
There are several subsets/niches within tourism where Niagara County has a competitive advantage over its primary competitive destinations. Eco-tourism, Soft Adventure Tourism, Heritage Tourism and International Tourism combine to make some of the key segments of the Niagara County target markets. At present there are approximately 4,000,000 4,500,000 visitors to this region. In addition to these tourists, the casino drives an additional 80,000 visitors weekly.
Based on national data and verified expenditure figures, Niagara County is the beneficiary of well over 3.5 billion dollars of tourism/gaming expenditures. With that said, our Canadian neighbors drive well over five times that figure.
These factors alone makes the LOOW site project an enormous benefit to our regions tourism economy. In order for us to grow the tourism market, we must demonstrate a prudent and careful use of our natural resources. Our tourism clientele are coming here for our natural setting and resources, whether it is for sport fishing, birding, hiking in the gorge, sailing in Lake Ontario or just cycling along our rural byways and canal paths. "Taking all possible measures to insure that the region protects these and other natural assets is critical to growing our economy." "Demonstrating the concern for this stewardship by engaging in the LOOW site project is a first step in a prophylactic manner that these assets are safe for public use." "To do otherwise would be devastating to our regional economy."
"Any negative publicity about some contamination of waters, lands or other assets would be catastrophic to our tourism industry." "Note the 2003 impact of the SARS scare in Toronto to see how quickly the tourism industry can be brought to a dead halt." "It will take years for Toronto to recover from that negative publicity."
"The tourism industry needs this project now." " We must take all warranted steps to protect the local tourism economy from another frontal blow."
("Some contamination" from above now refers to Plutonium being present). Q: HOW ARE ECONOMICS and "HEALTH" interrelated here?? Q: IS THIS A HEALTH OR Public Relations CONCERN?? In the above reference "Some contamination of water" is referring to PLUTONIUM found at Lewiston-Porter...
How casual of them! Q: HOW IS THE TOURISM RELATED TO Niagara County Health Department & PUBLIC HEALTH? ------------------------------------ COUNTY grant monies-but going to a private residence on River Road? A P.R. person>? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IT'S A LITTLE LATE TO "demonstrate a prudent and careful use of our natural resources." Yes, after the lists are completed--Love Canal, Bloody Run, Hyde Park landfill, LOOW, 102nd Street, Hooker A-Z, nuclear sites. etc..
.Yep, I'd say it's a little late for that statement from the $50,000 grant (of $200,000).
From Legislator Aronow >>> <HiPoint61@aol.com> 06/13/05 9:22 AM >>>
Paulette, Could you please answer a couple questions for me?
1) What is the Niagara Health Science Project and how is itfunded?
2) Could you explain the water testing procedure that the NCDOH follows including if the water is tested, not only at the source, but at the end user?
Thanks, Glenn Aronow ********************** PAULETTE KLINE RESPONDS...NOTICE "Founded" is answered and NOT "FUNDED." Keep in mind that this is a County Employee answering (or not) to a County Legislator!
Subj: Kline-Aronow communication Plutonium and "Niagara Health Science Report" ------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 09:45:30 -0400 From: "Paulette Kline" <Paulette.Kline@niagaracounty.com> To: <HiPoint61@aol.com> Cc: "James Devald" <James.Devald@niagaracounty.com>, "Ronald Gwozdek" Ronald.Gwozdek@niagaracounty.com
Subject: Re: Water Testing
Good morning Glenn, The Niagara Science Report is a non-profit organization founded by chemist Ann Roberts, now residing in Boston, Mass. and community activist Amy Wytriol, living here in Niagara County, that were formerly members of RRG (Residents for Responsible Government). They have many years of experience in the area of environmental contamination research, specifically related to waste management, and associated health risks.
The Niagara County public water supply is tested both at the source and also there is random sampling done in all municipalities, of the end user. I will ask Jim Devald and/or Ron Gwozdek to send you the testing parameters and the specific procedure.
Return-Path: <Paulette.Kline@niagaracounty.com> Received: from rly-xi05.mx.aol.com (rly-xi05.mail.aol.com []) by air-xi02.mail.aol.com (v106.2) with ESMTP id MAILINXI24-4e442ad8e23174; Mon, 13 Jun 2005 09:46:31 -0400 Received: from nebnov3.niagaracounty.com
-- Edited by NuclearLou at 08:28, 2005-06-17
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
Hey! What a GREAT Event in Lockport over the weekend! Yummy..Congrats!!
What's up with the officials and the word on the Pu?
Want to hear a funny one--last week, Friday, June 17, 2005, the Gov.'s motorcade was flagged down by Residents for Responsible Government at the exit to Fort Niagara State Park (Some $400 KaJillion Dollar project not related to cleaning anything but great for PR & photos! )
Anyway, apparantely, the Gov. had the driver stop the car, jumped out of the limo--and having a word with RRG spokesperson April Fideli, said that he too was concerned about the 18 year old law that has been ignored for exaclty 18 years....some unenforced law about where garbage should go...
No mention of the Plutonium in the water(s). Nope, not one mention by the Gov., RRG, or even by the reporter who said he would and insisted that I meet him for coffee on Thursday, June 16, 2005, at Tim Horton's at Six-Corners, in the Town of Niagara where I showed him two of my references about Pu being in the mouth of the Niagara River and going into Lake Ontario (that are not available electronically to post here--sorry). Aaron seemed so very pressured and "needed" the citations to complete his article about this. I oblidged pretty readily and gave him copies of the documents. Actually, I have a number of other references and even heard word of a test report that I am trying to get my hands on. More about tests this week.
It WAS noted in the article by Aaron Besecker of the Niagara Gazette, that the RRG president was NOT present. That would be the disbarred attorney.
I wonder if the Gazette reporter will be allowed to write about this Pu in the water story at all? I wonder if ANY officials have made comment to him yet? I do know that Ms. Kline from the Health Department wasn't available on Friday for dialog.
The simple question is: Why did Vince Agnello, a Niagara University law professor and RRG's president, ask this question in an email of a world recognized medical doctor and toxicologist? And then: Why was only some of the good doctor's information used on stage--from a report that was solicited by RRG for the Ralph Nader event at Lew-port Schools back in April?
I think it will only be a matter of time before someone in the scientific community publishes a paper or report that will give the Niagara area a Knock-out Black Eye. It sure seems that there is more public relations going on here than public health OR science!
-- Edited by NuclearLou at 13:32, 2005-06-20
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
And You Fools are trusting your kids, schools, health and life to the sate and local agencies? You ARE nuts and SOMETHING MUST BE in the water there! Drink up. Water for life. Make sure to drink that eight glasses of water a day. Roswell is swell.
You're a pretty bold sucker, you know that? Proof? What proof would you like? Proof that there's Pu in the river water? OR, Proof that its been discussed by others than me...as being in the drinking water. Proof? You're quite the one to ask for ANYTHING. Get a name or get out of my hair. Call the newspaper and ask the reporter WHY THE NEWS HASN'T PRINTED the "truth." I gave them the truth.
It isn't my fault or responsibility. Write the newspaper, or your congressperson. Don't like what I'm doing, writing or saying--? Why would that be? You seem very interested in causing only problems. Same M.O. as previous posts. "Show me (anonymous) the documents."
Hey anonymous--go have some coffee in Youngstown and go water skiing or sailing. We can talk then.
See ya in the funny papers--
Lou R.
Oh, I said nothing of the sort about "you drank it...where's the proof!"
I said I'd meet him there. Not that I was drinking anything in any location. Get real. Learn to read. While you're at it--study about punk-tuation--That should be a question mark and not an exclaimation point. Duh.
-- Edited by NuclearLou at 10:42, 2005-06-22
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
I like the sound of that: "Hey there anonymous nit wit:" Mind if I use it? No tap water here, bottled and filtered in this house. Your right that most people don't have filters, most don't know they need them. The great Niagara County spin machine at work! So where are those answers you were promised Scott?
"Hey there anonymous nit wit:" I really like that one. I heard a Niagara County Official, on Scott's show promise to answer that question. And yet all we hear is silence from the county on this. I think that should be answer enough for all of us. If they had anything proving this wrong it would have been shoved back in the faces of the accusers. And yet we only hear silence.
Do not go where the path may lead - Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail: Emerson
Have you tried Letters to the Editor? Perhaps a demonstration might get some news cameras. The Lewiston Art Festival is a well-covered event. Maybe you could display a painting of what plutonium-induced cancer looks like.
Phantom: All good suggestions. I encourage EVERYONE on this board to write a letter to the editor.
Today I called the reporter who said that they were goin to do a story and gave him heck. I sent an email to the corporate headquarters and then called other news outlets. I have arranged two radio interviews and hope to continue to have the hard questions asked.
Lou R.
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
Burden of ProofIn a Criminal proceeding, the Burden of Proof is on the Prosecution to prove that the accused defendant actually did commit a crime.
In other words, if someone desires to detain you, restrict your legal rights, or accuse you of a crime, the 'Burden of Proof' requires them to prove that you have indeed violated a Law or committed a crime.
Burden of ProofIn a Criminal proceeding, the Burden of Proof is on the Prosecution to prove that the accused defendant actually did commit a crime. In other words, if someone desires to detain you, restrict your legal rights, or accuse you of a crime, the 'Burden of Proof' requires them to prove that you have indeed violated a Law or committed a crime. so show the proof already!
While that may be true in a court of law, not so with public safety employees. If a concern is brought to them it is their responsibility to investigate.
Do not go where the path may lead - Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail: Emerson
I'll "rest my case" with what information that has been presented to date--including the email exchanges and the medical doctor's on-air "testimony." In a civil case, I already have the preponderance of evidence. Now, argue YOUR case.
"Kiss my ring?" You are kidding right anonymous? Media event? Then you must've missed Scott's Dialog Show "media event." Let's see...you're here watching and reading...then you must have read this or you wouldn't be able to make a comment or follow along in the thread-either of you(s;) anonymous folks please All the Proof that Fits . Please start with this link. Come back when you're done.
Also, you seem unwilling to contact me directly as we've talked about before in other threads. That's unfortunate. Then, there's the "Critical, Lifesaving Information" discouraging comment you've made. I am truly hurt. I'm no Life Guard yet I did throw you and everyone else a life ring. Honest.
I have really tried to get this message out and into the hands of those who should be responsible. Even though it's not really my message at all--only the messenger telling you that the Invisible "Man" has been here and left some surprizes.
O.K., I'll come up with some of the logical answers and you anonymous(es) will slink off and back away under the rocks. That's all right though, I'll play along because it gives me a chance to spout off, give more warnings and show where your logic is faulty. The manner of your anonymous postings tells me you have an agenda that is not being stated up front--as in any "fair fight" or real debate. Anonymous(es), Please clearly state your opinion(s) on the possibilities of Plutonium being Any Place around you or your loved ones? Please and thanks. Here's another--I'm the one that has researched this subject and have gotten the plutonium issue "known" and understood to the level that it is--I'll see your health-department director and raise you three Ph.D's. The info first went out on Scott's Dialog Show two weeks ago. Additionally, I think this story was on the news report that morning or the next day on WLVL 1340AM Radio, Lockport, New York. There was a medical doctor (Janette D. Sherman, MD.) that visited with Scott on his show and talked about what was known to her of Plutonium in our environment. Have you listened to the PodCast? Nuclear_Lewiston.mp3
Beginning in May of 2001, on the pages of Artvoice magazine, Lewiston Porter's Plutonium--the waste from the Rochester Radiation Experiments (HREX), was written about as being present on the previous 12 square mile Lake Ontario Ordnance Works (LOOW) site. During this time, I had the opportunity to speak with Pulitzer Prize winner Eileen Welsome, author of The Plutonium Files, regarding her knowledge of the Rochester (HREX) Pu waste being buried here in Niagara County. She was unaware but interested.
The story in Artvoice was written after eight months of research--which included being as close to the Rochester Plutonium site on private property as I cared to get. The US Army found the Pu about 1000 feet from where it was first pointed out to me by the past property owner (Mr. John Syms-deceased-RIP), and then the US Army Corps of Engineers mentioned that they found this Pu in June 2004. Are you seeing a pattern yet?
This is not good news you know? Hey anonymous, let's say that you are media--then you would have already contacted me, now wouldn't you have? So, the question is this: WHY are you so concerned whether or not I have this information--WHAT would you like to do with it if you had it--WHO are you that you are so concerned but not willing to identify yourself even to me offline--and I guess there's that curious question of WHY you would make this effort here on the board to focus on some form of "proof" that really is not necessary beyond what has already been presented? Which, IMHO, to any sane person, would be cause enough for great alarm!
It seems your only real concern and effort expended here is to try and leave disparaging and discouraging remarks.
Want to continue this dialog anonymous(es)? PLEASE contact me directly and quit trying to explain and highlight all of my frailties, foibles, inequities and unwillingness to offer help whenever and wherever able--and you try to portray me in some bad light with your assumption that I am in need of any day in the media sun. No thanks. I've been there numerous times before this and it has very little appeal to me. You know the saying about everyone's "15 minutes?" Well, I've already had about 10 hours worth in my life. Tanks but no tanks. It's really not about that.
If someone doesn't put a face on this (see signed name below) locally and tell the tale of what has happened, then the health consequence will continue "as is" and perhaps get worse. Scratch that--it IS already "getting worse." Really anonymous, I wish that you had done this research and not me.
The Forum and Blog is one way of getting this important message out. I find the media exposure and contact as of late to be uncomfortable and unfortunate but necessary in this widespread and manifest issue. (No offense meant to any media types..and are encouraged to pick up this ball and run with the story, not me.)
Lou Ricciuti
Hey Anonymous(es)--Let's have a hot coffee sometime and I'll tell you about my times with famous people...no thanks--but all nice people.You probably wouldn't recognize the names of the really famous people I have known and are important to me -- all of the unknown or unnamed faces that have been planted in a sea-to-shining-sea of marker stones. Some polished, some gleaming, some older and dull. You know, with names like Timmy, Susie, Jimmy, Bobby, Brandi, Cara, Tara, Prissy, HP-1, HP-2, HP-3. These are some of the most famous and newsworthy names to me.
Oh, BTW, the "HP" was the inhumane designation-standing for "Human Product," which was what Rochester coldly identified the unwitting patients of their heinous examinations including the injection experiments. The burials here in Niagara County include this Human Product waste!
-- Edited by NuclearLou at 20:51, 2005-06-26
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
NIAGARA GAZETTE Saturday, June 25, 2005 Page 1A, top fold Headline Safety of water in question Two renowned scientists push for testing; LOOW site considered cause of problem by Aaron Besecker
Plutonium found three years ago on a radiological dump site in northwest Niagara County and 17 years ago near the mouth of the Niagara River poses a chance of contamination to drinking and ground water, according to a pair of renowned radiation experts. "Buried radioactive debris, which the government considered significant to recover and place in drums for storage eventually in Texas, could certainly have been leaching into wells, upper aquifers and the Niagara River for a long time," said Rosalie Bertell, (past) president of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health. There is no known safe level of plutonium exposure.
Still, Niagara County's top public health official said the situation warrants public concern, but would not conclude that potential health risks exist for any county residents. Based on findings by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Environment Canada, the Canadian federal environmental agency, amounts of plutonium found at two local sites create a serious health hazard. Water and air testing should be conducted, and possible evacuation and isolation of areas near the former Lake Ontario Ordnance Works site should be considered, according to Bertell and Dr. Janette Sherman. Sherman also believes plutonium in the river "more likely than not" leached from the LOOW property--the site used by the U.S. government to bury many types of radiological wastes, (SEE WATER ON PAGE 6A) MAP
Page 6A WATER...continued from page 1A including those from the Manhattan Project during WWII-era federal weapons program.
"Consideration should be given to declaring the site and some surrounding areas as off-limits and closing it to all public access," Sherman wrote, in an e-mail to local environmental group Residents for Responsible Government. "Wells to measure ground water contamination, monitoring at the outfall of Four Mile Creek and air monitoring for chemical and radiological emissions should be put in place."
Sherman worked in radiation and biologic research at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory at Hunter's Point in San Francisco and at the University of California nuclear facility. She served on the advisory board for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Toxic Substances Control Act from 1976 to 1982. She also worked as an advisor to the National cancer Institute and the EPA. Bertell also founded the International Medical Commission Chernobyl and was a founding member of the International Commission of Health professionals. Both scientists eliminated other potential sources of plutonium in the river, including weapons testing done in the 1960s and the general proximity of the West Valley nuclear facility in Cattaraugus County.
The 1988 Environment Canada report concluded the plutonium in the Niagara River must have come from West Valley. At the time the report was written, however, plutonium in LOOW had not yet been discovered by the Army Corps. Environment Canada was investigating water quality in the Great Lakes for its 1988 report. In 2002, the Army Corps investigated a part of the LOOW site known as the Rochester Burial Site, and found quantities of plutonium in an animal bone, buried laboratory debris and subsurface soils.
Niagara County Public Health Director Paulette Kline, who was unaware of Environment Canada's 17-year old report, said the scientists have no proof of any local water contamination. "They are valid concerns based on the type of site (the LOOW)... but I believe it's premature to make any kind of conclusions," she said. Water and soil samples tested by the county in the past have never come up with plutonium, Kline said, However annual tests conducted by the county health department do not test for plutonium. Kline dismissed the scientist's claims because they are based on "incomplete scientific evidence."
Sherman, who recently appeared on "Dialogue," a radio show on WLVL, with local environmentalist Lou Ricciuti to discuss their concerns about the plutonium, is a very respected scientist but is unnecessarily alarming the public, Kline said. "I just don't feel that she's been a part of that ongoing dialogue," Kline said. "I wouldn't make assumptions for another community."
A state health department representative said the agency is aware of tests conducted by the U.S. Army Corps at the LOOW site. Based on those tests, the "trace amounts" of plutonium found are isolated to the site and have no impact on the local drinking water supply, said Jeffrey W. Hammond, spokesman for the state Department of Health. An Army spokesman did not return a call seeking comment.
Army Corps reports have indicated that ground water in the region flows northwest from the LOOW site toward Lake Ontario.
Meanwhile, the county health department is moving forward with its "LOOW initiative" to gather together all existing data on the site. Officials are also currently more than a year into the planning of a well testing program, Kline said. The initiative is based on residents' general health concerns about living near the LOOW site, and is not an outgrowth of a specific concern about plutonium.
The tests, to be done by a certified hydrogeologist, will look for 11 different categories of radioactive and chemical contaminants in both active and inactive wells in the county. Standards for the upcoming tests were developed since January of this year. Actual samples of well water is scheduled to begin next month.
Results of the tests will help assuage residents' concerns about contamination. "What we need to do is have some time," Kline said.
County health officials have already had plenty of time to deal with the situation, according to Ricciuti, the local environmentalist who has consistently pushed for awareness of health issues related to the LOOW site.
He was the person responsible for Sherman and Bertell's involvement in the plutonium issue locally and has been personally researching the topic for five years, tracking down various obscure documents that tell the LOOW story.
"There's a great chance these materials have spread and created more widespread contamination," Ricciuti said. "Further contamination could have been prevented had a 1972 order from the state Health Department been enforced locally," Ricciuti said. Such action may have stopped "a cleanup of perhaps unprecedented scale."
"Our own health department did not follow a state health department edict," Ricciuti said. "It's been a downward slide from there."
Contact Aaron Besecker (716) 282-2311 Ext. 2263
-- Edited by NuclearLou at 04:19, 2005-06-27
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."