Just when you thought it was safe, Florida Governor Jeb Bush wants to look into how it is that Terry Schiavo collapsed ... 15 years ago.
By mid November of 2000, Republicans were saying that the election was old news and Democrats should just give it up. But 15 years after this woman collapsed, they want to go back and check THAT out. Is Jeb pandering to the base here or what?
I read they "discovered" from autopsy that her brain was half normal size. How could they not know that before? Didn't they perform catscans or x-rays or something that would make this obvious to a doctor? I don't know what they actually would do to treat someone who was in her condition, all my medical knowledge comes from CSI & House.
Nitrogen_Widget wrote: I don't know what they actually would do to treat someone who was in her condition, all my medical knowledge comes from CSI & House.
You're one up on me, Nitro. I stopped watching CSI years ago and now my medical expertise is gleaned from Scrubs.