2 Saturdays ago, while I was volunteering my time at the Taste of Niagara, my dog ran away. We have a fenced in yard, but apparently quite a springy dog. But anyway, my brother in law came over to let him out for us and he jumped the fence.
So we combed the area looking for him for 5 days, and put an ad in the paper. Since we got him from the SPCA, his inner leg is tattooed with a serial number that traces him to me. So I figured that if a dog catcher person had him they would call me. WRONG!
The story is that one of our neighbors took him in at night (thanks to whoever), then went around the hood the next day asking who's dog it was (I was home until noon, but whatever), then they called the dog catcher to come and get him.
Okay, so still no biggie. Run the tattoo number or the license number ON HIS COLLAR, and call me. Guess that was too much work. She called me on Weds. finally. When I asked about the tattoo serial number, she said the state's computers were down. When I asked about the license number, she blamed to town clerk. Every extra day cost me another $10! All told $55 with the fine.
So here's the lesson....do not assume these people know how to do their job that they are appointed to do. My bad. I should have figured out who the dog catcher was and called. Now I know.
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.
What's odd is that I just mentioned in a different thread about how dog catchers are among those people who are granted official powers, but have no idea how to use them to the benefit of others...
Why don't they have cat catchers? Surely they're more of a nuisance
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
dog catchers fine but thay need a cat hunting party, were i live all you see is cats all day and skunks all night. take your pick i don't really like eather, the cats are wild not tame and no one wants to do anything about the problem, now the skunks well thats another problem come home late at night walk slowly in your driveway and keep eyes open. example:came home one night from work about 1:30 in morning and seen movement in next doors garbage bag that wasn"t tosssed in dumpster, well the nice guy that i belive i am i went over and was going to take care of bag and the cat in side, no more free grub for that kitty. well on the trip to dumpster kitty dropped out of bag, but kitty was black with a white strip, then i turned in to world class sprinter and h--- with the good deed.