Sandra "Day-O" 'Connor announced her resignation today (for those of you living under a rock) story link. This is a HUGE DEAL and will be the political fight of the summer. The Republicans will be charged with being "extremists" while they, in turn, call the Democrats "obstructionists." What do you think? Is this as big a deal as it's made out to be? Personally, I think it is. I think a lot about our history hangs in the balance. I must confess, I think it's odd that the new Supreme Court could overturn rulings from the old Supreme Court (Roe v. Wade). I mean, if nine people deem something unconstitutional ... how could the same body call the same thing constitutional a bit later? Really, I think that's odd. Thoughts?
Many people believe that Roe V. Wade hangs in the balance on this becuase O'Connor was on the "pro choice (anti life)" side and her successor would likely be "pro life (anti choice)." So my thought is ... how could the same body rule two different things ... IF that were to come to fruition.
BTW, here's a test. Remember Bush saying there would be no "litmus test" for Supreme Court nominees? Even money says he doesn't pick a pro-choicer.