Because our fearless leader is so condident in our war efforts that all we need to hear or see is the good news. No facts. No truth. Just Bush grinning while our children die
Actually, every weeknight since the beginning of the invasion, the Lehrer Newshour on PBS has done a role call of the dead in Iraq, including pictures and hometown.
Of course, only liberal commie Clinton-lover limp-wristed pale-assed pinko ACLU-card-carrying tree-hugging flag-burning child-molesting blue state God hating malcontents watch PBS. - JH
I don't even know why I bother people don't need me, you can argue with yourselves and usually do. I just seem to remember both Dems and Rep. chose to go to war. I guess you only remember what you want to remember.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein