I'm sure everyone has heard of this "2 Pack a Backpack" thing that Channel 2 is doing. On August 26th at three Walmart locations (Amherst, Clarence and Hamburg), 2 On Your Side will be collecting back to school supplies for kids in need. The Boys and Girls Club of Buffalo will make sure the donations get in the hands of families who need them.
Here's my complaint: Although, overall this is a fantastic idea; of the 5 area Walmart locations (Amherst, Clarence, Hamburg, Niagara Falls and Lockport), it seems to me that those three locations channel 2 is collecting for, really don't need school supplies handed out to the needy. Instead, they should be collecting in Niagara Falls and Lockport, where more people require assistance from the state to support their families.
Although I'm aware that poverty can be found everywhere, I doubt the majority of those seeking assistance in WNY live in Clarence, Amherst or Hamburg. As all of these neighborhoods are more affluent than neighboring towns.
Did Channel 2 not want to include Niagara County in their little school supply drive or did they really think that people in Amherst need free crayons???
I suppose buying school supplies WOULD BE a financial burden if I was making the payments on a Lincoln Navigator or BMW as I see various Amherst residents driving.
So Niagara County is too rich to get school supplies, but too poor to help provide them? Why exclude a third of the Western New York community?
I guess when Channel 2 says they're "On Your Side," they mean the side of Erie County.
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If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.