On Sunday, Sept. 11, 2005, Discovery Channel is airing a movie made about Flight 93, the hijacked plane that crashed in PA. It's bad enough they're making a motion picture about the the WTC collapse, now they're cashing in on another aspect of this national disaster.
The part that really chaps my ass it's being promo'ed as 'the story behind the heroes of flight 93.' I'm no conspiracy theorist. I'm a realist. The story the government cooked up about that flight was that the people aboard fought back against the hijackers and crashed the plane, sacrificing themselves, before it could reach it's target. It was a courageous, noble, patriotic act, worthy of national memorial.
It's also total B.S.
Any scientist will tell you that most of the information we have about what happened on that flight was impossible for us to know. We have the flight recorder, and that's it. People were not calling relatives and friends, coordinating attacks or giving descriptions of the hijackers on cel phones. We may never know what truly happened onboard that flight. If they did fight back, good for them. But let's not dishonor their memory with a work of fiction.
I'd been disgusted for the past 4 years whenever I hear about Flight 93 and the "heroes." I too, do NOT believe that the passengers brought down the plane.
I have read countless reports that cell phones do not work at such a height because it's impossible for the phone to find a cell tower fast enough. Hell, over the weekend, I had to re-send a text message while sitting on the tarmac in Richmond, VA because it couldn't find a signal the first time I attempted to send it. I WAS ON THE GROUND!!!
Additionally, not to spread unconfirmed rumors, but my friend's brother-in-law works for the Albany armory and has high security clearance and he had heard that day at work that the government had shot the plane down.
And while we're on the subject of the events of 9/11, I'm inclined to think that the government planned the entire day. They needed a reason to scare us, and Georgie needed a reason to go to war.
I'm inclined to think that the government planned the entire day. They needed a reason to scare us, and Georgie needed a reason to go to war.
Amen, brother.
This movie will only serve to reinforce a falsehood that was forced on the American people as the truth. It's disgusting. I'll bet if you check into it, you'll find a political group or a friend of George was involved with the producing.
Check out a special on the National Geographic Channel called inside 9/11. They document everything that happened on flight 93. I believe they even have recordings of a phone call from that very aircraft. The family members who spoke with them are interviewed and give insight into the conversations had prior to losing loved ones. The documentary is an unbias account of what happened on 9/11 and the months leading up to that day. As for the re-enactment movie, I think it is a bad idea.
I watched it. It was a load of crap. The acting was bad, the production was substandard, and the way they portrayed it, it looked like the passengers had nothing to do with the plane crashing, it was because the pilot couldn't fly. The only thing they did right was get Kiefer Sutherland to narrate. Mmm mmm, even his voice is hot.
This movie should have been on the Sci-Fi Channel. Luckily, it wasn't on the History Channel.
I agree with Anonymous... it looked like the passengers had nothing to do with the plane crashing - the 'pilot' just couldn't fly. At one point, was the 'pilot' trying to read the manual on how to turn off the alarm??? Oye. If the plane crashed on it's own (and not shot down by US military planes), it had NOTHING to do with the passengers. They are not heroes. Victims. But nowhere near heroes.
The part that angered me the most though was the cell phone calls.
How come that was the only flight where cell phone calls originated from??? The passengers on the other 3 planes obviously knew something was going wrong as well. How come they didn't make calls??? MAYBE BECAUSE CELL PHONES DON'T WORK IN THE AIR!!! ("Plus no one was able to produce a bill for the all of the alleged cell phone calls.")
I'm usually not a conspiracy theorist. I like having proof....
Cell phones can't work at that altitude going that fast because it can't find a tower in time resulting in dropped calls or a "searching for signal" message. Anyone with a cell phone who has ever had problems finding a signal ON THE GROUND understands the frustration often caused by cell phones.
Although it shouldn't surprise me that our government continually feeds us fictious bull****, the fact that they made this crap up - about this tragedy - makes me not proud to be American.
Not to stir the pot or anything, but I only say 1 cell phone out but didn't see it actually used. They stated that the on board phones were what was used. It also stated that only 8 can be used at one time. I have no idea how the onboard phones work, but that's what they said was used. I missed the last half hour so maybe I missed the cell phones.
Do not go where the path may lead - Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail: Emerson
Although it shouldn't surprise me that our government continually feeds us fictious bull****, the fact that they made this crap up - about this tragedy - makes me not proud to be American.
Move then. Nothing stopping you. Canada has a good healthcare plan eh.
Move then. Nothing stopping you. Canada has a good healthcare plan eh.
So, to be a good American is to never question obviously nonsensical stories from the government, to never stand up to liars and charlatans, to never try to keep the country honorable and just? Are good Americans supposed to just take it and shut up? Where's my suitcase?
The airphones were used, but twice as many cel calls were supposedly recorded. There is far more evidence to prove that cel phones won't work in-flight. Much like the 'Magic Bullet' theory, the government is now asking us to swallow this 'Magic Cel Phone' theory. Pass the ketchup.
Anonymous: I guess I'd be a better American if I believed every lame a$$ story they told us huh??? Tell me Anonymous, would you still believe in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus if the government said they existed???
I prefer to think for myself and question what I hear. Not believe everything I'm told.
Wow, all these theories...here's another one: I thought I saw on the news that after they recovered the flight tape they were hypothesizing that the hijakers crashed the plane purposefully because the passengers were about to bang down the door with the beverage cart.
Food for thought about the cell phone thing but aren't we assuming that the hijakers kept the plane at a high enough altitude to where cell phone use was prevented?
I'm a bit skeptical about the F-16's shooting it down; I think that would be pretty hard to keep quiet???
It really is repulsive that hollywood is trying to make $ off of it.
"We don't go to hell, memories of us do.
And if you go to hell,
I'll still remember you."
Even if the altitude were under 5,000 feet (which it would need to be), the air speed would be sufficient to render cell phones useless. By the time the phone recognized a tower, it would have passed the next two. They just don't work.
And if you think the government can't shoot down an airliner and keep it quiet, boy are you optimistic. 9 times out of 10, if you hear about something the government did that was bad, it was an accidental leak. Then they scramble to make sure people think what they want them to.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.