On occasion I've worked with a local group as a photographer and sound technician. I would engage in low-light spirit photography and assist in the attempt to collect electronic voice phenomena. I've since denounced the EVP as impossible.
Since I've moved, it would be quite problematic to re-join a group in WNY.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
A guy who worked at my company claimed to be a ghost hunter.
Got his paranormal studies degree from an online or mail order institution or something like that.
He broke into an old abandoned house & hung out in cemeteries at night.
At least I assume he broke into the house.
He claimed he only looked in the windows at night, but a co-worker had seen his car parked around the corner from a house matching his descriptions many times so I doubt he just spent his evenings walking around the house.
I did my best to avoid conversation with him.
Most people did. He didn’t seem to notice this as he continued to talk about it regardless.
I believe despite his certificate he would be the armature type mind crime was referring too.
I will have to give this guy some credit as he did do his research by finding out who lived in the house, who died in the house, & who’s tombstone was in the backyard. (It was a very old house I guess)
He found a different job so I don’t know what he does now.
Professionals also get permission from the owners of any sites they investigate, as well as for any procedures they will use. This guy sounds like a curious trespasser rather than an investigator. They also tend not to brag about what they do.
Mediums are junk science at it's best. You really have nothing concrete except another persons' heresay (and acting abilities). Same goes for aura readers, spirit channeling, free-associative writing*, demonology, and any other specialized field of communicating with the other worldly.
*associative writing can be an effective psychiatric tool, I'm not knocking it completely.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.
Wow, speaking of mediums, Scott is reading my mind...I was gonna send an e-mail suggesting Mason Winfield as a guest on the interview, and lo and behold, there it is! Very cool! I can't wait to hear that!
Always look on the ground for money.
--wisdom of Uncle Robbie.
I believe in extra sensory perception, to a point. Clairvoyance is seen in most serious circles as merely an extension of the 5 traditional senses. Some people are more observant or aware than others (drive in Lockport traffic lately?). But no matter how sensitive you are, if there is no life after death, what good will they do you? We're talking about living people communicating with dead people. That goes far beyond ESP. And a scientific investigator cannot allow belief to interfere with his methodologies or conclusions.
Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes...
If you choose any truth and follow it blindly, it becomes a falsehood, and you, a fanatic.