I was really toasted when I turned on the TV last night coincidently moments before El Presidente come on, so let me say I found it, in a way, greatly entertaining to see him squirm as if his underwear was "two sizes too small". It's the most guts he's ever shown, to even appear in public let alone address the nation after the way his administration performed four years after 9/11.
Having said that, I felt like I was being scolded for forty-five minutes. Every sentence that issues forth from the man's mouth has an edge to it, halfway between a bark and a whine. It's really irritating and I had a mounting sense of unease as the minutes passed by, rather than the relaxed mental state I should have been in at that point.
It was very interesting that after the initial apologies and reality checks, which took a minute or two, he spent over five minutes recounting all the individual acts of charity and heroism performed by everyone except the league champion bowling team from Altoona. Of course, whenever a disaster strikes, it's those individual acts that tiny minds focus on and latch onto to attempt to get "meaning" from such a tragic event.
He's still going out of his way to portray this as a "natural" disaster, not having anything at all to do with global warming, or his lack of ability to respond to any disaster, natural or otherwise:
"Americans have never left our destiny to the whims of nature, and we will not start now."
George Bush is a pathetic creature. He should be impeached for what has been allowed to happen as the result of Katrina.
"If you promise not to pray in my schools, I promise not to think in your church"