YOU SAID--"No I said you or I was.Didn't hurt at all"
So, you were not only brutalized but it looks like they gave you a bit of shock therapy too, eh? Youwas,Iwas,weallwere,thenthere, was three. Were you ever taught punctuation? It really helps people to understand what you are trying to spew. At least you admitted that it "Didn't hurt at all." Which of course is taken to mean that, (a) You either have blacked out memory periods of this happeneing to you (wouldn't blame you a bit), or, (2) You liked it!
Which ever way? Doesn't it feel good to make this admission? Don't worry, we won't judge you either way for getting this out-of-your system. So to speak. A Viennese doctor I've read might say that you've made another SLIP...and it's showing... LOL!
Hey, I surveyed the land on the hill atop Artpark for the wildlife habitat--you must've forgotten me J.H. :*) R.O.L.E.--Now that's a laugh, as R.O.L.E.'s president in the past couldn't come up with the soils testing results for that crap--that was transported off the Lake Ontario Ordnance Works site (Long's Niagara River Anglers) (See: camping, "catch and Release," Plutonium Poison Ivy warning...) and spread around as "dirt" all over the plateau above Artpark. (I wonder if that "soil" from up there dusted the lower Lewiston Village shops, gardens, parking lots...hmm?) Coalitioning? For whose benefit? You have a coalition for birds but not for people--especially the kids that play soccer up there now? Yeah, like R.O.L.E. needs one more P.R. spot for all the good they have done (zero)--AND PLEASE, don't list all of the "wonderful, wonderful." Cause it's all bogus and a front from any of the mentioned groups. You left out the "Birchers." Coalition? What's next--Singing Kumbaya around a bond fire behind Lew-Port School or over at the LOOW site with Resident's for Responsible Government and Senator Francine? Oops, I mean Assemblywoman Clinton..."my Lord Kumbaya, someone's lying Lord, Kumbaya..." NO FURTHER SINGING! Give it a break or call a spade a spade. LR-- Edited by NuclearLou at 16:08, 2005-09-19
{As far as "m.o." is concerned, mine is very evident}
Yes, I know! I KNEW it was you as soon as I read it on Oct. 13!
"This is very upsetting that you have an ad in Tuesday's paper on the sports page for Vitalis. First thing kids do in the morning is open up the paper and look at this ad. Are we promoting sex now in the paper? I don't think that's approporiate."
No. Not true. I researched it and this Nuke guy. The soil came from Grand Island and Lou-I wanna-be-LoveCanal-Lois knows this. He won't admit it. It doesn't fit with his scare tactic, pay attention to me agenda.
PLEASE!! ALL I WANTED WAS AN ANSWER ABOUT THESE SOCCER FIELDS AND MY KIDS. Is that too much to ask?? No. Not true. I researched it and this Nuke guy. The soil came from Grand Island and Lou-I wanna-be-LoveCanal-Lois knows this. He won't admit it. It doesn't fit with his scare tactic, pay attention to me agenda.
Lady look up what was there before artpark.The company .Look at lew-port.Look at roy hart.
Look at the people who die down wind from artpark.ok
Dear DewDampness: You only researched the half of it then, cause the other portion of the soils On Top of Old Artpark came from the John Long property on the Lake Ontario Ordnance Works site--and if you read the entire thread, YOU'D ALREADY know this. Lois Gibbs TO BE--NOT. NL IS MY Hero RIGHT NOW! Every time you do this you only serve to make him look even better in everyone's eyes. Septin maybe yurs. Jealous? ODD, you don't want to even sign in and debate or refute him with whatever information you seem to think you have (haven't seen any yet) and only try and jab anonymously. What a sad lonely character you must be.
No. You're wrong there Number One Anoymous--If you look back through the threads I think that you'll see Mr. Nuclearlou clearly delineated that there were two batches of soils of concern. One was taken from the old atomic-military LOOW site and fish hatchery. The other batch of soils was from the mire surrounding Grand Island and he even mentions all the upstream polluters. Man, you should really read before posting stupid stuff like your last comment.
Niagara was the Free World's Largest Uranium Metal production area...Scare tactic? I Hardly think so. This sounds very serious and thank goodness someone keeps hammering away!
QUESTION: Why would "they bring soils FROM Grand Island" TO Lewiston anyway? Hmm. That sure IS Odd! There must not be enough "good" Niagara county soils for fill. What a joke this is--and you're letting your kids play on top of this crap? You deserve a trip to the Roswell Cancer Center!
Dear DewDampness: You only researched the half of it then, cause the other portion of the soils On Top of Old Artpark came from the John Long property on the Lake Ontario Ordnance Works site--and if you read the entire thread, YOU'D ALREADY know this. Lois Gibbs TO BE--NOT. NL IS MY Hero RIGHT NOW! Every time you do this you only serve to make him look even better in everyone's eyes. Septin maybe yurs. Jealous? ODD, you don't want to even sign in and debate or refute him with whatever information you seem to think you have (haven't seen any yet) and only try and jab anonymously. What a sad lonely character you must be.
I mean to,He is my pet.You may never know what imfo I may have or not.Maybe I know someone who sat in on those meetings or.....All as I know is You do not seem to want to know.
Oh yes, and I knew someone who knew someone who's hairdresser heard all about this from someone in a coffee shop somewhere....
YOU WROTE--"All as I know is You do not seem to want to know."
What is it that you seem to think I don't want to know? Do you always write in riddles and not answer directly? How do you know that I don't already know? How about this--I'll give to you all the things that I wish I didn't know now and then you can have what I wish I didn't know back then> How's that>?
Oh yes, and I knew someone who knew someone who's hairdresser heard all about this from someone in a coffee shop somewhere.... YOU WROTE--"All as I know is You do not seem to want to know." What is it that you seem to think I don't want to know? Do you always write in riddles and not answer directly? How do you know that I don't already know? How about this--I'll give to you all the things that I wish I didn't know now and then you can have what I wish I didn't know back then> How's that>?
I knew that hairdresser too.Maybe you do know.I agree again,I didn't want to know,"you either"No riddles ,You know I know and I know you know.Maybe meds now!
So, now that you know that I know that you know and everyone else knows now what you and I know-how about just signing in so everyone knows who's back and who's who now that I think everyone knows who's on first? Sorry if that seems muddied. You know.
YOU WROTE--"Maybe you do know.I agree again,I didn't want to know,"you either"No riddles ,You know I know and I know you know.Maybe meds now!"
Yes, please take the medicine like the nice man in the white coat has instructed you to. Funny, you wrote--"I didn't want to know,"you either." 'No riddles"--(?) O really?
Here's One:Who Wrote This?--"Anonymous People." "Anonymous people who need people." " Are the luckiest anonymous people, in the world." "Anonymous people, anonymopus people are the luckiest people...., in the world." ? "Anonymous people, don't contact other people, they are the luckiest people in the whole world." Brabra Striestan
NuclearLou wrote: Hey, I surveyed the land on the hill atop Artpark for the wildlife habitat--you must've forgotten me J.H. :*) R.O.L.E.--Now that's a laugh, as R.O.L.E.'s president in the past couldn't come up with the soils testing results for that crap--that was transported off the Lake Ontario Ordnance Works site (Long's Niagara River Anglers) (See: camping, "catch and Release," Plutonium Poison Ivy warning...) and spread around as "dirt" all over the plateau above Artpark. (I wonder if that "soil" from up there dusted the lower Lewiston Village shops, gardens, parking lots...hmm?) Coalitioning? For whose benefit? You have a coalition for birds but not for people--especially the kids that play soccer up there now? Yeah, like R.O.L.E. needs one more P.R. spot for all the good they have done (zero)--AND PLEASE, don't list all of the "wonderful, wonderful." Cause it's all bogus and a front from any of the mentioned groups. You left out the "Birchers." Coalition? What's next--Singing Kumbaya around a bond fire behind Lew-Port School or over at the LOOW site with Resident's for Responsible Government and Senator Francine? Oops, I mean Assemblywoman Clinton..."my Lord Kumbaya, someone's lying Lord, Kumbaya..." NO FURTHER SINGING! Give it a break or call a spade a spade. LR-- Edited by NuclearLou at 16:08, 2005-09-19 Let's just look at it this way Nuke. You do a lot of good work in your area, and other groups do a lot of good work at what they're interested in. Nobody in my organizations is opposed to what you stand for, we just have our own agendas that we work on and once in a while interests overlap and we can help each other out, but generally people don't heap vituperative abuse on one another just because we don't pay sufficient lip service to one or another cause at any given time. You gave a stack of materials on Plutonium to Niagara Heritage Partnership a year or so ago, the materials were reproduced and distributed to over a dozen of our key members. I for one looked at the materials, as did others, but it was simply nothing we wanted to take on full-time at the expense of our Parkway removal agenda. This should not be cause for you to spend hours on the internet slinging around accusations and denigrations. We aren't interested in carrying your banner full-time. We have our own things we're working on. So why don't you be a man and stop whining constantly and muddling our issues with yours when we try to get our message out and move on. When an avenue doesn't help a true advocate, they simply find another avenue, not waste time on a computer undermining the ones that prove not productive. We have over 80 organizations, including block clubs, business groups, nature clubs, and many others listed on our home page at who have endorsed NHP goals. Why don't you roll up your sleeves and do some real organizing like we have, and R.O.L.E. has, and the other groups you are so resentful of. Start your own organization. Have your own meetings. Start working with people instead of accusing them of being stupid and uncaring. Believe me, you'll get more done. Jim Hufnagel 225 Ontario St Wilson NY 14172 716-751-3877
Dear Jim,May I ask a question?With no one else answering,just you.How much contamination is there at lew-port and artpark.
Why don't you ask Mr. James Sacco, NYSDEC He usually posts here and is the NYSDEC monitor and Signatory of Record on permits at the Waste Management-CWM facility there in Lewiston-Porter where all that nasty stuff is located. Why hasn't Mr. Sacco made any comments about that situation, and why does he only leave typical Niagara County political hack comments? Ignore the obvious--Point out the inconsequential--like a campaign sign SIGH! Comment J.S.?
So James would be the best one to ask.Is lew-port safe?Is NU safe?Is artpark land safe?Whats up with you people and a dove?
This does not follow this thread,but sorta does.Idea for your show.Lewiston porter school board on your show.Hard questions asked!They are there to protect the kids.How do they feel about the loow site being behind them.Ask some of the cancer grads. to be there too!Let them ask the hard questions!Throw in a few Porter board members too!J.B.