URS Corporation--Billion dollar government defense contractor--$25 million paid so far to this comapany for Niagara Power relicensing NYSPA. (Associated with GWB through the Carlyle Group.)
URS Corp.--$300,000 Niagara's Chemical Waste Management-CWM pays this government contractor to say radiation survey at Lake Ontario Ordnance Works is A.O.K. (Carlyle Group.)
URS Corp. and parent corp. EG and G. Multi-Billion dollar government defense contractor handles security at top secret government air base called Area-51 in Nevada desert. (Carlyle Group.)
$200,000 grant monies to Niagara County Health Department to "study" documents related to LOOW--No health, just document study.
$100,000 paid to Scientific Applications International Corporation--Billion dollar government contractor--for a two day "walkover" radiation survey of Lewiston-Porter schools.
$50,000 paid to University of Buffalo for "soils" survey of school. Test laboratory is conflicted local company that has government contracts worth $100's of millions of dollars.
$25,650,000 so far....and counting, given to outside companies from NC sources!