'Eight Buck Tests' Earlier L-P testing committee 1. Ann Roberts and 2. Joseph Gardella passed soils testing to 3. Wastestream Technologies, Inc., AKA--4. Sevenson Environmental, Inc.--but missing from this story, then to 5. Panamerican Environmental Incorporated--from Panamerican Inc. the situation is outlined by 6. school officials who say that they would like to "believe all sides," then the samples are sent to 7. Adirondack Environmental Services (assumed to be in the Adirondacks?) for further analysis. Throw in 8. the US EPA because they set laboratory testing standards and you have the "$8 Buck Stops Where (?) Schools Soils Testing Scandal."
This is kind of like documenting that terrible car-crash intersection where the transportation department people need to have six or nine fatalities before they will acknowledge a problem and put up a traffic signal. This situation at Lewiston Porter is kind of like that combined with watching the movie Groundhog Day over and over again. LR Still waiting for proof at Lew-Port BY RICK FORGIONE Tuesday, September 27, 2005
LEWISTON — Lewiston-Porter school officials and area residents are hoping the third on-campus soil testing will be the charm — or at least back up one of its predecessors.
Proposals are being sought from environmental companies interested in re-testing up to 60 soil samples taken from the Creek Road campus last year to determine if there’s arsenic.
A 2003 University at Buffalo study found traces of the substance on the north side of the old Primary Building. Since then, however, another company has disputed that finding with a more in-depth set of soil testing.
So which test was correct? That’s what the district is paying more money to find out.
“There’s no reason to discount either of the studies,” Lew-Port Interim Superintendent Don Rappold said. “We just need to analyze the samples again.”
Lewiston-Porter’s campus at 4061 Creek Road sits on the buffer zone of the Lake Ontario Ordnance Works, the site of federal government activity during the 1940s, including the storage of radioactive waste. Down the road is Chemical Waste Management, the Northeast’s only hazardous waste storage site.
Rumors of contamination on the school campus have run rampant for years, prompting the district to begin soil testing. Many say the campus’ proximity to CWM alone puts them in a dangerous position if there’s a waste spill or other kind of accident.
After the UB team, led by chemist Joseph Gardella, detected arsenic on campus, the district hired Panamerican Environmental Inc. of Buffalo to determine how much of the substance existed. The company took 60 soil samples along a 50-foot radius from where arsenic was originally detected, and sent the material to Adirondack Environmental Services’ laboratory for analysis.
The result: No traces of arsenic were found.
Panamerican President Peter Gorton admits to being “baffled” at the laboratory’s findings.
“We went back and asked them to check their results and they did,” Gorton said. “Their method of testing is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency. They stand by their results, we stand by our results.”
To be safe, Panamerican did recommend the district seek out a third-party laboratory to test the soil and come up with a conclusion.
“We did nothing incorrect and the district said they were extremely happy with our work,” Gorton said, adding Panamerican completes nearly 200 environmental consulting projects a year. “We never had any negative problems with anyone.”
Gardella, who also recommended a third testing, believes the method Adirondack used to test the soil provided inaccurate findings. Still, he says the entire procedure is extremely complicated and neither the laboratory nor Panamerican did anything wrong.
“Their staff performed the work in a highly professional manner in accordance with standard protocols used in the field,” Gardella said. “Work was completed under my guidance, and they were in constant communication at every step with me and with the district.”
During last week’s school board meeting, Gardella told school officials to keep Panamerican in mind for future projects.
“Panamerican has excellent experience in working with school districts on remediation and cleanups, a major reason they were given the bid in the first place,” Gardella said.
None of those pleasantries, however, bring Lew-Port any closer in determining if there’s a dangerous substance on campus. Once a new laboratory is selected, Gardella said re-testing the soil samples could take a few weeks. Gorton said he’ll be interested in seeing the final results.
“There’s a good chance that our findings are correct and what was done earlier was wrong,” Gorton said.
Contact Rick Forgione at (716) 282-2311, Ext. 2257 http://www.niagara-gazette.com/story.asp?id=2728 --------------------------
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
Self proclaimed "environmentalist" Mrs. Ann-Jane Roberts, the non-American "citizen volunteer" and alleged British-Welsh chemical engineer that led the soils testing done a little over a year ago at Lewiston-Porter Schools, asked where the LOOW pipeline ran under the L-P Schools and then didn't test over it!
Mrs. Roberts husband, Gerraint-David, also claiming to be a chemist, works for a company called St. Gobain. While living in a $300k dollar rented Youngstown, NY, house, Mr. Roberts communted daily to his job with St.Gobain in Canada in either a Lincoln Navigator SUV or an imported Land Rover P-5. St. Gobain is the current name of the historic business once known as The Carborundum Company. Official government documents show that The Carborundum Co. (Akron Metals-Manhattan Project-USDOE Atomic Weapons Employer) dumped millions of gallons of waste through the LOOW pipeline that RUNS UNDER the Lewiston-Porter Schools.
Carborundum on Buffalo Avenue in Niagara Falls, NY, handled Plutonium.
Mrs. Ann Roberts is the partner of Ms. Amy Witryol of Lewiston's "environmental group" Residents for Responsible Government, and is now a principal (recently moved to Boston, MA) in the"Niagara Health-Science Project," a $200,000+ public relations campaign in association with and funded through the Niagara County Health Department to prevent "Another Love Canal public relations disaster at all costs." (See previous grant language.)
Why were Mr. and Mrs. Roberts involved with the Lew-Port Schools soils testing? Why is Mrs. Roberts involved with RRG, the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Niagara County Health Department from her new residence in Boston, Mass.?
See: Aug. 24, 2005 press release by Niagara County Health Department outlining Ann Roberts and her involvement in local matters.
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
St.Gobain IS Carborundum. Mrs.Roberts husband Gerraint works for St.Gobain. - http://www.ananuclear.org/articles.htm
* Chemical and metallurgical companies produced an array of specialized metals, compounds and solvents with radioactive and toxic properties. Workers making polonium at plants run by Monsanto Chemical in Dayton, Ohio, routinely were found to be excreting high levels of the radioactive element in their urine, records show. At Carborundum Metals in Akron, N.Y., where hafnium and zirconium were refined for weapons use, federal officials endorsed the dumping of hundreds of thousands of gallons of thiocyanate waste into a sewer that ran into the Niagara River.
At Linde Air Products in Tonawanda, N.Y., weapons program officials endorsed the dumping of millions of gallons of radioactive chemical wastes generated by contracting operations into underground wells.
* Big uranium-refining and -processing plants in Cleveland; St. Louis; Cannonsburg, Pa.; Deepwater, N.J; and outside Boston and Buffalo handled some of the most dangerous operations. At Harshaw Chemical Co. (See: Harshaw Niagara-Pendleton, NY operations) in Cleveland, for example, classified AEC studies in the late '40s and early '50s found that employees faced ''severe exposures'' to uranium dust and beta radiation, and workers' kidneys regularly showed signs of uranium poisoning. During that time, records show, the plant also pumped 350 to 500 pounds of uranium dust from its stacks each month, spewing it over nearby areas. The site remains contaminated. --------------- See: Carbo Plutonium carbide handling at Niagara Falls, NY: --------------------------
From USA Today
List of states with nuclear sites Some private contractors that did nuclear weapons work, by state This is believed to be the most comprehensive list ever made public of the private sites where companies had contracts or subcontracts to do work for the government’s nuclear weapons program. USA TODAY reviewed more than 100,000 pages of declassified federal records and identified more than 300 private companies and properties that apparently were engaged in weapons work. In many cases, though, the newspaper was unable to confirm the specific nature of the contracting operations. This list includes 150 sites for which basic information could be obtained. In a few cases, the list also shows properties that were not directly employed in weapons work but were contaminated by contracting efforts nearby.The list does not include military or other government-owned installations, nor does it include the many colleges and universities that had research contracts with the weapons program. It also does not account for the many uranium mines and mills employed by the nuclear weapons program. Wherever possible, the list indicates worker health risks or environmental contamination. But that information, like the list itself, is not comprehensive.
New York Akron, NY CarborundumMetals Refining of hafnium and zirconium for AEC’s nuclear reactor materials program. Generated thousands of gallons of liquid thiocyanate waste and other chemical byproducts, many disposed of at nearby Lake Ontario OrdnanceWorks near Niagara Falls. ---------------------------------------- See 1981 NYS Assembly Report: The FEDERAL CONNECTION-- Love Canal Re: Carborundum dumping at LOOW site
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
re;Why were Mr. and Mrs. Roberts involved with the Lew-Port Schools soils testing? Why is Mrs. Roberts involved with RRG, the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Niagara County Health Department from her new residence in Boston, Mass.?
1. Their children attended Lew-Port. They joined groups to help.
2. Why shouldn't they be involved? Why do you care if they are? Even when people try to help you all you do criticize. Besides complain, what are YOU doing? Be effective for once, your rants are getting old. You complain if people help and complain when they don't. If they aren't jumping through your hoops you attack.
3. Why should people need to defend where they live? Just because they live in an affluent neighborhood means they are incapable of caring about issues?
It looks like you haven't read the entire thread from your anonymous posting position--Again! "Criticize"? I suppose that to you this situation is appropriate? Give it a break and re-read the post, D-stick.
"1. Their children attended Lew-Port. They joined groups to help."
Help? They have since moved. Have you ever heard the term "Ringer"?
"2. Why shouldn't they be involved? Why do you care if they are? Even when people try to help you all you do criticize. Besides complain, what are YOU doing? Be effective for once, your rants are getting old. You complain if people help and complain when they don't. If they aren't jumping through your hoops you attack."
Well, maybe because there is a conflict of interest with Mr. Roberts being EMPLOYED BY A COMPANY THAT DUMPED AT LOOW...that's all. What am I doing? Exposing these conflicts. Complain when people help(?)--like where, when, and how do you mean anonymous? "Look out, the PCBs are coming" and L-P schools should be closed down because of the radiation rates there. I only attack those that gain this prominent position by doing stupid or conflicted things, like writing anonymously.
"3. Why should people need to defend where they live? Just because they live in an affluent neighborhood means they are incapable of caring about issues?"
If you live in a rental house that's worth $300,000 (and corporate owned by the above same) and you drive two vehicles that are gas guzzlers worth about $100,000 together and then claim to be environmentalists, perhaps there should be cause for concern or suspicion when they DON'T EVEN LIVE HERE ANYMORE!
"4. Why do YOU care where someone is employed?"
I only care WHEN THEY ARE EMPLOYED by the very same company(ies) that have a historic track record of Top Secrecy and DUMPING at the LOOW site. I also object to this little factoid not being disclosed prior to the testing!
How's that anony-mouse? Does this answer your objections and questions?
XO and love,
Lou Ricciuti
Pss-Did I mention that they are not even US citizens? Oh, and sign your name as everyone knows there is no credability to anonymous posts.
This will be the first in a series of postings titled: M.O.N.K.--That stands for the Ministry of Not Knowing: Those people who's job it is to not let the actual information out and become genuine public information. There is no one conspiracy. There is no such thing. Only individual agendas, government embarrassments from past practices and personal or corporate financial gain.
This has been the driving force behind the LOOW site for more than SIX DECADES. Nothing new here at all. More names, conflicts and expose' on those names to follow.
-- Edited by NuclearLou at 15:41, 2005-09-27
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
For a further example of how The Ministry of Not Knowing (M.O.N.K.) operates in the "background," see the comments portion of this Niagara Gazette story re: Lewiston-Porter soils testing. http://www.niagara-gazette.com/story.asp?id=2728
"Mr. Tim Short" (or at least that name) has been associated in the past with the Residents for Responsible Government group (Government Responsible for Residents? Hi-Mr. Maziarz!!) and has left similar disparaging comments elsewhere.
It's interesting to note that Science Says--LOOW military impacts have been found on the Lew-Port campus. Arsenic is in fact a major element in a particular historic warfare material called Lewisite that was present on the LOOW. Numerous materials are known to have been burnt on the LOOW site in pits, trenches and on-site incinerators.
Other materials found in the recent past on Lew-Port school grounds include; Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium, Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Volatile Organic compounds, Radon, a radioactive "rock" (removed by SAICorp.), Lithium, and, a general radioactive background reading of between 7,000 to 38,222CPM, which is not natural or "normal" in ANY sense of the word. You should check out the legal ability of the regulators to call things "normal background"-- which is WAY different from NATURAL BACKGROUND.
Read "Mr. Shorts" carefully. His rebuff has been crafted in a very tactful and deceitful way. Innuendo about science--his being somehow greater and focusing on "Lewiston's glorious agricultural past," or some such. This is another fine example of work by The Ministry of Not Knowing--M.O.N.K.
State Senator George Maziarz is associated with past Niagara Falls Mayor Irene Elia, a BIG political figure and contributor in the party that George is affiliated with. The mayor's family owns the company (Sevenson Environmental) that did the radiological work for the US Army Corps at the LOOW site (and numerous other gov.mil locations around the nation) that constructed the Niagara Falls Storage Site (NFSS), now home to the African K-65 Uranium-Radium residues that were once above ground in the famous Lewiston Silo and are now buried underground and leaking into the Lewiston-Porter environment--according to a NYS court document.
George Maziarz has posed for pictures recently around the LOOW site and he never mentioned this federal law change (HR2754) regarding what will now be generational doses for all of us (and progeny) from the buried African radioactive waste!
This is the same site and the same very dangerous material that was reclassified by the Bush administration--(HR2754)--National Academy of Sciences said to remove, that now because of this law change will remain buried in the ground near the schools forever! All of this happened with NOT ONE SINGLE WORD of protest or a peep from Resident's for Responsible Government (RRG), Resident's Organized for Lewiston Environment (R.O.L.E.), local Lewiston officials, County officials, the press... All the while, George and others from the above groups were protesting and taking bows about phantom PCBs not coming here. What a diversion tactic!
More on the MINSITRY-M.O.N.K. of Not Knowing to come.
(All this and I didn't mention Plutonium once! :) Think about that!
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
This was posted to another thread but I thought it more appropriate here.
If anyone is feeling comforted by these press releases coming from the Niagara County Health Department, someone ought to ask them if there has been ANY testing of drinking water supplies in Lew-Port, and if so, where and what were the results. They should also ask specifically if Plutonium has been detected in their tap water/finished drinking water supply. NCHD seems to be unable or unwilling to answer that question directly. They seem to be testing a lot of unused wells.
Who is this Mr. Scott King and why does Niagara County Health Department have a consultant as a spokeperson? Who funds this guy? ;*) (I think we've discussed this with Glenn Aranow in the past.)
Since the Niagara County Health Department IS directly culpable and responsible (the NCHD ignored 1972 NYSDOH Orders restricting soils disturbances at LOOW--hence, landfills were built) for the conditions allowed to happen at this site historically, why is it that they are being allowed to undertake any kind of a study now and act as the proverbial guards of the chicken coop? Why is there no third-party impartial panel conducting these sorts of inquiries? Hasn't government been involved to the degree that we're now miserably contaminated and still accepting more waste? All while under the current supervision of local officials who are taking more "host" moneies? YIKES!
I ENCOURAGE YOU to search this forum for comments about; Niagara Health Science, Niagara County Health Department, Ann Roberts, Joe Gardella, Paulette Kline, Lew-Port testing, etc hey, I even invite you to listen to Scott's PodCasts on the subject.
No offense to the writer of this story, Ms. Fischer, but the whole thing is a bunch of bologna and feel good propoganda! Be afraid. Be Very afraid my friends.
FROM THE BUFFALO NEWS - with link ---------------------------------
LEWISTON - Although the 7,500-acre site has been studied and monitored since 1944, the Niagara County Health Department this year launched the Lake Ontario Ordnance Works Project to provide a comprehensive overview and put an end to the legacy of mistrust between the community and the government.
County Public Health Director Paulette Kline was joined by project Coordinator Scott King on Monday in making a presentation to the public on what the LOOW Project hopes to accomplish over the next two years. Nuclear waste from the World War II atomic bomb project is buried at the site.
Kline said the project has more than half of the needed $200,000 in funding in place and plans to present findings in 2007.
"Our ultimate goal is to ensure public safety and trust," King said.
King said a geographic information system data base of maps is being put together, which will provide a great tool and allow people to look at information on a wide scale.
King, who pointed to a list of dozens of chemicals on the site from acetone to uranium as well as PCBs and explosives, said scientists will look at potential gaps in studies as well as duplications of LOOW investigations.
King, who said there were several ongoing investigations, said, "We want to make sure we don't duplicate, but feed into these studies. We are not going to take samples. We are looking at existing work. If no samples are taken then we will have found a data gap."
Joseph A. Gardella Jr., professor of chemistry at the University at Buffalo, has volunteered to lead the portion of the project to create the database. "We will be applying 2005 decision standards. We will look at the decisions made now, not 35-year-old chemical information. We will apply what we know now about toxicity and health risks. This is data gap analysis," said Gardella.
"Digital information is not easily put together with historical data. It's not always easy to digitize an aerial map," he said.
Gardella said there is no comprehensive, historical study going on like this in the United States and noted that few in the country have this kind of information available.
Gardella also said he is optimistic foundations would consider contributing to the project.
Kline said the last leg of funding, $95,000 in federal funds, has not been received, and state Sen. George Maziarz, R-Newfane, urged residents to contact their federal representatives.
County Legislator Clyde Burmaster, who represents the Town of Porter and is on the LOOW committee, called the project "a new, modern, high-tech approach to study all of the past site work."
"In the past it was difficult to obtain information. Some have been in denial, but this team refuses to be denied," Burmaster said.
Kline said the project team plans to have community meetings and to make the information available on the Internet.
King said setting up a Web site was temporarily put aside due to the cost. (They already have $100K! What about public info being disseminated?)
Oh, and SS. George Maziarz is involved.
-- Edited by NuclearLou at 07:36, 2005-11-24
"Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." Helen Keller
"...and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..."
It's amazing the money the school systems will use and the steps they will go to in order to cover up something that isn't right. I think it should be mandatory that ALL school have tests for soil, water, air quality, and the inspections done by an impartial, different company every so many years.
I was a student back in the 1970's, I won't name names but I really should because it ticks me off, in a school where the roof leaked. I was hired in the 1980's and the roof STILL leaked though the budget supposedly put a new roof on a few times or repaired it. I left the system for retirement in 2003 and you know what? That roof was still leaking. How can that be healthy for anyone? There were alot of other concerns in that system as well.
I think our children deserve more, they deserve staff, teachers, community, and most of all parents who care to look at the buildings their kids are in every day for 7 hours! The sad thing is they are too busy to care and the school employees look the other way in fear for their jobs.
I'm fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young people to die in
You may want to search this site for words like: (individual) school names, town names, landfill names and like that. This site is full of real good information if you can get by the nonsense posts.