Got a press release I thought might interest you all. I found it interesting, at least.
Taking a page from Wal-Mart, General Motors is now dictating the price it is willing to pay its suppliers – even if that means forcing American companies to manufacture in China.
The Wall Street Journal reports GM announced a plan to cut its purchasing expenses by seeking price reductions from its parts-suppliers – even though suppliers say that could lead to shifting more work overseas.
GM spokesman Tom Wickham told the Journal “If a supplier chooses to go to a low-cost country, that’s their prerogative.” In fact, GM is also seeking to develop more suppliers in low-cost countries.
The chairman of GM’s global supplier council said GM made “the very strong suggestion” to suppliers “that your global footprint needs to be in places like China, South Korea or India.”
“Wal-Mart has been telling suppliers to move to China to meet its price goals and is now buying 75% of merchandise overseas. Now GM plans to do the same thing,” says Jack Davis, Erie County industrialist and chairman of the Save American Jobs Association.
“No American industry front-loaded with the cost of regulations, fees and taxes and paying American wages can compete with Chinese prices. No American expects American workers to work for Chinese wages of pennies an hour and be housed in military style dormitories.”
“To stop the hemorrhage of jobs and industries we must abandon the flawed policies of globalization and free trade. We must cancel NAFTA, CAFTA, and the WTO and place trade-balancing tariffs on countries that sell us more products than they buy from us.”
More information at The Save American Jobs Association opposes offshore outsourcing and supports the use of tariffs, buy American provisions and other measures to promote American jobs, farms and industries.